Coronavirus (No politics)

This is an excellent article and should be a must-read for anyone wanting to learn about the new variant

How effective are vaccines against omicron? An epidemiologist answers 6 questions

Despite the lowered effectiveness of vaccines against omicron, it is clear that vaccines do work and are among the greatest public health achievements. Vaccines have varying levels of effectiveness and are still useful.
So far, the top five symptoms of Omicron are:
  • runny nose
  • headache
  • fatigue (either mild or severe)
  • sneezing
  • sore throat
If you think you may have Covid, it is important to get tested. Even people who don't feel very ill can put others at risk.
If you have to go that far to figure it out then it's over. Use common sense and move on with our lives. This is done
Oh, come on. The difference is that it’s rude and obnoxious to pass on a cold if you can avoid it, vs. you can make someone terribly ill, perhaps fatally, if you pass on Covid to the wrong person.

If you don’t care about catching Covid, then I don’t either, I guess. But I do care if you catch it and pass it on to my 94-year-old mother or my newborn grandson with medical issues or my 71-year-old husband or my 67-year-old self.
Oh, come on. The difference is that it’s rude and obnoxious to pass on a cold if you can avoid it, vs. you can make someone terribly ill, perhaps fatally, if you pass on Covid to the wrong person.

If you don’t care about catching Covid, then I don’t either, I guess. But I do care if you catch it and pass it on to my 94-year-old mother or my newborn grandson with medical issues or my 71-year-old husband or my 67-year-old self.
So is it safe to assume that you have not been leaving your home, if you have any Covid symptoms, until you have taken a Covid test?
So is it safe to assume that you have not been leaving your home, if you have any Covid symptoms, until you have taken a Covid test?
Yep. If I have Covid, a test is not going to particularly change how I care for myself, other than being more alert for signs of something way worse than a cold.

But I’m sure as hell not going to take my germy self to my grocery store or neighborhood library or choir practice or church or hairdresser or whatever else and risk spreading Covid to someone vulnerable or to their loved ones. And so if I have symptoms, or if I think there’s a chance that I have been exposed, I will get tested before I go out and about.

Dear God in Heaven, why is this so hard to understand? Do we just not give a rat’s ass about anyone else anymore???
Oh, come on. The difference is that it’s rude and obnoxious to pass on a cold if you can avoid it, vs. you can make someone terribly ill, perhaps fatally, if you pass on Covid to the wrong person.

If you don’t care about catching Covid, then I don’t either, I guess. But I do care if you catch it and pass it on to my 94-year-old mother or my newborn grandson with medical issues or my 71-year-old husband or my 67-year-old self.
Same with many other illnesses like the flu. I said use common sense and move on. That's got to be the case is science can't distinguish omicron from the common cold or allergies.
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Yep. If I have Covid, a test is not going to particularly change how I care for myself, other than being more alert for signs of something way worse than a cold.

But I’m sure as hell not going to take my germy self to my grocery store or neighborhood library or choir practice or church or hairdresser or whatever else and risk spreading Covid to someone vulnerable or to their loved ones. And so if I have symptoms, or if I think there’s a chance that I have been exposed, I will get tested before I go out and about.

Dear God in Heaven, why is this so hard to understand? Do we just not give a rat’s ass about anyone else anymore???

Are you bad at reading? I didn't ask if you have Covid. I would agree you are an ass if you knowingly have Covid and are running around. I asked if you stayed home when you have a symptom until you have a test.
Same with many other illnesses like the flu. I said use common sense and move on. That's got to be the case is science can't distinguish omicron from the common cold or allergies.
Science can most certainly distinguish Covid, including the omicron variant, from flu or allergies. Don’t be absurd.

And flu doesn’t kill anywhere near the numbers that Covid does.

“Common sense” for dealing with a highly transmissible disease with a higher rate of serious illness and death means: get vaccinated, wear masks (real masks, not bandannas etc.) during outbreaks, keep some distance from others, especially indoors, pull back from others (stay home) if you’re symptomatic or have probably been exposed until you can get tested.

Eventually Covid will probably fade down to an endemic background disease like flu that causes misery - and yes, death - to those it hits. But we are not there yet. And until the virus weakens significantly, I would not rather deal with serious illness or long Covid or even long term loss of smell and taste if I can avoid it.

And I CERTAINLY do not want to pass it on to others and cause them significant illness and even death.
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Are you bad at reading? I didn't ask if you have Covid. I would agree you are an ass if you knowingly have Covid and are running around. I asked if you stayed home when you have a symptom until you have a test.
Umm, are you bad at reading? I specifically answered this:
And so if I have symptoms, or if I think there’s a chance that I have been exposed, I will get tested before I go out and about.
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Umm, are you bad at reading? I specifically answered this:
So for the past 18 months you haven't left your house, with out being tested, when you had a runny nose? And that's it. When you only had a slight cough? When you ate something that didn't sit well and had diarrhea? I call bs.

And I read your nonsense and noticed you started by going off on known to be positive, close contact, or multiple symptoms. None of which is what I asked.
Science can most certainly distinguish Covid, including the omicron variant, from flu or allergies. Don’t be absurd.

And flu doesn’t kill anywhere near the numbers that Covid does.

“Common sense” for dealing with a highly transmissible disease with a higher rate of serious illness and death means: get vaccinated, wear masks (real masks, not bandannas etc.) during outbreaks, keep some distance from others, especially indoors, pull back from others (stay home) if you’re symptomatic or have probably been exposed until you can get tested.

Eventually Covid will probably fade down to an endemic background disease like flu that causes misery - and yes, death - to those it hits. But we are not there yet. And until the virus weakens significantly, I would not rather deal with serious illness or long Covid or even long term loss of smell and taste if I can avoid it.

And I CERTAINLY do not want to pass it on to others and cause them significant illness and even death.
I'm talking about the current variant that showed this is fading. Without sequencing there is no noticable difference between it and a common cold. Masks are not common sense and that has been shown many times. The vax is not doing much against this mild strain and really doesn't need to be. This desire to test, mask and vax everyone is insane. It's your right to continue of you wish but it's about time society learns to move on. This virus has done incalculable damage to every facet of our lives and our children's.
So for the past 18 months you haven't left your house, with out being tested, when you had a runny nose? And that's it. When you only had a slight cough? When you ate something that didn't sit well and had diarrhea? I call bs.
I’ve been surprisingly healthy the last 18 months, thanks. But sure, as someone with allergies who can tell the difference between allergic rhinitis and infectious rhinitis, I’ve left the house with allergies. And when I developed a cough (in the context of asthma), I did go to the doctor to be tested for Covid.

I think that you are doing some version of reductio ad absurbum here. To quote mad4vols original post, “If you think you may have Covid, it is important to get tested.” The original statement wasn’t that if you have a drippy nose, you get tested. It put that drippy nose in the context of whether you think you might have been exposed to Covid, and now you might be showing symptoms.
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I'm talking about the current variant that showed this is fading. Without sequencing there is no noticable difference between it and a common cold. Masks are not common sense and that has been shown many times. The vax is not doing much against this mild strain and really doesn't need to be. This desire to test, mask and vax everyone is insane. It's your right to continue of you wish but it's about time society learns to move on. This virus has done incalculable damage to every fact of our lives and our children's.
Again, the difference is between accepting your own risk and accepting your potential responsibility for causing harm to others.
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I’ve been surprisingly healthy the last 18 months, thanks. But sure, as someone with allergies who can tell the difference between allergic rhinitis and infectious rhinitis, I’ve left the house with allergies. And when I developed a cough (in the context of asthma), I did go to the doctor to be tested for Covid.

I think that you are doing some version of reductio ad absurbum here. To quote mad4vols original post, “If you think you may have Covid, it is important to get tested.” The original statement wasn’t that if you have a drippy nose, you get tested. It put that drippy nose in the context of whether you think you might have been exposed to Covid, and now you might be showing symptoms.
Lol you can tell the difference my ass. Lol. Hahahaha. So absurd. So you do what you want and justify it. You are a bigger hypocrite then those you are complaining about. You think Fauci thinks you can "tell the difference?"
Lol you can tell the difference my ass. Lol. Hahahaha. So absurd. So you do what you want and justify it. You are a bigger hypocrite then those you are complaining about. You think Fauci thinks you can "tell the difference?"
I have no idea what Fauci thinks.

But if you have allergies, and you have had colds, you can most certainly tell the difference between allergy drips and the onset of a cold. Good grief.
I have no idea what Fauci thinks.

But if you have allergies, and you have had colds, you can most certainly tell the difference between allergy drips and the onset of a cold. Good grief.
lol again. So you accept the science you want. Which cdc directive, WHO directive, or NIH directive gives this advice? That if you have allergies you know and are good? None. You are a hypocrite like those you are complaining about. You are not following the guidance. That's the point. And you know you aren't. But justify it. I am not saying you should follow the guidance. I'm just not judging others.
I wonder what you think. Do you think there are zero instances of someone writing off their symptoms as typical allergies, and then they infected a loved one, and that loved one died? You think that never happened? Stop looking down at people.
lol again. So you accept the science you want. Which cdc directive, WHO directive, or NIH directive gives this advice? That if you have allergies you know and are good? None. You are a hypocrite like those you are complaining about. You are not following the guidance. That's the point. And you know you aren't. But justify it. I am not saying you should follow the guidance. I'm just not judging others.
I wonder what you think. Do you think there are zero instances of someone writing off their symptoms as typical allergies, and then they infected a loved one, and that loved one died? You think that never happened? Stop looking down at people.
I believe that it has happened. I believe that we do the best that we can do. I believe that there have been a lot of exasperating and contradictory moves by various agencies, but that there is an underlying steady message regarding the risks of Covid and how to address them. I believe that I replied to PJ, not to you, and that you jumped in and derailed a discussion. I believe that perhaps you should stop looking down on people who believe differently than you.

And I know, not believe, that I am going to bed now, and I hope that you and yours are well and remain so and have a happy Christmas and New Year, and that people who dismiss Covid and precautions will stay far away from me and mine, including my 8-day-old grandson with only one functioning kidney, who cannot afford to catch Covid. Good night.
I believe that it has happened. I believe that we do the best that we can do. I believe that there have been a lot of exasperating and contradictory moves by various agencies, but that there is an underlying steady message regarding the risks of Covid and how to address them. I believe that I replied to PJ, not to you, and that you jumped in and derailed a discussion. I believe that perhaps you should stop looking down on people who believe differently than you.

And I know, not believe, that I am going to bed now, and I hope that you and yours are well and remain so and have a happy Christmas and New Year, and that people who dismiss Covid and precautions will stay far away from me and mine, including my 8-day-old grandson with only one functioning kidney, who cannot afford to catch Covid. Good night.
I wish nothing but the best for you. And I am confident that there is someone who also had a grandson with one kidney who wishes you stay home when you have a symptom. Even when you think it's allergies. And I am pretending to judge you and most like you. Who pretend to live in an ivory tower of purity but then openly admit they are frauds. I hope you and yours stay healthy, have a merry Christmas and happy holidays, and get to spend time together. Judging people sucks. Maybe we should all stop doing it. Hey maybe that's the point I was going for.
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I’ll object to the whole “pretending to live in an ivory tower of purity” bit, as you don’t know me from boo, and I’m pretty sure that you are addressing a stereotype instead, and you don’t know what precautions I take, and what knowledge I do and do not have. Just as I don’t know the same about you.

But that’s just wrangling.

Peace be unto you and yours.
Florida COVID-19 cases increasing after dropping significantly since August

Florida will have approximately 20,000 COVID-19 cases per day by next week.

However, there is some promising news for people who are vaccinated and boosted.

"The studies that have come out now say that the t-cells, which are the second line of defense, still work very well against the omicron variant, and what that means is that you’re not really going to be able to fight off the infection, you’re going to get infected, and you’re probably going to get some cold symptoms for a few days, and then the t-cells are going to kick in and clear the infection out, you’re never going to get really, really sick," said Unnasch.

He says people who are boosted and get infected will likely be asymptomatic and contagious for 48 hours or less. Unnasch added that even though people who are fully vaccinated or boosted can still be infected, the symptoms will likely be minor or unnoticeable.
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