Daniel Hood on Pruitt compared to Butch

While I agree, does not mean a guaranteed fix.

SEC is full of ball coaches, Butch style was the exception in the league, not the norm.

We don't all of a sudden have something no one else has, we finally have what everyone else has had.

Me too.

I like getting back to playing SEC ball though. Maybe I won't sit and watch the games and go WTF all the time now.
We don't all of a sudden have something no one else has, we finally have what everyone else has had.

Well, I must say, I will be quite happy if it turns out that we have what Alabama, Georgia and FSU had while CJP was leading their defenses. Quite happy indeed. :eek:k:
Terrible analogy. He more than paid his due for a crime that he committed when he was 12 (?). He deserved a second chance and I'm glad he got one.. as are most reasonable people.

13 and his cousin has forgiven him.

Your last statement remains to be seen

Agree 100%...I'm not going to go all crazy and tell everyone about how we have a ball coach now and all that silly crap...Same stuff was said about the last 3 we had and they were disasters so i'm holding off getting all excited until the results start coming in.
Dammit to Hell, I am sick as Hell of this judgmental horse crap. Get it through your thick skull, the courts handled what he did as a minor. He has paid a heavy price for it, and has moved forward.

Why don't we have somebody dig into your past and find something crappy you did? Then we can post it all over the web so you get reminded of it till the day your putrid ass goes to the grave.

And just so you know, my housemaid is a bugler. And if she doesn't stop blowing reville at 6 AM every morning, I am firing her.
Lol, i wasnt given the "second chance" of playing football at the University of Tennessee. Not saying he should have been put to death, but when you make mistakes that large it tends to limit some things you can do in life. Nothing new, about the only place it doesnt matter is in Hollywood, sports and music. So we probably just have a different definition of second chances and how far that extents.
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Butch was a fraud trying to grasp for whatever ancillary thing he could to keep fans from realizing he was hopelessly out of his league coaching at the D1, P5 level, especially in the SEC. He gave it his best shot, no doubt that he worked as hard as he could, just didn’t have it in him. The “marketing guy” part was designed to fool fans as long as possible before he was “found out”. Good on him that he was able to stretch it out for 5 seasons and $20+ million from the UT AD coffers.
isn't that group we want to compete with????? so yeah, that should be the peer group we look at.

honestly, i i don't really care about the others. that's not who i'm looking to hang out with.

and still, going back to my original point, both of those guys were uber successful as assistants/coordinators and both (i think Muschamp won one somewhere, LSU?) have national titles as assistants/coordinators, which was where i was coming from originally...

agreed, and don't care.

a) chad morris was, again, a very successful OC at Clemson and b) he came from SMU.

as former successful assistants/coordinators that are now head coaches in the SEC, yes, i do.

i'm not trying to swim in the same pool as Luke.

as for disagreeing with me, that's fine. but you're disagreeing with me on a point i never tried to make.:good!:
Goodness, Jake. 'Guess you really like your Cheerios. About Morris, you're right and I'm wrong about his last school. I thought about it and said to myself "Hey, self. I think ol' Chadwick just left SMU and not TCU." 'Guess it's a three letter thang. Otherwise...lighten up, Francis. Your generalization, regardless of how finicky you got about making it work...just doesn't. In a nutshell: Five ain't fourteen and you could've been a little clearer about it. Nonetheless. I guess I'm just not that butt-tight serious about it, so sorry to've pee peed on your breakfast.
I didnt, thats irrelevant. You think i should be allowed to be in the Marine Corps with a violent rape on my record?

Many a young man that had violent histories in the juvenile court systems have served honorably in all branches of military service. I don't know how it is today but a few decades back, juvie records were sealed and not accessed by the military.
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Goodness, Jake. 'Guess you really like your Cheerios. About Morris, you're right and I'm wrong about his last school. I thought about it and said to myself "Hey, self. I think ol' Chadwick just left SMU and not TCU." 'Guess it's a three letter thang. Otherwise...lighten up, Francis. Your generalization, regardless of how finicky you got about making it work...just doesn't. In a nutshell: Five ain't fourteen and you could've been a little clearer about it. Nonetheless. I guess I'm just not that butt-tight serious about it, so sorry to've pee peed on your breakfast.
Just calling it like I see it without the condescending tone.

It's still not my fault you missed the whole point anyway. Later.
Neato feel good fluff right there. Kickoff please hurry.

I can't really believe any Vol fan that's been paying attention over the past decade would buy into any fluff about Pruitt. He may be the saving grace and do amazing things here. I'm not believing it until I see it in happening in real games. There is absolutely nothing objective enough for me to make a judgement until then. I'm just not going to eat up BS like I've done before.
I can't really believe any Vol fan that's been paying attention over the past decade would buy into any fluff about Pruitt. He may be the saving grace and do amazing things here. I'm not believing it until I see it in happening in real games. There is absolutely nothing objective enough for me to make a judgement until then. I'm just not going to eat up BS like I've done before.

There are always the few that are trying to pump themselves up with fluff, trying to create a scenerio that doesnt exist. But i think most people are just like you and i, skeptically optimisitc.

a person or thing intended to deceive others, typically by unjustifiably claiming or being credited with accomplishments or qualities.
"mediums exposed as tricksters and frauds"
So what was Butch doing when he was asked if he wanted to coach the University of Tennessee football team? Selling apples on a street corner? I don't think he misrepresented himself in that regard at all

I get it that you don't like the man, but he is hardly deserving of the label 'fraud'. He is/was a football coach. Maybe he was over his head here, but by no means was the man a fraud.
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a person or thing intended to deceive others, typically by unjustifiably claiming or being credited with accomplishments or qualities.
"mediums exposed as tricksters and frauds"

Butch Jones wasn't a fraud. UT...and the fans bought his act. That's not Butch's fault.

The day Butch was hired he couldn't talk enough about the 4 "championships" he won in 6 seasons as a coach.

The fans lapped it up. Remember "Butch gets it!"...all over this forum?

If anyone dared question those "championships" they were immediately labeled a nega-vol, etc.
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