
Boycott the NRA. Just when I thought liberals couldn't get a dumber they go and do something like this, and totally prove me wrong!

So how do you boycott an organization you aren't part of? Are you hoping gun owners in the millions are just going to drop their membership? Tool.

I am still amazed at how the left looks for the easiest scapegoat for literally every single issue. Why hasn't anyone looked into what made this kid nuts? Would it be that it would reflect poorly on many outspoken libtard professions?..

........says the guy that supports a Muslim ban.
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Lol. This is going to end up working the exact opposite of how libs want it to. They couldn't come up with better campaign material for the GOP in this coming midterm than showing video of people chanting to ban guns.

Not to mention cause a huge surge in gun sales, memberships and donations to the NRA
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Wayne LaPierre, NRA CEO, at CPAC calls for more armed security in schools - Washington Times

NRA offers free help to schools that hire armed guards, warns of overreach

"...Our banks, our airports, our NBA games, our NFL games, our office buildings, our movie stars, our politicians — they’re all more protected than our children at school. Does that make any sense to anybody?

Demand what works:

  • Put armed security in every school.
  • Fix the broken mental health system.
  • Enforce the federal gun laws against every criminal thug on the street.
  • Prosecute dangerous people when they show up to buy a gun.

And, for God’s sake, put every prohibited person into the system. That’s what common-sense gun laws look like..."
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Lol. This is going to end up working the exact opposite of how libs want it to. They couldn't come up with better campaign material for the GOP in this coming midterm than showing video of people chanting to ban guns.

Not to mention cause a huge surge in gun sales, memberships and donations to the NRA

It's tax season too. It's about to be the 1st and the 15th up in the gun shops.
I don’t disagree here. Nobody should be selling a damn gun to a 13 year old.

Willing to consider an agenda was in play here? To be clear I’m not excusing this video.

If the same people heard of a quick mart selling beer to 13 year olds think they take the time to bring it out? I guess they would if it fit their agenda.

The perception of many is that it's easy for anyone to walk into a gun show and buy multiple guns without any difficulty. The video only reaffirms that perception.
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Wayne LaPierre, NRA CEO, at CPAC calls for more armed security in schools - Washington Times

NRA offers free help to schools that hire armed guards, warns of overreach

"...Our banks, our airports, our NBA games, our NFL games, our office buildings, our movie stars, our politicians — they’re all more protected than our children at school. Does that make any sense to anybody?

Demand what works:

  • Put armed security in every school.
  • Fix the broken mental health system.
  • Enforce the federal gun laws against every criminal thug on the street.
  • Prosecute dangerous people when they show up to buy a gun.

And, for God’s sake, put every prohibited person into the system. That’s what common-sense gun laws look like..."

No no no!! It’s muh guns dammit muh guns!!

And I love everything in that summary.
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The perception of many is that it's easy for anyone to walk into a gun show and buy multiple guns without any difficulty. The video only reaffirms that perception.

He didn’t exactly buy an arsenal. He bought a bolt action .22. I had been shooting for 5 years and passed the safety course by his age. And I wasn’t as tall as a man at 13 either. That kid is big. Speaking from experience I have been harassed a good amount about my age when buying guns at shows. You are usually ignored or told you can’t afford it.
I imagine this hashtag will increase membership for both. Just validated their concern that people are coming for their guns

This is something I've been wondering about not being brought up more. There are lots of people basically dropping the pretense and coming out with at least partial ban ideas if not hinting at confiscation/compulsory buy back. It's absolutely validating what the NRA (and similar organizations) have been saying.
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This is something I've been wondering about not being brought up more. There are lots of people basically dropping the pretense and coming out with at least partial ban ideas if not hinting at confiscation/compulsory buy back. It's absolutely validating what the NRA (and similar organizations) have been saying.

You’re misunderstanding. They don’t want your guns.

They just want to ban certain ones. And they don’t want you to have those. So they need to go away somehow.

But they don’t want them.
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We can only hope that the gun issue remains a top priority issue through the mid-terms. The gun lovers have always held the gun issue as one of their top voting choice criteria. The gun control crowd has rarely made it a top issue in their decision. If votes are cast in the midterms based on gun control criteria, the dems. will sweep the country in a landslide election the likes of which has never been seen.

The move to not vote for any politician that receives money from the NRA is another great strategy and one that is picking up steam.

Luther, I hope the Dems make gun control their central issue for the midterms. Really it's all they have so...
Difference being, there likely are very few anti-gun people that can easily state what the "gun show loophole" actually is. However, they parrot that phrase like they know what they are talking about and stand on it until death as the common problem that kills people.

You likely know, I'm sure Hog knows. Now which of the anti-gun crowd actually can speak intelligently about it without a massive Google search...

He's not worth the effort to respond to.

Besides most gun shows (at least around here) have barred private sales on the grounds.
I Bought A Military Rifle When I Was Nine. There Were No Mass Shootings

Back in the day, everyone had guns, but there were no school shootings. No movie theater massacres. No mass casualties caused by deranged and angry teenagers. But how could this be?

So What Changed in the Last 60 Years?

Could it be the widespread breakdown of the family? A number of the school shooters came from broken homes with no stability or meaningful parenting. Are such children particularly susceptible to being desensitized to death and carnage by the violence-pandering entertainment industry?

The amount and graphic nature of violence in homicidal-themed video games, movies, television, and music lyrics have increased to previously unimaginable levels. While this has resulted in huge profits for the entertainment industry, what is the effect of this new pornography of violence on our children, especially on those without countervailing parental guidance?

What about the number of children being medicated with psychotropic drugs? These medications come with warnings about possible side effects such as suicidal ideation, abnormal urges, and depression. Could these very profitable drugs be part of the problem?

What about the publicity given to the shooters? Nonstop coverage of school shootings and their horrendous aftermaths may be good for ratings and circulation, but should the news media be in the business of making a profit by inspiring and motivating potential copycat killers?

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Why does the gun issue need to remain at the forefront? If this is TRULY about saving lives there are lots more important things we need to go after. So is it really about saving the children or it is imposing your belief system on someone else? More lives would be saved donating to cancer/heart societies. Stopping the overprescription of opioids would save tens of thousands a year.

In one year, drug overdoses killed more Americans than the entire Vietnam War did - Vox
Enterprise has decided to stop given NRA members a discount and Bank of Omaha will no longer print NRA credit cards. This is devastating as it leaves only 56 other ways to get a discount for car rentals.

You’re doing it guys!
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The NRA is brutally effective. They don't give an inch. When 97% and 67% of the American people support universal background checks and an assault weapon ban, respectively, yet our legislators do nothing, what does that tell you? In our Republic, lobbying works.

The solution to this bottleneck lies in the power of the people. I've seen it first hand in the industry I worked in where state referendums circumvented our state level influence. People put the issues to vote during elections, and they overturned the system. We lost.

The NRA is the King Kong of 800 lb. gorillas. But even it is vulnerable. The internet and social media are game changers of democracy.

We'll see what happens though. People's attention spans are brief.

I'll support the boycott, and I hope to attend the DC rally in March.

Maybe the 67% doesn't know assault weapons are already banned?
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