Do you want Bryce Brown Back?

Want Brown Back at UT?

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Not only no, but heck no. How can you welcome a guy back who sits out spring practice on his own merit? Chances are, he's in the doghouse the whole fall for doing so anyway. The only way he passes Poole, Oku and Neal on the depth chart now is if he is way better than those three and he's not. He's also way behind with the new staff.

It would be harder for me to say this if he wasn't so overrated, but he is. Adios prima donna. :good!:

Look at the poll, you are obviously in the minority :good!:
He's a young kid who got screwed by the dumb ncaa rules that let a coach do whatever the heck he wants-but nails the student athelete. I would love for him to come back, and his teamates probably would too. Its the overweight couch potato fans that have all of the loyalty to the hill hangups.
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Yes...why are we even discussing this? If he wants to come back and the team wants him back then every fan should too bc he could help this team a great deal by coming back.
Rhetorical? Yes.

Anybody that says we're great at RB mistakes a list of names for depth and talent. Although not as bad, similar to our OL situation.
Thanks for voting against the Stimulus bill and Obamacare Heath.

As for Bryce Brown; I couldnt care less, but it damn sure couldnt hurt.
Of course my opinion is only that, my opinion and I don't know the circumstances around his actions this past Spring but from what I've seen, heard and read on various boards I DO NOT want him back. He may be the greatest thing since sliced bread but if he truly wanted to be ALL VOL he would have been on the field with his former teammates competing. I wish him the best of luck in his career just somewhere else. We don't need the added distractions.
It's bad enough when the pros skip practice, but at least they have years of experience and tend to do what's necessary to come in in-shape.

College kids skipping spring practice is just ridiculous, especially while a new playbook is being installed, so I voted "heck no"...
And those saying no are either lying or just stupid.

Or maybe they really just don't care. Maybe they view the guy as not good for the team. Sometimes ability is not the only thing a player brings to the table. They can sometimes lift a team or they can bring it down. Rodman was good for the Bulls because he respected Jordan and he "somewhat" stayed in line but he was not nearly as good for the Spurs and did not nearly bring as much to the table. On paper, BB looks great. But the ones who don't care, which I am one of, am not sure if his skills are worth the potential baggage.
i dont give a butt. however if he comes back he better get his arse into a gear unheard of because if i was a team mate he would have no respect from me being a diva and skipping out on spring practice.
I would like to see BB back because I think he has some unfinished business here at UT.
sure me too but its the fact that we may revisit the 2 backs able to dominate on the same day like the Cobb/Webb did. If Brown/Poole can be half as good we will win 8 games easily :rock:

Heath.. Do you really believe that BB holds that strong of a Key to us winning 8 games, especially with our O-line???? I sure remember the Cobb/Webb team running up the yards but they had a O-line to run behind
How many of us screwed up when we were his age? As for BB I think he's crazy to not come back. He can play here for two years and go pro. If he sits out a year he will have a wasted year. Maybe he thinks he's good enough to sit out a year and have a big year and then go pro! He's just a kid! Who knows what's going on in his mine! I wish him well with whatever decision he makes!
Tennessee is a better team with him on the squad. I don't think he returns. Not going through spring with the team probably has him in the dog house with those guys. He'd spell Poole more than likely and see limited minutes.
Yes, he has the talent needed to be a great player. All he needs is a good attitude and good work ethic!

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