Big day for Butch

Interesting combination of Butch Jonesy factors in the SB this year.

Wikipedia says Kelce did not play for one full year for smokin' dope. So you could say JJ and Kelce had something in common that Butch either suspended them or kicked them off the team.
Somewhere, Butch is mumbling to somebody, “Juaun was an individual playing complimentary football who improved brick by brick through both physical and mental reps and executed at a high level showing off multiple skill sets blocking, throwing and catching.”
Somewhere, Butch is mumbling to somebody, “Juaun was an individual playing complimentary football who improved brick by brick through both physical and mental reps and executed at a high level showing off multiple skill sets blocking, throwing and catching.”
He probably shows clips of Jennings to players showing them how tough he is, then proceeds to the Circle Of Life drills.
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Much as we pizzed off fans dislike Lyle Allen, I have a sort of hindsight semi-positive take on him. I recall one player saying Jones never looked comfortable at the UT. I think he was nervously anxious to succeed at a major school, he utterly failed to get out of his own way. Number one, the offense he ran worked for him at smaller schools, so he was loath to abandon it. Smaller quicker OL, play schemes, etc. This is the SEC, the NFL's farm conference. Butt patting the butt and giggling doesn't do it. You hit people in the mouth, and stomp them if they complain. But he couldn't let go. Little wonder, Hurd got fed up with being misused and left. So did Wharton. In short, Lyle refused to adapt, and it cost both our teams and his job. He made a big gaff in getting rid of Jacnek, who was doing a darn good job as DC. We regressed when he left. We actually had SECCC teams for two years that his stubbornness wasted. All because he refused to adapt. Had he done so, his tenure at the UT would be longer. Now, afore anyone puts a curse on me for this, my dog agrees with me. which is a surprise because I haven't fed him yet.
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Much as we pizzed off fans dislike Lyle Allen, I have a sort of hindsight semi-positive take on him. I recall one player saying Jones never looked comfortable at the UT. I think he was nervously anxious to succeed at a major school, he utterly failed to get out of his own way. Number one, the offense he ran worked for him at smaller schools, so he was loath to abandon it. Smaller quicker OL, play schemes, etc. This is the SEC, the NFL's farm conference. Butt patting and giggling doesn't do it. You hit people in the mouth, and stomp them if they complain. But he couldn't let go. Little wonder, Hurd got fed up with being misused and left. So did Wharton. In short, Lyle refused to adapt, and it cost both our teams and his job. He made a big gaff in getting rid of Jacnek, who was doing a darn good job as DC. We regressed when he left. We actually has SECCC teams for two years that his stubbornness wasted.All because he refused to adapt. Had he done so, his tenure at the UT would be longer. Now, afore anyone puts a curse on me for this, my dog agrees with me. which is a surprise because I haven't fed him yet.
Both Jones and Dooley made piss poor coaching hires which eventually doomed both.

I had mentioned previously that had Dooley hired just about anyone other than Sal Sunseri (sp) for DC, The Butch Jones era may never have occurred. The offense under Dooley, especially in his last year, was very good. The defense couldn’t stop the opposing offense from scoring with 22 defensive players on the field.

Agree that JJ was more than adequate on defense. Butch had a slow footed QB running the QB option when everyone but Butch knew the QB never ran the ball. Amazing what Dobbs did vs a great Bama D when Butch had no choice but to play him due to injury. The offense was so bad Butch fired the DC. Dobbs hid much of Butch’s inadequacies as a HC.

Lastly, I never really disliked Dooley. I really believe had he waited a few more years as a HC at the lower level, he would have gained enough experience to be a really good HC at a power 5 school. As far as Butch, I as indifferent about him after he was fired, the strong dislike didn’t start until he had the audacity to get a pic with Bama players after the UT/Bama game the year after he was fired. I guess Saban decided that Butch deserved a game ball since Butch’s actions imploded the Vol football program.
Leave the man alone. He found out he wasn't built for this but I would take him over Dooley or Pruitt and not think twice about it. I am actually pushing for him to get it turned around. Nothing is morally flawed about the guy. He is PMA person who took a job that wasn't his and paid for it.
Interesting combination of Butch Jonesy factors in the SB this year.

Wikipedia says Kelce did not play for one full year for smokin' dope. So you could say JJ and Kelce had something in common that Butch either suspended them or kicked them off the team.

INTERESTING! I thought Kelce's grammar was that of a smoker. Hey Man, Yeah Man, ect ect. Swift didn't aim too high.....
Leave the man alone. He found out he wasn't built for this but I would take him over Dooley or Pruitt and not think twice about it. I am actually pushing for him to get it turned around. Nothing is morally flawed about the guy. He is PMA person who took a job that wasn't his and paid for it.
All the way up to blowing cigar smoke in our face
Somewhere, Butch is mumbling to somebody, “Juaun was an individual playing complimentary football who improved brick by brick through both physical and mental reps and executed at a high level showing off multiple skill sets blocking, throwing and catching. Thats what 63 effort is.”
Just in case you guys forgot.
Jones was not a good coach. Nothing can change that. With that said, I think the job at UT was simply way too big for him. He wasn't ready for it. But that is also true of a whole lot of coaches at big schools...the failure rate is far higher than the success rate.
It wouldn't surprise me if Jones has success at Arky State, though.
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Leave the man alone. He found out he wasn't built for this but I would take him over Dooley or Pruitt and not think twice about it. I am actually pushing for him to get it turned around. Nothing is morally flawed about the guy. He is PMA person who took a job that wasn't his and paid for it.
Butch Jones is a grade A piece of shît.. what are you are talking about?
He worked for that school after we fired him. I'm a grown ass man. A guy smoking a victory cigar does not violate my feelings. 🙄
The same guy that was marching around the practice field with a microphone screaming 'where is that music coming from?' when Sweet Home Alabama was being played at the baseball field.

Butch Jones was gimmicky at best. Incompetent at worse.
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Somewhere, Butch is mumbling to somebody, “Juaun was an individual playing complimentary football who improved brick by brick through both physical and mental reps and executed at a high level showing off multiple skill sets blocking, throwing and catching.”
Had strong eye discipline.

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