Bowl Season

(OrangeEmpire @ Dec 31 said:
You will have to take my word for it, Ohio State fans are the worst in the nation!
I can't say who is worst but I would put W.Virgina on the list.
Been to WV...NO comparison. Just because some are considered a "Hillbilly or a Mountaineer" doesn't make you classless. On the other hand, just a few minutes in the confinds of B.H.G. Stadium will convince even an ex-con that some of the UF student "Sandbillies" are worthy of life, or at least they're convicted a_ _ h _ _ _'s.

As I said earlier many UF Fans especially the students are totally classless, arrogant, ignorant, rude, cruel & useless examples of human life. At least the University of Miami appears to control their number of Thug followers. Think about it, just how many fans do they have appear at their stadium. What a gift.
(VolunteerHillbilly @ Dec 31 said:
I can't say who is worst but I would put W.Virgina on the list.

They're certainly in the top 5...
Call me a sour loser and a poor sport but I've intentionally decided not to watch a single bowl game except the Rose Bowl (none of the others mean diddlie). I am also pulling against every single team in the SEC other than LSU. So there you have my confession and I'm sticking by it.
Fresno State's big performance was against the Trojans, so they considered it a success then decided to take the rest of the year off.

Not really, Fresno State had a generally easy first half of the season (save Oregon). For most of those players, that USC game was going to be the biggest of their lives so you know they all brought their absolute best game. After playing them so close, I suppose it was a pretty big letdown, coupled with having to face the best of the WAC afterwards.
(RealVol @ Dec 31 said:
OBVIOUSLY neither of you guys have ever been to a UT / UF game at Florida Field!

I have been to LSU for some night games & UF for a couple 1pm games...NO comparison. UF Fans are the most arrogant, ignorant, crude, rude and sickeningly classless humans found on earth. A total embarrassement to the SEC, NCAA, the State of FL, the SOUTH & generally speaking humanity as a whole.

i was at the 99 florida game in the swamp and they were nasty fans. i mean i was 10. after the game they threw beer bottles at us and we lost. not fun but would love to go back.
(Lexvol @ Dec 28 said:
With bowl season upon us, I am forced to withdraw previous statements about putting last season to rest. Right now, I would love nothing more than to see the Vols suit up and play anyone, even if it was in the Music City Bowl.

I agree with you to a certain extent. However, the way this season was, I'm ok with not going to a bowl game to lose to a team like Central Florida. 6-6 would've been just a bit better, 5-7 wouldn't have done us any good at all.

The thing that hurt us more than anything by not going to a bowl was losing the 3 extra weeks of practice that we obviously needed.
(milohimself @ Dec 31 said:
I don't care I hate both teams equally but picked Miami. Miami is a thug program but LSU has probably the worst fans in the SEC (that's saying a lot), and probably the country.

Aw c'mon. We're usually only mean when we're drunk. Aside from when people publicize their comments about UT on forums, I've found that most LSU fans have a certain respect for UT, especially this year. You should understand that there's a world of difference in a fan's attitude when he's at a football game, and when he's doing something less insane. I mean, in a stadium, everyone's gonna trash talk, no matter where you are. It's just the way it works. (Now, if you're one of the few people who've been burned, shot, maimed, beheaded, peed on, pooped on, murdered, roasted, toasted, skinned, fileted, or generally treated badly by LSU fans, I hear your plight!) :crazy:
I have heard horror stories about just about every stadium. There are rude and dumb fans everywhere. Problem is when they out number the good fans like in the Swamp. I have had good experiences at LSU and UGA. Others haven't. I have also talked with other fans who have horror stories about Neyland Stadium. Happens everywhere.
(Atreus21 @ Jan 3 said:
Aw c'mon. We're usually only mean when we're drunk. Aside from when people publicize their comments about UT on forums, I've found that most LSU fans have a certain respect for UT, especially this year. You should understand that there's a world of difference in a fan's attitude when he's at a football game, and when he's doing something less insane. I mean, in a stadium, everyone's gonna trash talk, no matter where you are. It's just the way it works. (Now, if you're one of the few people who've been burned, shot, maimed, beheaded, peed on, pooped on, murdered, roasted, toasted, skinned, fileted, or generally treated badly by LSU fans, I hear your plight!) :crazy:

Congrats on stomping Miami into the ground. That was a fun game to watch.
(Orangewhiteblood @ Jan 3 said:
Congrats on stomping Miami into the ground. That was a fun game to watch.
Dear God yes it was. Most uncharacteristic game of LSU all season. Of all our opponents, I expected to dominate Miami the least. I expected Miami would murder us. I thought maybe if we're lucky we'd pull out a close one. But 40-3???! Not in my wildest wet dreams.
Good ending to a season that had to be unimaginable for the players, staff and fans affected by Katrina.
yeah, it was strange not to be gearing up for a game this year...even at 6-5, i wish we would have played someone....but not to be....

As for rooting for the SEC....I always want the SEC to do good, especially when we're doing well....but this year, it was weird...i found myself completely indifferent....i will say that UGA losing to WVU is embarrassing for the SEC. Though LSU held up their end...Aub, also pathetic, as well as USC. Florida did better than expected....and to be honest it all worked out because i picked those games right against the spread in my other pool, well, except for the UGA i'm happy.

And as for the UF fans have always been terrible at games. Bama fans, i've had a mixed bag with them, though most are just a little high and mighty "We're still Alabama" when they're 3-8....UGA fans have gotten worse since they started winning, but they still have a healthy respect for us...I don't like OSU fans either, and i have 0 problems with LSU or WVU fans...those people just get down, dirty, loud and liquored up...i love it. And i have never taken more abuse then i did in '01 on my flight from New Orleans to Atlanta on the way to the SEC champ game...i was called "Tennessee Boy" for 2 hours on that flight by every drunk cajun that got on.....but didn't care, it was fun, right up until we lost that is.....
UGA fans are always terrible in KY. There arrogance is astounding. They must all be from north GA.

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