BTO’s Auburn Postgame Report

Great win last night, in an electric atmosphere at TBA. NCAA Elite 8 tournament feel to this game as both teams played hard, competitive, and wanted to win. DK was out of his mind 2nd half and Auburn threw everything that had at him. I want to point out that DK’s conditioning is really showing as he is getting held, bumped, and hacked about every possession and he is still effective. Our bigs played just well enough to counter Broome. By the way, he’s legit and plays like an old school post player, but still can step out and hit the 3. Auburn hit some big shots, but at the end of the day, we had DK and they did not. Go Vols! Beat Bama! In Barnes we trust as always!
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1. What a phenomenal game, would’ve sucked losing that one obviously but really it’s sucks for either team, both teams played great and that felt like a battle of Elite 8 type teams. Both teams threw some punches and went on runs, and both teams responded with their own runs and got the lead back, this one felt like ultimately it came down to we had Dalton Knecht and they did not.

2. Speaking of, obviously I’ve gave him his praise in the past but have tried to avoid being a broken record and pointing him out every game, but no way I can ignore todays performance, specifically the 2nd half run he had. Tennessee went down 8 with 12 minutes left to play and Dalton Knecht proceeded to score 25 points, including an 8 minute stretch he dropped 23 points on 9-10 shooting, it was amazing. We’ve seen Grant & Lofton in recent memory, Grant did most his work down low and while he would drive sometimes majority of Lofton’s work came from 3, Knecht really scores at all 3 levels at an elite level unlike any of those guys were able to. I’m not sure how far this team goes, but having a guy like that on your roster is not something many teams have, and is an absolute weapon.

3. Through much of the first half of the season we’ve talked about our struggles against elite big men, Aidoo & Awaka have improved throughout the year and tonight was another test for them going against Broome. While Broome singularly won the statistical battle, combined those guys did more than hold their own. Aidoo & Awaka combined for 23 & 12 on 9-13 FG, Broome & Cardwell combined for 23 & 10 on 9-18 FG. So yes Broome won the battle and showed he’s probably the better big man, but our 2 bigs overall won the battle and outplayed their bigs, something that they weren’t doing earlier in the year against elite bigs. They don’t have to be great, or best those guys, but when we run into one of those bigs we need them to hold their own much like they did tonight.

4. Zeigler had a first 15 minutes I’m sure he would love to forget, but to his credit and much like we’d all expect he responded well and put together a solid game. He had 4 turnovers in about the first 10 minutes, and then finishes the game with 17 points 9 assists 4 rebounds and 4 turnovers, and hitting some huge free throws late while struggling at the line earlier in the game. I thought Auburn’s scout and guards gave him some fits early on for sure but thought he adjusted well and had himself a solid game.

5. We’ve talked about this gauntlet of a 4 game stretch to end the year, have said 2-2 wouldn’t be a shock at all and you’d gladly take anything better, well starting out 1-0 definitely takes some pressure off of you. Given the H2H tie breaks we’ve all but just about got a Top 4 finish in the league and double bye locked up, tonight’s result should also pretty much guarantee a 3 seed at worst in the NCAAT and likely a 2 seed as the floor if you can just find 1 more W. Obviously at this point we have our eyes on much more though, we control our own destiny for a SEC title and given the quality of opponents left we likely also control our own destiny for a 1 seed as well. Saturdays game is gonna be tough, they’re going to want revenge and obviously it’s really tough to win on the road in this league, winning tonight takes some of that pressure off though in what should be a great game.

I’d feel a lot better about a 1 seed if we finished 1 game better than AZ. I don’t see them losing more than 1 in the regular season and it seems conference tourneys don’t matter so we likely have to go 4-0 (3-0 now) down the stretch. We’re behind them currently in Kenpom and I swear it almost looks like their lead widened with them beating ASU on the road vs us at home against Auburn. Maybe I’m wrong but I swear I thought we were closer than we are this morning. Win Saturday and surely to goodness we jump them but who knows.
Glad to see the “Barnes coaches offense out of players” narrative take a shelf
So....Vescovi 1-3 last night. What's your theory as to what's causing him to turtle up offensively? JJJ has always been a box of chocolates, but Vescovi? Hard for me to grasp.
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Auburn’s games always seem to go over 2 hours. With the way they play defense and physical mode they bring they are going to foul and foul a lot. Bruce works the officials and he’s saying this is the way we play, and you cant call every foul. Although I loved the T he got last night. Gave us some momentum. Their players take on Bruce’s personality, they are easy not to like. They play with a chip on their shoulder and a strong competitive drive. We answered the bell last night big time!
KD Johnson is unlikeable. To me, the rest are fine. They cry to the officials too much for my taste, but look at their example - Pearl with his head about to explode every game.
Basically, if we beat Bama and USCe we win the SEC regular season. as long as we don't lose to Kentucky by more than 11? Not saying we will lose to them just doing the math if we split with them we end up tied and wouldn't the tiebreaker come down to margin of victory?

If we win the next 2 games we would have 14 conference wins. If UK wins out they would only have 13 conference wins….
I’d feel a lot better about a 1 seed if we finished 1 game better than AZ. I don’t see them losing more than 1 in the regular season and it seems conference tourneys don’t matter so we likely have to go 4-0 (3-0 now) down the stretch. We’re behind them currently in Kenpom and I swear it almost looks like their lead widened with them beating ASU on the road vs us at home against Auburn. Maybe I’m wrong but I swear I thought we were closer than we are this morning. Win Saturday and surely to goodness we jump them but who knows.
Looking at the case for Arizona, I don’t know how they’re considered a 1-seed.

Their only non-conference ranked wins are Duke and Alabama, and they’ve lost twice to the only other ranked team in the Pac-12, Washington State… doesn’t seem deserving of a 1-seed imo. Pac-12 isn’t good at all this year.

I think we can bounce Arizona if we can win at least 2 of 3 remaining in the regular season.
Looking at the case for Arizona, I don’t know how they’re considered a 1-seed.

Their only non-conference ranked wins are Duke and Alabama, and they’ve lost twice to the only other ranked team in the Pac-12, Washington State… doesn’t seem deserving of a 1-seed imo. Pac-12 isn’t good at all this year.

I think we can bounce Arizona if we can win at least 2 of 3 remaining in the regular season.
It doesn't really matter about Arizona. Given the power of the respective schedules, the only thing that will keep UT from being a #1 seed is UT. I know road wins are tough, but how tough are these Vols? All you can ask for is to control your own destiny, and we do. With what's on the line, I'll be interested to see how this team performs under the brightest lights and against a bitter conference rival on the road. It's right there for the taking.
Vescovi went over 200 steals for his career 2nd on the all time list.

His rescuing JJJ's driving turnover and drawing the foul and his catching DK's off-the-backboard "pass" and laying it in late in the game are the epitome of SV. They'll be another game where others are cold and he gets and knocks down his shots, but the fact that he can be content with the role he played last night and play it to the last second is impressive as he!! as a 6th year senior.
His rescuing JJJ's driving turnover and drawing the foul and his catching DK's off-the-backboard "pass" and laying it in late in the game are the epitome of SV. They'll be another game where others are cold and he gets and knocks down his shots, but the fact that he can be content with the role he played last night and play it to the last second is impressive as he!! as a 6th year senior.
I actually think SV & JJJ are both very unselfish players which is good for a team and great teammates. That mindset never turns into the Alpha on a team its just not in their DNA but that's OK when you have a loaded team.
Refs. It’s getting old, but they really stunk up the 2nd half game flow out of halftime. They were calling 2 fouls/minute for most of the second half. I lost count at around 20 total fouls. It might have been over 30 called in the 2nd half. Iirc, 16 called at the 12:00 mark. Might have been 20 fouls called before 10:00.

And I don’t know why they were at the video review display so much. That game ran about 2.5 hours.

It’s tolerable when the final result is in your favor. But they were just bad - both ways.
I kept thinking surely someone brought a mustard bottle. Hammer someone in the first half and play on, but breath on someone in the second and you are whistled. Once DK was being bear hugged right in front of a ref a no call. Basketball officiating is just consistently bad.
It doesn't really matter about Arizona. Given the power of the respective schedules, the only thing that will keep UT from being a #1 seed is UT. I know road wins are tough, but how tough are these Vols? All you can ask for is to control your own destiny, and we do. With what's on the line, I'll be interested to see how this team performs under the brightest lights and against a bitter conference rival on the road. It's right there for the taking.
I would love to see how well Arizona would do in the SEC. The PAC 12 is mediocre this year with only 2 teams forecasted to make the NCAA. Lunardi says they’re a lock for a one seed even if both teams win out. I know it’s one game at a time but I’m not sure how he came to that conclusion.
The Alabama game is interesting to me. On one hand, it's in Tuscaloosa, where they are really difficult to beat. On the other, I think they're a bit overrated and we match up well with them. They don't have that inside rim protector like we have and they don't play much defense. Having Aidoo down low allows Tennessee to take away the 3 without worrying as much about getting punished inside.

If Tennessee can avoid an ice cold shooting night, we have a real shot. The good news to me is, Vescovi, JJJ, and Gainey were all pretty sub par shooting against Auburn and they seem to have good shooting games after bad shooting games and so on. They're all due. Might be one of those games in which Dalton doesn't have to go off if those 3 can pick up the slack and Aidoo/Awaka get theirs inside. I'm guessing we also see Mashack on Spears often.
2. It's going a little unnoticed just how much better DK has gotten since he got here. He did not arrive here as this player. Coach Barnes has made DK a great all around player and better scorer. His defense, rebounding, handle, and of course scoring have all got significantly better as the season has went on. We are watching something special.
He's a generational player, so enjoy whatever is left of him. You just don't go out and get these types of guys. He might be the 2nd or 3rd best player Rick Barnes has had the privilege of coaching in his career behind Durant, and maybe TJ Ford (only because he managed 2 years out of Ford). Knecht is a far more dynamic scorer, in the same vein as KD. No one Barnes has coached at Tennessee holds a candle to his skill on the offensive end.

The guy is just an absolute gift, and we are witnessing greatness at the college level. It's an absolute travesty if he doesn't win SEC POY.
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So....Vescovi 1-3 last night. What's your theory as to what's causing him to turtle up offensively? JJJ has always been a box of chocolates, but Vescovi? Hard for me to grasp.
Usage rate this year for Véscovi is 14% (Knecht is 28%) and JJJ is 16.2%. Last night it was 12.9% and 6.4% respectively. If you’re not touching the ball, you can’t score. Some of that is Knecht taking up possessions but really we’re having Zeigler run the offense and Véscovi is not taking possessions this year like he did last year.
If we beat UScC and Bama, it doesn’t matter about Kentucky game.

It will for outright SEC Championship if Alabama wins at Florida and beat Arkansas at home. If we roll into the UK game 14-3 and Alabama is 13-4 and we lose and they beat Arkansas we will still officially be co-Champions even though we swept Alabama. They don' t use tiebreakers for the championship, only for seeding in the SECT which we would be #1.
Basically, if we beat Bama and USCe we win the SEC regular season. as long as we don't lose to Kentucky by more than 11? Not saying we will lose to them just doing the math if we split with them we end up tied and wouldn't the tiebreaker come down to margin of victory?

We'd still be co-champions if Alabama ended up with the same SEC record even though we swept them. Tiebrakers only for SECT seeding. Sucks but that's how they officially do it.
So....Vescovi 1-3 last night. What's your theory as to what's causing him to turtle up offensively? JJJ has always been a box of chocolates, but Vescovi? Hard for me to grasp.
They can't all score 39 points. Vesco isn't nearly the dynamic scorer DK is, and he isn't forced to be the main threat any longer. That allows him to expend more energy on defense and that has clearly become his primary focus. Any offense we get from him is a bonus, now. We aren't running plays to get him open looks like we have been forced to in the past. We aren't relying on him to be our primary scorer. We were always missing that alpha, and we tried to force him into that role out of necessity. You're likely seeing a version of him that is more true to form.
Well there was the play that Vescovi landed on top of the Auburn three point shooter and nothing was called. That called saved two or three points for us. It's easy to see the ones that go against you and ignore the ones in your favor.
I was clutching my pearls on that play begging the ref to swallow his whistle. It ended up not being much of a foul, but we've seen much less called, and the fact it happened right in front of AU's bench after Pearl had already gotten a T, I thought for sure it was getting called.

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