Bowl Season



I'm Your Huckleberry
Jan 22, 2005
With bowl season upon us, I am forced to withdraw previous statements about putting last season to rest. Right now, I would love nothing more than to see the Vols suit up and play anyone, even if it was in the Music City Bowl.

It would also be nice to see Cut call a game before next season starts. Oh well.......
I took the wife to the 1st Music city bowl, (Alabama hosted VaTech)( Micheal Vick for the Hokies and Shawn Alexander for Bama) I was shocked at what a great show they put on at the half. The football was great seeing bammers by the bushel being humbled. Yeah its a small bowl, and yeah it's just in Nashville, but we had a great time. And yes, Id love to see the Big Orange play one more round, even badly.
(Lexvol @ Dec 28 said:
With bowl season upon us, I am forced to withdraw previous statements about putting last season to rest. Right now, I would love nothing more than to see the Vols suit up and play anyone, even if it was in the Music City Bowl.

It would also be nice to see Cut call a game before next season starts. Oh well.......
I disagree 3,000%
as bad as we played this year i would love to see them play one more time myself, i agree 3,000% that i would like to see them even in the music city bowl as well cause i could have seen them in person in a bowl game
Terrible officiating in the Michigan game. Did anybody else watch this? UM had to blow two timeouts to get replays, one of which overturned a TD. That left them with no timeouts to stop the clock at the end of the game. A missed pass interference call on the last drive. And laziness spotting the ball and starting the clock. Go to the NFL replay rule! And, as I write this post, no penalty for Nebraska players taking the field before the end of the last play.
I just posted in another thread . . . I have never seen officiating that inept. They couldn't have screwed up any worse if they had money on Nebraska.
If that Michigan player would have cut back inside, he probably would have scored, with so many cameramen to set screens.
It would have been worth it to watch him cut back inside because he would have probably run into about 20 people and the refs would have been in the locker room and unable to signal a touchdown. It would have been a debacle.
It's getting pretty rough when Tennessee, Michigan and Florida State combine for 15 losses.
No bowl game equates to less practice and hurts team morale not to mention the fans. This is definately a character buildling year for all.
On the upside everyone use their bowl travel money buy more cheap crap from Wally World and hasten the rise of China over the U.S.
(hohenfelsvol @ Dec 29 said:
No bowl game equates to less practice and hurts team morale not to mention the fans. This is definately a character buildling year for all.
No football has been would be stealing press from b-ball
(VolunteerHillbilly @ Dec 29 said:
On the upside everyone use their bowl travel money buy more cheap crap from Wally World and hasten the rise of China over the U.S.

I'm surprised they haven't bought out football or had their own marketing takeover of it. It would be like Japan and baseball. They could make the uniforms faster than the players could get them dirty.
u got to admit though the bowls so far have been pretty entertaining. Between the bad calls and wild plays they have been worth watching. Just think if Michigan had scored on that last play, that would have to beat out the California/Stanford from years back for great kickoff returns, dont u think
I feel the same way BOrange. Seems like I would just love to see them play one more time this year. It all seems pretty hollow right now.
I think it's funny that I'm so desperate for college football that I've taken a team in every bowl and cheered them on almost as much as I would UT. If you can't have Sugar there's always Sweet-N-Low.....gotta love substitutes.
It seems like forever since an SEC team played. We all gotta pull for the SEC dont we. I am even if it is Alabama, i cant believe i just said that.
(bleedingorange @ Dec 29 said:
It seems like forever since an SEC team played. We all gotta pull for the SEC dont we. I am even if it is Alabama, i cant believe i just said that.
That's too far for some folks.

I root for the Pac-10 teams, of course. :D If Oregon wins tonight, the Pac-10 is guaranteed a winning bowl record.
(milohimself @ Dec 29 said:
That's too far for some folks.

I root for the Pac-10 teams, of course. :D If Oregon wins tonight, the Pac-10 is guaranteed a winning bowl record.
U must remember the SEC plays tougher bowl games than the Pac-10
I don't pull for Bama or the Gators but would like to see them win. Can't call the SEC one of the stronger conferences when our teams keep losing Bowl games. So for this reason only I like to see the SEC have a good showing.

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