Awaka to the portal

He wants to play. Became more and more apparent that he would never get big minutes here. Of course, partly his fault due to foul trouble. But even in games that he didn't foul, he usually didn't get many minutes. I think somebody is going to get a very good player.
The real question is why do other people's thoughts and interpretations of other people's words engulf your emotions?

You flare up and immediately redline whenever someone posts something you take the slightest exception with. You did the same with me a week ago before backtracking and agreeing with me after I was forced to spell out my explanation down to the most granular detail.

Some unsolicited advice...if you take exception with something, try being curious instead of aggressively snapping. Ask questions rather than flying off the handle and telling people they are idiots, casuals, etc. Your presence here for the past 4 months has been marked mostly as hostile and antagonistic. This place is a lot more fun when people engage in civil discussion, which doesn't mean we all have to agree.
Where did I call anyone an idiot?
He’s not wrong though JP has more upside than Awaka, but that is no knock on Awaka
If you say so? I watched every game we played this season and I didn’t see enough of JP to formulate what his upside may or may not be. I saw what Tobe brought and it was a great improvement over what he did as a freshman. He was our only player with the brute strength to combat bully ball, his free throws improved significantly, and he expanded his low post moves. I don’t think Tobe has reached his ceiling and I’m absolutely sick he will be striving for that ceiling somewhere else!
If you say so? I watched every game we played this season and I didn’t see enough of JP to formulate what his upside may or may not be. I saw what Tobe brought and it was a great improvement over what he did as a freshman. He was our only player with the brute strength to combat bully ball, his free throws improved significantly, and he expanded his low post moves. I don’t think Tobe has reached his ceiling and I’m absolutely sick he will be striving for that ceiling somewhere else!
Then, respectfully, you don't know what you are watching. JP has a much higher offensive ceiling than Awaka. Based on tangibles and intangibles. Based on height and length. Based on feel and instincts. Based on basketball IQ. Based on ability to shoot from the perimeter.
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I guess it's all about "ME ball" me me me. Very disappointing.....perhaps there are other reasons as well.

For the life of me I don’t understand this mantra of grown adults towards college players and acting like being about “me” is somehow some cardinal sin.

We talk about teaching life lessons to these young adults; well anyone who steps out into the real world and especially the corporate world learns very quickly it damn sure better be about you. Nobody else is going to save you and you are on your own; companies don’t give a damn about you and you aren’t a “family”.

I’m not saying anything bad about Barnes or UT basketball not whether this is a great decision or not; just this romanticized idea of “loyalty” that doesn’t exist in the real world. Newsflash, you better be looking out for #1 because nobody else will be.
I wish the one time transfer rule didn’t exist. It sucks from a fan perspective to see so much roster overturn year after year and not be able to get attached to players. However, the rule is what it is and I don’t blame a player for looking out for himself.

As long as Aidoo and JP are back, I think Awaka’s production is replaceable. I’ll miss his energy and tenacity, but he isn’t a devastating loss as long as we don’t lost any of our other front court guys.

The biggest portal need remains perimeter scoring.
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It makes sense. He can go somewhere else and play more and make more. It’s sad, it’s hard on him and the team, but it’s his decision.

I guess. Felt like he woulda gotten plenty of time here next year though. Perhaps he was told otherwise or he assumed otherwise I guess
Maybe he’s homesick. Could go to bigger school near his hometown now. TN definitely put him on the map.
I almost see no way this team doesn't struggle to reach the tournament next year. I thought Awaka liked playing with ZZ.
The problem with NIL isn't its existence, but the complete abdication of any reasonable regulations and guidelines by the NCAA. They thought they could create this small opening in kids making some money and rejected any sort of common sense solution based upon the clear direction this thing was heading. As such, we got more of the current free for all we're experiencing. The NCAA is a collection of absolute arrogant morons dedicated to keeping outdated ideas in place.
I despise the NCAA and, by extension, the University "leaders" but they are anything but arrogant morons...they are simply greedy opportunists who literally had an illegal "cash cow" money making machine for decades so they naturally didn't want to change it.
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Agree, but I was hoping for an off season of shoring up a 15 ft jumper. He has improved a ton at the line, displaying a soft, smooth release. No reason that can't turn into a jumper from that range. Well, it will be elsewhere if it happens. Good luck to him
Yeah, I think this hurts more in terms of what he potentially could become than what he has been up to this point.
Unfortunately Awaka or Aidoo had to leave for Estrella to grow. At some point Estrella is the future and has more upside than either. Hopefully this allows Cade Phillips have some space at the 4. I think he is another Fulkerson.
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Sign of the times. No loyalty anymore. If a guy is getting paid more money and promised more playing time they are going to jump. Tenn needs to go look in the portal for another big man. Simple as that.
Sign of the times. No loyalty anymore. If a guy is getting paid more money and promised more playing time they are going to jump. Tenn needs to go look in the portal for another big man. Simple as that.
This isn't a matter of loyalty or not. Let's say at your job you make $50k per year and are absolutely busting your butt for that company. Now an ex-fellow employee of yours now works for a new company, and he remembers what a good worker you were, and offers you a job making $125k and may fit your family needs a little better. You being "loyal" and staying at the ole grindstone, or are you cashing in on a great opportunity while you can?
Go get the kid from Oakland he will be another plug and play type kid that could average double digits. Pay him whatever he needs and then go get the northern Colorado kid or the big man from

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