Biggest Vol Fan regret

Add this to the list of asinine offseason topics..

The question is simple "What is your biggest regret as a Vol fan?" It may a game you went to or a game you missed. For some of you, it may involve a lady (or someone you thought was a lady) you met celebrating a victory.

Here's mine.....

Last year, I had a chance to go to UGA game with son but the wifey strongly suggested that I stayed in town to go to her cousin's wedding. I objected based on two arguments: 1. Her cousin wasn't ready to settle down (her divorce from this wedding became official earlier this month) and 2. WHO GETS MARRIED DURING FOOTBALL SEASON?? I relented and ended up going to wedding (at least wedding time did not conflict with the game).

I ended up making this up to my son by taking him to USCe game and Falcons-Packers game on same weekend. UT lost, Packers (son's team lost in last minute..bless his heart for being Packers fan) and ended up hitting 2 deer on interstate in Alabama on way home (I guess I like racks as much as iluvdoubledds since I hit 2 deer).

Firing Fulmer?
I was a freshman in '64 (Doug Dickey's first team) and saw his start in building something great; I left school and joined the Army after the winter quarter in 1967. When I returned to UT, the Bill Battle skid was just beginning; by the time I finished my BS and MS, the skid was in full bloom. I don't regret my decision, but I do regret missing the opportunity to be around for one of real the UT heydays. The one opportunity for a Tennessee football game on AFRTS radio was preempted by a baseball game - if I didn't already despise baseball, that would have done it.
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It would have to be the first BCS Championship. I was a med student and money wasn't exactly growing on trees. I wish I would have said "damn the torpedos" and steamed West.
Back in 2009, I met a woman named Layla. She was married, but said her marriage was not going well and she didn't think her husband would be in town long. She invited me to a hotel for an evening. Sure wish I would have said no now. :birgits_giggle:
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my biggest regret as a Vol fan is joining this site and listening to this bs that's spewed on here

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My biggest regret as a fan was skipping that Memphis game to go play outside as a kid since I assumed we would win big. I don't believe in karma or jinxs but that game has always made me suspect I'm wrong about that.
I went to the Wyoming game in 2008.

I do regret that.

I remember sitting in the stands thinking "Hamilton made the right decision to let Fulmer go and this game proves it." Wish Hamilton would have gotten the hiring right though...
When we go to the SECG this year, please buy tickets but DO NOT ATTEND the game. Seems we win the big games that you miss....
Would hate for you to miss the game but with you giving us good luck by missing the game, could you please take one for the team????????????

Let me help you out, Rudy. If volboy81 has tickets he will not use (taking one for the team), he can mail them to me. I'll use them. I'm lucky for the Vols. :hi:
After watching ole miss ( no caps) game 14-13 loss in end zone seat. Stayed home with 50 yard line ticket in pocket and watched UCLA game on TV. (both in Memphis) We won a thriller and UCLA coach who was from the area, stated after the game he was never coming back here again. (1964)
Learn to resolve your regrets, my Big Orange brethren. Trust this old alumnus. GBO.
Had a chance to go to the NC game vs FSU with my dad. I was a "too cool" teenager back then and refused to be around him. I will always regret that for the rest of my life for 2 reasons: (1) as a life experience, bonding with my dad and (2) one of, if not, THE greatest Vol memories of my time.

Boy, I was so frickin' stupid!

If we ever make it back to a NC game while my father is still living (he's 65 now) I'd like to buy his ticket and take him, along with my son.

Great post. Your "dad" regret far out weights you UT regret. (amazing how UT football can create so many memories good and bad) Don't wait for the "big game" just take him and son to as many games as time will allow. By the way, don't be too upset when your son gets "too cool" to go and just know that someday he will see things just like you do now. But, when he does, he will have the memories of all the games he did see with his dad and granddad..
I was there. Two thirds to three quarters of the Super Dome was orange & white. It's one of my fondest memories of UT Bowl games.

Same here Tin Man. And the French Quarter afterwards was 100% orange and white.
I missed watching the 1998 Ark game because a friend of my wife was getting an Arkansas fan no less.

We were all huddled around a car listening to the end of the game during the wedding reception.
I missed watching the 1998 Ark game because a friend of my wife was getting an Arkansas fan no less.

We were all huddled around a car listening to the end of the game during the wedding reception.

Why in the name of all things holy would anyone get married to a fan of an opposing team....on the day their teams play?
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I'll never understand weddings during football season.

I've been to quite a few weddings in football season, but it's called bye weeks or not getting married on Saturday.

Except one cousin who couldn't care less about sports who got married last year the same day as the Battle of Bristol. Not cool, almost skipped her wedding but the reception was over in time for me to get home and have only missed the first quarter.
I've been to quite a few weddings in football season, but it's called bye weeks or not getting married on Saturday.

Except one cousin who couldn't care less about sports who got married last year the same day as the Battle of Bristol. Not cool, almost skipped her wedding but the reception was over in time for me to get home and have only missed the first quarter.[/QUOTEi thought June was for weddings. You can't count on buy weeks they change or even a Sunday due to calander flips.

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