Butch has faith - Do You?

I have hope... but I do not have anything yet to merit "faith". I want to have faith... but I need to see some real signs of improvement and not just hear promises.

I'm with you, I want to have faith in Butch Jones, but I've been a fan since the mid 60's so I want to see more than just recruiting (I know it starts here)

I do hope Jones can win all Vol fans confidence very soon....say at least by 2016
I don't think God has an impact on our football games, but why do people get their jimmies so rustled over him being a Christian? People have freedom of religion, there's nothing wrong with being outspoken about it, and it shouldn't be viewed as offensive or inappropriate on a message board. As a Christian myself, I think I need to improve on being an example and letting my light shine. But if others of a different religion (or even lack thereof) express their beliefs and opinions, that's fine with me too. Live and let live.
Because God has nothing else to do other than help the Tennessee Football program rise from the ashes and win championships....after that maybe poverty inequality, Ebola, and world hunger.

Well at least you have your priorities right:}
Ironic every team prays before the game to win. I guess god flips a coin to decide who wins this time? We havent been too lucky with those coin tosses!

Haha....I've been a part of sports and team prayers for close to 45 years...,NEVER, EVER, EVER heard one word uttered in prayer to God to "help us win"....
"The measure of who we are is what we do with what we have."
Vince Lombardi

CBJ, throughout his coaching career, has proven he is an effective recruiter; however, no matter how much a coach recruits talent; the development of skill is a different coaching responsibility. For CBJ to have been an offensive specialist as he rose in coaching ranks, it's past time to strategize with what he has to produce wins. Good PR is a wonderful feeling; don't we all feel good when the VOLS prevail! Upcoming wins should be put away in the first column or all the great recruiting claims look good.....on paper.
I don't have any faith. There are only two guarantees in life, death and taxes. Nobody really knows what happens after you die. The people who claim to see a white light were suffering from oxygen deprivation.

You sure about that? Staking your eternal destiny on it.....,at least your thinking about it.,,,
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Butch is a winner, and we need to stand with him because he will take us where we need to be. Just have faith.

CBJ went through hard times at Cincinnati but his faith kept him grounded until he was able to turn the Bearcats around.

His mantra of building this program "Brick by Brick" is rooted in the scripture Nehemiah 2:18:

And I told them of the hand of my God that had been upon me for good, and also of the words that the king had spoken to me. And they said, “Let us rise up and build.” So they strengthened their hands for the good work.

I'm glad my coach loves the Lord like I do, because his reward will be our reward, too.


Lol. You post a spiritual thread with a half naked chick as your avi. Good stuff! And what does his religious beliefs have to do with his winning or not.

I love the way Butch recruits but the jury is still out on his game management skills. In fact... I fell like thus far he's lost more winnable games while here than he's won. You can't simply rely on out talenting our opponents. Especially not when you play in the sec. All our opponents have great talent. You've got to out scheme people and pick your opportunities to take chances. We are way too conservative thus far. We'll see what happens
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I would hope God's Game plan would give us a better record than 3-5.

Wait...God hates us??!? That would explain the past several seasons.
I'm glad my coach loves the Lord like I do, because his reward will be our reward, too.


Where do I enter my routing number for a direct deposit. Seriously, I have faith that God will be there for those who truly need him possibly in ways we may not understand...but not for college football games. It is a joke to think otherwise and more than that its arrogant to think that you know otherwise. I have a love for God and for UT football but if my God is intervening in petty sporting events and not in the lives of people who desperately pray for him to ease their suffering then I would be utterly confused. And don't tell me I'm confused because that would only further support an arrogant attitude.
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Great post OP.. wish I could hit like more then once because the thread deserves it.

But if you are trying to turn the idiot Negavols around, you wasting your time.

When Butch wins the east next year they will still be complaining about how it should have been a National Championship.. or how the play calling kept us from winning by more points. Or how if he played a different QB we would have made it into the playoffs. Or some idiotic thing they claim because they can see the future and what would have happened in their armchair coaches crystal ball.
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Where do I enter my routing number for a direct deposit. Seriously, I have faith that God will be there for those who truly need him possibly in ways we may not understand...but not for college football games. It is a joke to think otherwise and more than that its arrogant to think that you know otherwise. I have a love for God and for UT football but if my God is intervening in petty sporting events and not in the lives of people who desperately pray for him to ease their suffering then I would be utterly confused. And don't tell me I'm confused because that would only further support an arrogant attitude.

It is a joke to think that god does not do things for people that believe and trust in him.. while he may not care about football in itself, he cares about the people that play the sport. If whats best for those people is to do well in football so they can go on to the NFL to help further spread his love to the masses.. then he will help further that goal, which could be to help them win a ball game.

Maybe helping UT win.. helps a player go to the NFL and make a lot of money, which in turn that player starts a foundation in which the money goes to help those that are suffering and praying for relief.

And then you talk about arrogance... what is arrogant is to think you know anything about what god thinks and what his overall plan is for anybody or anything. Which includes whether or not he cares about football.
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I'm glad my coach loves the Lord like I do, because his reward will be our reward, too.


Where do I enter my routing number for a direct deposit. Seriously, I have faith that God will be there for those who truly need him possibly in ways we may not understand...but not for college football games. It is a joke to think otherwise and more than that its arrogant to think that you know otherwise. I have a love for God and for UT football but if my God is intervening in petty sporting events and not in the lives of people who desperately pray for him to ease their suffering then I would be utterly confused. And don't tell me I'm confused because that would only further support an arrogant attitude.[/QUOTE]

So God only has the ability to help those who are praying? How nice of you to put limits on God. It's also arrogant to think that you know Gods actions and reasons.
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You sure about that? Staking your eternal destiny on it.....,at least your thinking about it.,,,

Pascal said that exact same thing during the Renaissance. Honestly, I don't have a damn clue if there is an afterlife or not.

We drink, we get laid, we die.
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I don't have any faith. There are only two guarantees in life, death and taxes. Nobody really knows what happens after you die. The people who claim to see a white light were suffering from oxygen deprivation.

Claim by you: people who claim to see a white light were suffering from oxygen deprivation.

Burden of proof is on you. Please provide proof that every person who has claimed to see a white light is doing so ONLY because of oxygen deprivation.

I will await your proof.
Sometimes I feel like I'm in the dark. I struggle every day like a lot of people, but I have my faith to get me through and I am a happier person for that. And I believe in the power of prayer. As I have related before, my first wife was of but modest bosom and when that marriage ended I prayed, if it be God's will, that that he find me a well endowed woman. And my prayers were answered and for that I am very happy in the Lord. I just hope people can see that having faith is a good thing to have in their lives.

This guy is an internet treasure. Bold takes the cake.
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Claim by you: people who claim to see a white light were suffering from oxygen deprivation.

Burden of proof is on you. Please provide proof that every person who has claimed to see a white light is doing so ONLY because of oxygen deprivation.

I will await your proof.

It must be high school debate team again.

Here's your proof and shove it up your pooper:
Why We See The White Light Near Death - YouTube

Here's an article also: Near-Death Experiences Linked to Oxygen Deprivation

An NDE( near death experience) is actually the last resort for your brain cells to survive due to oxygen deprivation. It stimulates your visual cortex, that would cause the white light or dark tunnel. It also puts a bunch of endorphins into your brain to make you feel at calm.

It's not proof of the afterlife. I'll do my shove it dance now. :pepper::pepper::pepper::pepper::neener::neener: :neener:
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It must be high school debate team again.

Here's your proof and shove it up your pooper:
Why We See The White Light Near Death - YouTube

Here's an article also: Near-Death Experiences Linked to Oxygen Deprivation

An NDE( near death experience) is actually the last resort for your brain cells to survive due to oxygen deprivation. It stimulates your visual cortex, that would cause the white light or dark tunnel. It also puts a bunch of endorphins into your brain to make you feel at calm.

It's not proof of the afterlife. I'll do my shove it dance now. :pepper::pepper::pepper::pepper::neener::neener: :neener:

You might want to get a little more current info

Near-death experiences may not be hallucinations after all - Salon.com

Largest-yet study describes near-death experiences | Human World | EarthSky

The top one says that the NDE starts when the heart stop. It would mean that the oxygen in the blood is not getting to the brain. Heart pumps blood all over the body, that blood carries oxygen to the brain. The blood is like a city bus, and the heart is where the bus head quarters is. If headquarters is down, how would the blood be pumped?
The bottom one suggests more studies on carridac arrest patients, whom are deprived of oxygen.

Neither one suggest anything about why the visions are what they are. The bottom suggests that the brain brings up memories of the past. Not surprising that there is a section of the brain that stores memories. They found that out a long time ago, then Electro Shock Therapy was a common procedure.

Both articles prove my point actually, NDEs are caused by Oxygen deprivation. They studied CARDIAC ARREST PATIENTS, and it doesn't take a doctor to say Oxygen Deprive.

I'll add this. The state of mind does effect hallucinations, just ask a guy who ever did acid.

Dancing again.. :pepper::pepper::pepper::pepper::pepper: :neener::neener::neener::neener::neener:

Btw, I know I'm acting like an ass.
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God's purpose for Jones may not include success at UT. If he has not already accepted that possibility then he isn't a godly man. Sometimes... the answer is "no".

I hope "no" waits until we win the next five games.

Wow. I didn't even have time to post "inb4 outspoken atheists get here" before they piled on.

Yea, the mention the God in any way gets them riled up. They don't want to hear it or be reminded of there Creator......we're all here by circumstance, a big boom happened then we were a fish...which evolved to a monkey....and now we are man! That's Faith there.
Yea, the mention the God in any way gets them riled up. They don't want to hear it or be reminded of there Creator......we're all here by circumstance, a big boom happened then we were a fish...which evolved to a monkey....and now we are man! That's Faith there.

Evolution is actually provable. The Pope is actually on board with it. We did not randomly pop up 6,000 years ago.
I don't know if there is a God or not, but the only God that might exist is the God Particle.

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