Carter Page: Russian Spy, US Spy, or Useful Idiot?

Even taking this at face value it is stupid. We know that Carter Page was first the subject of a FISA warrant in 2014. Unlike the October 2016 warrant, we don’t know why or for how long. We also don’t know if he was a subject of any other surveillance operation. We can bet, with a high degree of certainty, that if he was under surveillance by the US in 2014 that he was probably also under surveillance by the Brits during his trips to Europe. Even so, Page leaving the Trump campaign does not mean that he wasn’t used of carry out surveillance on the Trump campaign. Page continued to have contact with campaign and transition and those conversations would have been covered. While it is convenient to the surveillance denialists to focus on “wire tapping,” FISA surveillance is not limited to that. Smartphones, computers, etc., are all subject to surveillance. This means that any meeting Page was in was almost certainly recorded via his smartphone.

But this is all a smokescreen by people who pimped the collusion hoax to downplay what Barr is talking about. Barr isn’t talking exclusively about the Carter Page FISA warrant. He isn’t even talking exclusively about the actions of the FBI.

Right now it seems as though that efforts were made to insert an FBI and MI6 asset, Cambridge academic Stefan Halper, into the Trump campaign. Halper made overtures to Carter Page, Sam Clovis, and George Papadopoulos. And we know this via leaks to the New York Times:
Halper seems to have tried to insert himself as both a confidant and agent provocateur. What is particularly interesting is how Halper seems to have connived to have Michael Flynn accused of having a “personal” relationship with a Russian asset.​


We're supposed to believe that Carter Page has been under surveillance since 2013 for being a Russian asset yet hasn't been charged with anything?
You can believe what you want bham. First off he has not been under surveillance since 2013. If you believe that then every conclusion you make is wrong. So what do you believe?
Jesus man come on. Just for a minute take whatever bit of pride you have in this and let it go.
I can't help your ignorance. Obama did not direct the FBI to investigate the Trump Campaign. Believing that without anything to back it up is the definition of ignorance.
“‘‘Tis but a flesh wound..”
I can't help your ignorance. Obama did not direct the FBI to investigate the Trump Campaign. Believing that without anything to back it up is the definition of ignorance.
Time will tell how far up the ladder she goes. I wonder what Strzock meant when he texted that the President "wants to know everything we're doing."
Time will tell how far up the ladder she goes. I wonder what Strzock meant when he texted that the President "wants to know everything we're doing."

Probably meant that the President pays attention during his daily briefing and asks questions.
Probably meant that the President pays attention during his daily briefing and asks questions.
Probably means that the Obamas and Valerie Jarrett came up with the plan from resistance headquarters in their D.C. home with Bill and Hillary helping to flesh it out. I would say they covered their tracks pretty well, though.

Nobody has ever come out of the Chicago Democratic machine who isn't as crooked as a dog's hind leg. That's just the way it is.
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