China Threatens War With The U.S.


Franklin Pierce

Well-Known Member
May 4, 2014
The US is set for a devastating confrontation with China and should be prepared for war if it attempts to block Beijing in the South China Sea, state media has warned.

Prospective US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson was told to watch his mouth by the Chinese government mouthpiece after the former ExxonMobil CEO told US senators that he would seek to deny Beijing access to the artificial islands they have been building in the South China Sea.

China's actions in the region are comparable to Russia's invasion of Crimea, he said, a comment that did not sit well with the nuclear-armed Asian giant.

If Tillerson acted on his threats, Chinese state-owned China Daily warned 'it would set a course for devastating confrontation between China and the US'.

Satellite photos show China has been hard at work building military facilities in the contested waters, which are also claimed by the Philippines and Vietnam, among others.

Tillerson, however, explicitly said that the territories 'are not rightfully China's.'

Read more: US should be prepared for WAR if it blocks Beijing in the South China Sea warn media | Daily Mail Online
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Zero chance of happening, their economy is completely dependent on the US importa of their goods and they hold a lot of our debt
If this every did happen, anyone owning even 1 or 2 bitcoins would become wealty almost overnight.
It would be a short we because China's population is concentrated into Beijing, Shanghai, and Hong Kong. Hong Kong is trying to gain independence, so they don't want any involvement. Tibet would actually help us.
Maybe our companies that moved manufacturing to China are finally getting a wake up call. Too late for the idiots that let the Chinese get a foothold in the Panama Canal. The Chinese have projects including their first overseas military base in Djibouti - that covers the southern entrance to the Red Sea and Suez Canal. Hopefully we'll have an administration that pays attention to strategic matters more than partying with and handing out Medals of Freedom to celebrities.
China's not going to war with their bank.

Actually, the other way around. China is the US bank and they're tired of the petro dollar and are shifting it to the yuan.

The U.S. debt to China is $1.115 trillion, as of October 2016. That's 29 percent of the $3.841 trillion in Treasury bills, notes, and bonds held by foreign countries. The rest of the $19.9 trillion debt is owned by either the American people or by the U.S. government itself.
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Maybe our companies that moved manufacturing to China are finally getting a wake up call. Too late for the idiots that let the Chinese get a foothold in the Panama Canal. The Chinese have projects including their first overseas military base in Djibouti - that covers the southern entrance to the Red Sea and Suez Canal. Hopefully we'll have an administration that pays attention to strategic matters more than partying with and handing out Medals of Freedom to celebrities.

Unbelievable how blind the average libtard is to reality.
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Actually, the other way around. China is the US bank and they're tired of the petro dollar and are shifting it to the yuan.

The U.S. debt to China is $1.115 trillion, as of October 2016. That's 29 percent of the $3.841 trillion in Treasury bills, notes, and bonds held by foreign countries. The rest of the $19.9 trillion debt is owned by either the American people or by the U.S. government itself.

U.S. currency in slow collapse as Chinese yuan quietly replaces the petrodollar

Goodbye Petrodollar: Russia Accepts Yuan, Is Now China's Biggest Oil Partner

Most of that 19.9 trillion is owed to the Social Security fund.
China's debt is through the roof, and all they have to show for it is alibaba and a bunch of ghost cities
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Maybe our companies that moved manufacturing to China are finally getting a wake up call. Too late for the idiots that let the Chinese get a foothold in the Panama Canal. The Chinese have projects including their first overseas military base in Djibouti - that covers the southern entrance to the Red Sea and Suez Canal. Hopefully we'll have an administration that pays attention to strategic matters more than partying with and handing out Medals of Freedom to celebrities.

Well, one way that China has been able to shoehorn their way into situations is that the Chinese offer to build up the local infrastructure and offer mutually beneficial trade deals. Meanwhile, we offer IMF loans that allows us to take control of their local resources or we just use gunboat diplomacy and just threaten countries.
**** China, they can't afford a trade war w us. They would be ****ing toast

Where is this sentiment coming from? China has 1.2 billion people. They can replace our 320 million market with domestic sales, not to mention the new opportunities in SE and SW Asia with the new Silk Road/Silk Belt. That is why the Chinese are in the South China Sea. They cannot afford to have the US/NATO blockade the Straits of Malacca. That is the main thoroughfare for energy coming to China (oil) and exports leaving China.
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So, is China ready to write off the American debt in favor of some beachfront property on manmade islands?

I think most people (outside for most average Americans and the establishment politicians that Trump has been fighting) realize that we cannot pay back the debt and will default. If Trump is smart, he will default or restructure our debt. China wouldn't be affected as much because they have been gradually transitioning from holding US treasuries in their reserves to gold. The Saudis and ME countries that have been trading oil for treasuries over the last 45 years or so will be the big losers if this occurs, however. But I think we will tell them to just kick rocks, whether that's right or not.

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