Couple of crazy rumors floating around...

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How many of you "fire the coach" guys are the same that wanted Fulmer out? The same that secretly hope the Vols lose so you can spread negativity? The same section U & V guys that yell at people to sit down when they stand up?

I want my team to succeed and this petty lynch mob attitude is going to hurt recruiting and get us nothing but laughed at on national shows.
There is a fifth dimension beyond that which is known to man. It is a dimension as vast as space and as timeless as infinity. It is the middle ground between light and shadow, between science and superstition, and it lies between the pit of man's fears and the summit of his knowledge. This is the dimension of imagination. It is an area which we call the Tennessee Volunteer Football Zone.

Hey! Ain't you the VN poster who tried to start that rumor?

j/k. :)
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My source that just told me that the AD made some calls to Chip Kelly today. She said he will be coach for Alabama game.
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How many of you "fire the coach" guys are the same that wanted Fulmer out? The same that secretly hope the Vols lose so you can spread negativity? The same section U & V guys that yell at people to sit down when they stand up?

I want my team to succeed and this petty lynch mob attitude is going to hurt recruiting and get us nothing but laughed at on national shows.

Uh have you not been paying attention, all of this started after the OU game. After the Florida loss it got really bad on the national stage. Now when coaches screw up its called channeling their inner butch jones.
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There is a definition of journalism, but there is no set, universally agreed upon or codified set of standards and ethics like there are for various other jobs. Sure there are guidelines that "should" he followed, but you can't practice bad journalism and be barred from the profession or be forced to study up and pass a test on new standards. There are no laws governing what a "real" journalist can or can't do or how they do it. Taking a line from Jack Sparrow, "they're more like guidelines, really."

That's why there's debate on whether being a journal technically makes one a "professional" in the same way that doctors, lawyers, and engineers are professionals.

No can make you agree with them, but they are there.
Okay, this is an issue that Dave Hart needs to put to bed immediately. All he has to do is start an internal investigation. Interview the players who witnessed this so-called altercation and give them confidentiality. In other words, their testimony will not be shared with Butch unless he is removed. Get an affidavit if it is damning testimony.

If the players confirm there was an inappropriate altercation, remove Butch for cause immediately. Name one of the assistants the interim coach and start looking for a replacement.

If, however, this is all untrue, then Crowder should be removed from the team immediately, because a "no comment" is about the same as an accusation under these circumstances. He has been butt hurt since he lost his starting position and insubordination cannot be tolerated.

From years of teaching and working as an administrator in the UT System, I can safely assure you this ball is no longer in Dave Hart's court. The stakes are just too high to leave how this should transpire to his judgement alone. I am positive the UT legal team has been crawling all over this since very early Sunday evening. Their machinations probably had a lot to do with how Butch and Mr. Crowder responded to inquiries yesterday. This will unfold exactly as the legal team says it has to unfold. When will that happen? That depends on how many ducks they need to get in a row as a result of whatever their decision turns out to be. Regardless of how they orchestrate this ordeal, it will have come about from their having had to identify and select the least of the several evils at their disposal. Simply stated, this is a lose-lose for all, including us. VN needs to brace itself for some ugliness for the foreseeable future.
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From years of teaching and working as an administrator in the UT System, I can safely assure you this ball is no longer in Dave Hart's court. The stakes are just too high to leave how this should transpire to his judgement alone. I am positive the UT legal team has been crawling all over this since very early Sunday evening. Their machinations probably had a lot to do with how Butch and Mr. Crowder responded to inquiries yesterday. This will unfold exactly as the legal team says it has to unfold. When will that happen? That depends on how many ducks they need to get in a row as a result of whatever their decision turns out to be. Regardless of how they orchestrate this ordeal, it will have come about from their having had to identify and select the least of of the several evils at their disposal. Simply stated, this is a lose-lose for all, including us. VN needs to brace itself for some ugliness for the foreseeable future.

Sir most in this thread just started the wave based on your post. Myself hopes we kick Jawga ass and get some mo going into Ttown.
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That's exactly what I said. There is no codified set of ethics and there is no body that can enforce a set of ethics. There are many different sets of journalistic ethics and (outside of a state run media context) no body to enforce a particular set of ethics. Journalism is basically producing a consumer product.

So in a lot of ways there is no consensus on what journalistic ethics SHOULD be and there is no practical way to enforce those ethics. It's not black and white and that's part of the reason "bad journalism" is so common.
So crowder being a p#%## is going to get butch fired before he completely fails. lovely the curse continues. so much for any chance at 5 wins or a winning season.
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This is horrible. No matter how bad Jones is doing you would think most people would like some stability. It's not like we are getting blown out every game. We could easily be 4-1. Hopefully the players know that.
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There is no way the powers that be at UT would sit on their hands while this story rages if they could categorically deny the event taking place. They are plotting their next move, and if that move boils down to denying anything happened they are already a day late and dollar short. You don't let fires like this smolder unless you are still trying to find your position.
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Agreed f77f00......I hate to admit it and I hate what this means for the future of Tennessee Football........but there is obviously more to this than meets the eye :(
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