Apologists for Black Lives Matter

In regards to your friend getting a ticket, maybe he wasn't as cooperative or polite to the officer. Could it have been race? Possibly. But it could have easily been something else entirely. For anyone to jump to the conclusion it had to be race, well, that screams bigotry on their part imo.

Jumping to that conclusion is a lot easier if it jives with your life experiences.
It will stay the same. BLM is not comprised of big thinkers and or people looking for honest solutions.

It is a bunch of Obamas without the ivy league degrees.

If this weren't so remarkably stupid, it would be funny.

Obama was no great POTUS. I was disappointed, BUT on his worst day, he's much, much better than that azzclown Trump you rednecks put into office
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If this weren't so remarkably stupid, it would be funny.

Obama was no great POTUS. I was disappointed, BUT on his worst day, he's much, much better than that azzclown Trump you rednecks put into office

That's a pretty level pile of ****
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Also got into Princton and Yale, so apparently he's no dummy.

if all he can come up with is #blacklivesmatter x 100 I beg to differ. and at least from the acceptance letter he posted they didn't once remark on his grades/smarts. also his list of possible majors didn't exactly impress me. is "science" a major anywhere?
the way I always look at these things as to it being a good idea. If you made it "whitelivesmatter" what do you think would happen? my guess, not so good. so being "blacklivesmatter" doesn't smack me of intelligence or something to put on my resume.
if all he can come up with is #blacklivesmatter x 100 I beg to differ. and at least from the acceptance letter he posted they didn't once remark on his grades/smarts. also his list of possible majors didn't exactly impress me. is "science" a major anywhere?

I guess when you are that smart you are going to learn every discipline of science.
You guys do realize that admission into prestigious universities is no longer dictated by academics (coming straight from John Hopkins). They look for diversity in the student body over merit in the classroom.
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I do not buy the argument that white people cannot understand the prejudice blacks feel just because we aren't black.

I do, however, buy the argument that we can't feel it, or relate to it.
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I do not buy the argument that white people cannot understand the prejudice blacks feel just because we aren't black.

I do, however, buy the argument that we can't feel it, or relate to it.

what if we have experienced racism ourselves? some of us have been out of the country before.
what if we have experienced racism ourselves? some of us have been out of the country before.

Indeed. I've been called the n-word in the Philippines and was closely followed around a convenience store in Okinawa, Japan. I guess I should go to court in those countries.
Yo CwV what's up with all these scientologists in CW man? These crazies are all over downtown guy.

They got downtown on lock down. They've spent a lot of money to bring their particular brand of crazy to Clearwater. They are really nice unless you cross them. At that point, they become more like an organized crime family

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