Bowden's shooting

When he's on, he's on. But when he's not, he's really not. There's no in between with him. He needs to realize that when his only bucket is a 15-footer, he needs to not be shooting, especially late in the game.

Basically, he's what Lamonte Turner was last year from a shooting standpoint.
It's confidence and not getting the room to shoot. It's a shorter window for him now and he isn't catching and shooting with confidence. He has a hitch/slight hesitation then either passes or shoots without rhythm. If he was confident he would catch and shoot without hesitation but right now he is wanting to pass first and shooting as a last resort.
Maybe he's like the opposite of Adam LaRoche in baseball (LaRoche only ever hit in the second half of the year).

Hell, I hope he lights it up in the dance and becomes MVP. He's a streaky shooter, maybe he'll get hot.
Bowden has no confidence. You can see the fear in his eyes when he catches it. He does not want the basketball.
It's confidence and not getting the room to shoot. It's a shorter window for him now and he isn't catching and shooting with confidence. He has a hitch/slight hesitation then either passes or shoots without rhythm. If he was confident he would catch and shoot without hesitation but right now he is wanting to pass first and shooting as a last resort.
According to Jerry "the wild, wild" West, it's primarily confidence. When you have it, it's just a flick of the wrist automatic. West had a ton of confidence himself. Many was the time I saw him pull up and pull the trigger. Mind control, body control, and ironclad confidence in your shot. Easier said than done I suspect, but Bowden needs to work on it this summer.
IMO he's a very good spot-up, catch and shoot threat. That's now in every scouting report. So about a month into the season they started running him across the paint, and he's just not as effective shooting while in motion.

His overall free throw shooting is pretty good, but it seems like he misses a lot of them at critical times when it's later in close games. But there was one in the TBA about a month ago and his hitting a pair of late FTs pretty much locked up the win.

He's got some work to do to elevate his game this off-season. If Jalen Johnson was healthy all year he would have taken a lot of Bowden's minutes IMO.

It's also been posted that Bowden's left shoulder has maybe been seen like it's dislocated.
It's confidence and not getting the room to shoot. It's a shorter window for him now and he isn't catching and shooting with confidence. He has a hitch/slight hesitation then either passes or shoots without rhythm. If he was confident he would catch and shoot without hesitation but right now he is wanting to pass first and shooting as a last resort.

Thanks coach
Great Defender. Rebounder holds his own. Shooting maybe confidence, however, when on the bench I have noticed Bowden rotating his shoulder.

IMO, it indicates to me that he is either loosing it up or dealing with an injury or some sort?
Think he will eventually shoot his way out of the slump. But I wish/hope he starts making better decisions on entry passes from here on out. He has taken some terrible angles when trying to feed the post recently. Hes got to start being smarter even if his shot is off, and frankly quit being so loose with the basketball.

And STAY ON THE FLOOR! He's gotten hoppy off the weakest headfakes recently also.
It's confidence and not getting the room to shoot. It's a shorter window for him now and he isn't catching and shooting with confidence. He has a hitch/slight hesitation then either passes or shoots without rhythm. If he was confident he would catch and shoot without hesitation but right now he is wanting to pass first and shooting as a last resort.

He may just need to see some go in which means he probably needs to join Schofield in the gym and keep shooting until he makes 15 in a row from 3 and gets his stroke back. Man if we could get him, Bone, Turner, and Schofield all hitting 3's like they are capable it could be a long tourney run.
Before anyone says I am a Bowden-hater, I believe he is a key piece on our team and brings great defensive energy and is a good passer. This thread is entirely about his shooting and what happened to it.

This year he had a sharp decline in shooting during the middle of the SEC season. See stats:

Bowden since the (home)Vandy game has been 33/143 (23%).
Bowden before the (home)Vandy game was 60/128 (47%).

Any speculation as to what has happened?

Part of it is those numbers are wrong. According to the stats today he is 93-238 for the year. You have a total of 93-271 listed.

Before the home Vandy game he was 54-118 for 45.7%. From that point on he has been 39-120 for 32.5%. So not as big a spread as you listed.

I think part of it is he was taking better and fewer shots early. He was only averaging 6.5 shots a game before Vandy. Since Vandy he has averaged 8 shots a game. He's also taking more 3's. 58 attempts the first 18 games. 66 attempts the last 15 games.

Part of it is the grind of the SEC schedule. He was shooting better when he was facing Presbyterian, Furman, High Point,Lipscomb, Mercer and Wake Forest.

Part of it is the minutes he's played compared to the other guards. He's played 916 minutes. Turner 820. Bone 760. Daniel 663. So he's played 2.5 more games than Turner. 4 more games than Bone and 6 more games than Daniel. He's probably getting tired.
IMO he's a very good spot-up, catch and shoot threat. That's now in every scouting report. So about a month into the season they started running him across the paint, and he's just not as effective shooting while in motion.

His overall free throw shooting is pretty good, but it seems like he misses a lot of them at critical times when it's later in close games. But there was one in the TBA about a month ago and his hitting a pair of late FTs pretty much locked up the win.

He's got some work to do to elevate his game this off-season. If Jalen Johnson was healthy all year he would have taken a lot of Bowden's minutes IMO.

It's also been posted that Bowden's left shoulder has maybe been seen like it's dislocated.

This is a great write up.

Only thing I would add is that he struggles to make shots from beyond the arc when contested, yet has been prone to taking them anyway especially during the 2nd half in close games.

I admire the fearlessness, a coach like Barnes can work with that. I just think Bowden will make his living on defense during the tournament. That’s where we need him the most right now.
Great Defender. Rebounder holds his own. Shooting maybe confidence, however, when on the bench I have noticed Bowden rotating his shoulder.

IMO, it indicates to me that he is either loosing it up or dealing with an injury or some sort?

His defense is a little overrated, IMO. He was pretty bad in the SECT, both offensively and defensively. He had a hard time defending without fouling this weekend. 12 fouls in 3 games. He's not moving his feet, and instead relying on reaching with his hands. Typically, he is a good defender. Calling him great is overstating his ability, IMO.
His defense is a little overrated, IMO. He was pretty bad in the SECT, both offensively and defensively. He had a hard time defending without fouling this weekend. 12 fouls in 3 games. He's not moving his feet, and instead relying on reaching with his hands. Typically, he is a good defender. Calling him great is overstating his ability, IMO.
I thought he was fine vs Arkansas specifically as he created a TO or two and had a tough assignment, but I agree he’s getting way too many fouls for a 2 guard for these last 3 games
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I can't believe that I can come on this board and find NEGATIVE threads attacking our players. Whether it's Bowden or Fulkerson or anybody else. Nobody knows these kids better than CRB and nobody sees how they work in practice like him. He rewards great practice effort with PT.

Everybody (in the entire country) recognizes what has made Tennessee what they are this year and it's not about individual talent. This team has provided us with the most rewarding season in any UT sport in a decade. I hope CRB has schooled them to stay away from the message boards. It borders on being disgraceful to see it.
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I thought he was fine vs Arkansas specifically as he created a TO or two and had a tough assignment, but I agree he’s getting way too many fouls for a 2 guard for these last 3 games

It probably was his "best" defensive game of the three, but IIRC, two of his fouls in that game were weak reach-ins that resulted in at least one and-1, if not two of them.
I can't believe that I can come on this board and find NEGATIVE threads attacking our players. Whether it's Bowden or Fulkerson or anybody else. Nobody knows these kids better than CRB and nobody sees how they work in practice like him. He rewards great practice effort with PT.

Everybody (in the entire country) recognizes what has made Tennessee what they are this year and it's not about individual talent. This team has provided us with the most rewarding season in any UT sport in a decade. I hope CRB has schooled them to stay away from the message boards. It borders on being disgraceful to see it.

It’s a forum.

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I can't believe that I can come on this board and find NEGATIVE threads attacking our players. Whether it's Bowden or Fulkerson or anybody else. Nobody knows these kids better than CRB and nobody sees how they work in practice like him. He rewards great practice effort with PT.

Everybody (in the entire country) recognizes what has made Tennessee what they are this year and it's not about individual talent. This team has provided us with the most rewarding season in any UT sport in a decade. I hope CRB has schooled them to stay away from the message boards. It borders on being disgraceful to see it.
We are all critiqued at what we do.
I couldn't believe he was passing up shots until the end when it really counted, and then he jacks up a three with over half of the shot clock left.
I can't believe that I can come on this board and find NEGATIVE threads attacking our players. Whether it's Bowden or Fulkerson or anybody else. Nobody knows these kids better than CRB and nobody sees how they work in practice like him. He rewards great practice effort with PT.

Everybody (in the entire country) recognizes what has made Tennessee what they are this year and it's not about individual talent. This team has provided us with the most rewarding season in any UT sport in a decade. I hope CRB has schooled them to stay away from the message boards. It borders on being disgraceful to see it.

Posting stats and speculating what caused the change in stats is attacking a player?

Part of it is those numbers are wrong. According to the stats today he is 93-238 for the year. You have a total of 93-271 listed.

Before the home Vandy game he was 54-118 for 45.7%. From that point on he has been 39-120 for 32.5%. So not as big a spread as you listed.

I think part of it is he was taking better and fewer shots early. He was only averaging 6.5 shots a game before Vandy. Since Vandy he has averaged 8 shots a game. He's also taking more 3's. 58 attempts the first 18 games. 66 attempts the last 15 games.

Part of it is the grind of the SEC schedule. He was shooting better when he was facing Presbyterian, Furman, High Point,Lipscomb, Mercer and Wake Forest.

Part of it is the minutes he's played compared to the other guards. He's played 916 minutes. Turner 820. Bone 760. Daniel 663. So he's played 2.5 more games than Turner. 4 more games than Bone and 6 more games than Daniel. He's probably getting tired.

You are right my totals were off, did the math on my phone. Corrected:

Home Vandy (and before): 46.9%
After: 30%

Still, a 17% shift is pretty big.

From 3pt range:

53.8% vs 23.7%

That’s a 30% shift.

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