Butch has faith - Do You?

I have participated in prayers for players safety, the Lord's Prayer, or that we all glorify God with our actions, but do not recall ever hearing a prayer for victory. Don't let that stop you from mocking someone's beliefs though.

It won't. :hi:
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You can pray for anything you like so long as you are willing to accept an answer that you may not like.

Does God bless as He sees fit? Yes. Does He play "favorites" in the sense you seem to mean? That's a very, very deep question. I would ask you to consider if you or an ISIL conscript chose where you would be born or what influences would impact your life and decisions. Better than listening to me though, take a look at Romans 9:10-24... or the whole chapter if you like. It isn't an easy text and truly makes unbelievers think they've found a way to declare God unjust. But for a believer and in the context of the whole of Scripture... it helps us understand things we often don't... or at least accept them.

Is it Romans 8 or is it 9 in which Paul pretty much sums up all of the belief of Christianity where he basically says, and I am paraphrasing..."I want to do right but my mind and my desires keep me from it, I screw up so much, I don't want to but I cant help but screw up, and God loves me through it all"

So in my mind playing favorites isn't in Gods agenda, the love of God is for all. The love of God is equal for the murdered, the rapist, and the deacon. So does God have a favorite football team....I doubt it.
Because God has nothing else to do other than help the Tennessee Football program rise from the ashes and win championships....after that maybe poverty inequality, Ebola, and world hunger.

Oh man. Was this a strange response. And at the same time, awesome! If brevity is the key to wit, you win...
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Oh man. Was this a strange response. And at the same time, awesome! If brevity is the key to wit, you win...

I truly believe that if God wanted a particular team to win so be it...however, I think there is enough wrong in the world today that the SEC and college football are not on Gods to do list today.

On a side note, after the last decade of UT football I kind feel like I can relate to the Jews in the desert
I have been saying for weeks that Jones is a buzz cut Moses leading the Volites out of the tyranny and oppression of Dooleytollah Khomeini.
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If Butch Jones starts Worley over Dobbs, it will be because he does not want to face the questions if Dobbs wins. Sad........

You don't replace a 7 game starter after he misses 1 game due to injuries. Maybe do like T A & M and open the QB competition if you want to and let the chips fall where they may. Or have Dobbs come in a wildcat situation. Granted he looked very good but, ......... he has only played in 1 game. To me Dobbs is not the issue, what are we doing wasting our time with Peterman ?? GO VOLS ...... :rock:
hallelujah...brethren of Volnation we are coming out of the desert.....No ever'body put cho hands togetha fo Sexual Chocolate....yeahhhhh...praise the lawd....Sexual Chocolate.
Is it Romans 8 or is it 9 in which Paul pretty much sums up all of the belief of Christianity where he basically says, and I am paraphrasing..."I want to do right but my mind and my desires keep me from it, I screw up so much, I don't want to but I cant help but screw up, and God loves me through it all"

So in my mind playing favorites isn't in Gods agenda, the love of God is for all. The love of God is equal for the murdered, the rapist, and the deacon. So does God have a favorite football team....I doubt it.

That's Romans 7. At one time I had memorized the first 9 chapters of Romans and part of 10. I still remember where things are but not the text verbatim.

Oh, I'm not saying he has a "favorite" in the sense that you and I do... only that everything matters to God. According to the Bible he cares for flowers in the field even if no one ever sees them but Him.
Results based faith is no faith at all, brother!

Yes... and no. Blind faith has very little worth. Belief only in what has been revealed is not faith at all.

Intelligent faith is the "evidence" of things not yet seen... but it IS based on the evidence of promises kept.

I have not seen enough of Jones' promises kept yet for me to have faith that he can get UT to the top.
I do not want to turn this into a negative argument... but you know that I could give a counterpoint to each of those things in actual results.

I want to see quality wins against quality programs and coaches. I want to see this staff close games like UF and UGA out.

Maybe what I see as an objective worthy of "faith" is different from you. Do I have "faith" that Jones once he's loaded the team with talent can get back to winning 7-10 games per year? Sure. That's not what I want UT to have. I want to see championships. I want to see UT dominate the East.

I have not seen what I need to have faith that Jones can get the Vols to the top.

OK. Fair enough. But what makes you believe that he will NOT win championships and close out games when he gets better players than he had vs. FL and GA?
With Freshmen and guys playing out of position on the OL, the Florida DL and LBs completely ran over and around them. You can always argue about an adjustment here and there, but those are matters of opinion. Many more options are available when you have the players.
Cool pic. The man in the picture with Coach Jones is our team Chaplain, Roger Woods. He was my high school basketball coach at Silverdale in Chattanooga. He came from Lithonia, Georgia. One of the greatest men I have ever met, a mentor and a true role model of mine. He's winning many souls for Christ on our football team, and for that we are truly winning.
I mean no offense and I am a believer too...however...what happens when bammers and vols pray for different outcomes....does the almighty play favorites?

Sorry if this offends anyone, but God does not care about football, He cares about the hearts and souls of people and wishes that all would come to Him.

"For God so loved the world (the people in the world) that He gave His only Son, so that whoever should believe, will not perish, but have everlasting life!"
Can we please start winning some games.. Again he is an employee of the university nothing more.. He is paid to perform.

Its good he is not a prick but fact is if he was winning now n didn't show his faith we wouldn't care
Yours also? What you just said... is a statement of "faith".

I don't have any faith. There are only two guarantees in life, death and taxes. Nobody really knows what happens after you die. The people who claim to see a white light were suffering from oxygen deprivation.
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I don't have any faith. There are only two guarantees in life, death and taxes. Nobody really knows what happens after you die. The people who claim to see a white light were suffering from oxygen deprivation.

Prove it?:question::)
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