BREAKING: Knoxville police investigate alleged rape involving UT football player

I know I ragged you, OP and you still shouldn't have named names so early...but it seems there could be something to what you said. So good call on that.
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Dude the guy had information and he brought it to the board.........we all follow volnation because it has the behind the scenes info you cant get anywhere else......he didnt name the guy until a few posters teased him into it. Sounds like a bad situation and hope that it is handled properly.
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The news does literally what he just did! Coleman Thomas's name was slandered for a week or two. Pearson's will be too if this is true. If its not true then op is trolling and got the reaction he wanted.

Sadly, I agree that this tends to be our nature.
End this post. True or not, extremely improper to name a player or victim's name with no true knowledge of the situation. Mods please do the right thing and trashcan this post.
I appreciate you posting his name bc it adds more validity to your story. People will know sooner or later if true, so why not now...


I'm glad you posted the name... In fact, had you not posted the name, then it would have been better to not post about this at all...

I don't like when people come with stories, but don't include names.
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I think we should let Dave Lawson run them and give them a workout from hell before being arrested. Then the police can do whatever they want with them. This is out of control and needs to stop
BS!! You're projecting. You got some kind of axe to grind. Nobody should have his or her name connected to something like this when there's nothing to report at this point and certainly no charges filed.

Theres obviously something to report
What if nothing comes of it. Then you just did this for nothing. Why not wait and let the appropriate people handle it?

This is an anonymous message board.

Nothing anyone says on this board means anything...

So let names be named!
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So who does that leave us with..
As long as it wasnt 11 I think everything will be alright.

I get what you're saying, but it's really bad regardless of the player. It casts a bad shadow on our team and makes it pretty clear that this is becoming an issue.

Plus, if it's true, the girl involved is damaged for life. I wouldn't call anything about the situation "all-right."
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Whoa...slow down here. There's always 2 sides to a story. We have an internet rumor that's attributed to an unnamed female. That's a far cry from an accusation to authorities and his name should NOT have been published. We don't have hers plastered all over the internet so why his? We don't know if this actually did take place. Wrong to put his name out. Really wrong.

Even if it is legit did assault her? Maybe she's having regrets about an encounter and is putting this story out there? Maybe he stepped out on her and she's making this up to get back at him? Lots of ways this could go down. I'm not taking one position or the other just simply saying it's wise to wait for everything to come to light and go from there. Let's not rush to conclusions based on an anonymous internet poster who admittedly put "rumor" in the topic header. If I'm the player or his family, I'll find out who the OP is and if this isn't true, I'll make sure he legally regrets the day he posted my sons name in such a way/situation. OP you'd better be hoping this doesn't come back to haunt you. Poor judgment in my opinion.
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Not the point. What if it was your kid named and he had absolutely nothing to do with it or had done nothing wrong? The famous line is, "where do I go to get my reputation back?". That's all I'm saying.

Its highly likely something is going on. If it turns out all of this is fabricated, Pearson just needs to send a tweet saying so..
Not the point. What if it was your kid named and he had absolutely nothing to do with it or had done nothing wrong? The famous line is, "where do I go to get my reputation back?". That's all I'm saying.

Exactly. If something did take place, the authorities will get involved. If nothing took place, his name is smeared. If there was an incident, what's the real story behind it? Everyone is rushing to the girls defense and while that's chivalrous, it it fair at this point? We simply don't know what really happened and even if he was involved? Women have lied in the past. I'm not saying this didn't happen or she is lying. We simply don't know. I'm just saying we can't rush to judge, convict and punish until the facts are known. If this is all fiction, the OP should face the music of dropping his name like he did if he wasn't involved.
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