Deficit up 17%

The impact on the deficit is worse under republican administrations. Spin it any way you wish.

You are correct in the short term, the 90's are a good example of how reduced tax rates eventually catch up. Especially when you have semi-responsible fiscal policy.

However, today we don't have anyone from either party willing to cut spending. Rs will reduce taxes and continue to spend, Ds will increase taxes and continue to spend.
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We always have the greatest rate of increase under republican administrations. Been true since before Carter.

you might want to take a look at the chart in the linked article - the rate of increase was considerably higher during parts of the Obama administration.
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Still much more fiscally responsible. (long term)
not at all. if the high taxes depress the economy, which Trump has proven was the case, it would not be responsible long term to have high(er) taxes.

we don't have a tax problem. we have a spending problem. until one side fixes the actual problem no one can claim to be "more conservative"
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Fiscally responsible is not the term I would use. Fiscally reckless is the term I would use and touting one side over the other is pointing to the shinniest turd in the box.
One side is more fiscally responsible than the other and the irony is that repubs. buy into the nonsense that it's their party.
But the rate of increase is always less under democratic administrations.
Of more relevance is who is in control of Congress, not the Oval. The last time in forever there was no budget deficit was with a Republican Congress, Democratic Presidency.
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Republicans sure do enjoy spending other people's money. Remember when Trump said he would eliminate the National Debt in eight years, just another broken promise in a long list of broken promises.

Yep, it's only the Republicans that like to spend OPM.
Republicans sure do enjoy spending other people's money. Remember when Trump said he would eliminate the National Debt in eight years, just another broken promise in a long list of broken promises.
Lol at you..... as if Dims don't. They're worse because they steal directly from you in the form of higher taxes.
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The white house, SCOTUS, House of Representatives and the Senate. Gonna be hard to blame democrats for this bs.

Both get the blame. They both spend money like drunken sailors on shore leave for the first time in a year.
Republicans sure do enjoy spending other people's money. Remember when Trump said he would eliminate the National Debt in eight years, just another broken promise in a long list of broken promises.
Oh you suddenly care about the deficit while they are still cutting your welfare checks? Come on.
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Republicans sure do enjoy spending other people's money. Remember when Trump said he would eliminate the National Debt in eight years, just another broken promise in a long list of broken promises.
You’ll need to give him 6 more years before you call it a lie.....
If you look at the chart you'll see it has been going up.

If we are going to have deficits I'd rather have them because people kept more of their money (revenue issues) than taxed and overspent (spending issue). The growth in spending line has been a steady upward, the revenue line had be flat and took a dip.

Happy day, you got both!

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