Apologists for Black Lives Matter

It's stuff like this that makes people find you to be disagreeable.

Bro, you smarted off to me about "findings" before we really got into the discussion.

You're one of the cooler posters here, but this whole "I don't like to argue" thing gets really old. You do argue. If you don't like it, just stop. Don't goad me into a tangent about semantics, because I will argue. I'm predictable.
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Bro, you smarted off to me about "findings" before we really got into the discussion.

You're one of the cooler posters here, but this whole "I don't like to argue" thing gets really old. You do argue. If you don't like it, just stop. Don't goad me into a tangent about semantics, because I will argue. I'm predictable.

But you're not very good at it
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Bro, you smarted off to me about "findings" before we really got into the discussion.

You're one of the cooler posters here, but this whole "I don't like to argue" thing gets really old. You do argue. If you don't like it, just stop. Don't goad me into a tangent about semantics, because I will argue. I'm predictable.

I didn't feel as he was trying to goad you into an argument. He made the same point that I did. He simply stated that he nor his wife drink alcohol to get intoxicated.
I didn't feel as he was trying to goad you into an argument. He made the same point that I did. He simply stated that he nor his wife drink alcohol to get intoxicated.

You and I very easily found some common ground early on and you understood my point after a bit of probing. He took it so far that he was actually talking about the absence of refrigeration in ancient times. Who cares?...we are clearly talking about the present. It's a $400B and we have refrigeration.
I'm actually pro legalization, but unless things change, there are always potential victims of a voluntary drug deal. Gangs will still fight over turf as to who get to sell drugs where, and that involves random violence into which innocent people are often caught up in. You can't simply legalize drugs and let it go. There's far more to the process that needs to be worked out.

There has to be a change in entitlement laws to go with this. There is absolutely ZERO statistical evidence to show the impact that releasing non-violent criminals and legalization/decriminalization will have on social programs. I like you, feel that deadbeats are going to be deadbeats.
I always hear these arguments, but they ignore the stats. Currently there are 5 black CEOs at fortune 500 companies. There have been a total of 15 all time. Yeah, sounds like they are writing their own ticket.

Black women - 1/500
Women - 22/500

CEO gigs are super easy to get.

Especially straight out of college.
There's a reason that the people who first discovered fermentation and distilling kept doing it. It isn't because they knew about bacteria.
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BS. Blacks are asking not to be followed in stores. Not to be harassed for minor offenses (ie license plate light out) Not to be subjected to a search at every traffic stop. Not to have cops have itchy trigger fingers around them.

I will give you an example. Buddy of mine who is black and lives in the same neighborhood as I do got pulled over by a cop who had set up a speed trap. I have no reason to believe race played a factor in the stop, but he received a ticket for 51 in a 40. He was cooperative and the exchange was friendly. He drives a BMW 3 Series.

Coincidentally, I was pulled over by the same cop on the same day at the same spot in the road for 53 in 40. Cop ran my license and came back, addressed me by name and gave me a warning. Told me to slow down on that stretch of road because he was going to be present and ticketing for the next few weeks. He shook my hand and told me to have a good day. Whole stop lasted less than 3 minutes. I drive a G35.

The stories compare favorably to each other with only two real differences. He's black and I'm white. He got the ticket and I got the warning. Maybe race didn't play any sort of factor at all, but you can understand why black people would assume that it did.
you realize that this proves nothing.
Bro, you smarted off to me about "findings" before we really got into the discussion.

You're one of the cooler posters here, but this whole "I don't like to argue" thing gets really old. You do argue. If you don't like it, just stop. Don't goad me into a tangent about semantics, because I will argue. I'm predictable.

Don't be so easily goaded and you won't argue as much.

Don't make BS statements as much and you won't be goaded as much.

Stop trying to know everything and you won't make BS statements as much......

See how that works?
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I don't carry any white guilt and I'm perfectly happy being white and enjoying its perks. Doesn't mean i cannot recognize an issue.

In regards to your friend getting a ticket, maybe he wasn't as cooperative or polite to the officer. Could it have been race? Possibly. But it could have easily been something else entirely. For anyone to jump to the conclusion it had to be race, well, that screams bigotry on their part imo.
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What amazes me is just how much BLM goes against the teachings of MLK. Personal life aside, I always respected Dr. King for preaching equality. He didn't want to see one race elevated over another. He wanted a brotherhood of humanity, a world where people were color blind. That's how I've always tried to view the world. Skin color is meaningless. Character is what makes a person.
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Don't be so easily goaded and you won't argue as much.

Don't make BS statements as much and you won't be goaded as much.

Stop trying to know everything and you won't make BS statements as much......

See how that works?

I don't understand your point
Sober up
This makes no sense
Your posts are weird
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Don't be so easily goaded and you won't argue as much.

Don't make BS statements as much and you won't be goaded as much.

Stop trying to know everything and you won't make BS statements as much......

See how that works?

I don't mind arguing. He claims to, hence my advice. But thanks for wandering in and interjecting with an irrelevant point.
I don't carry any white guilt and I'm perfectly happy being white and enjoying its perks. Doesn't mean i cannot recognize an issue.

You should feel lucky. I'm as white as they come, the only time I ever got out of a ticket was when the cop left his citation book at the station. I will say that in the 4 years I drove a crap car I got pulled over more than in the next 15 when I drove nicer stuff.
I always hear these arguments, but they ignore the stats. Currently there are 5 black CEOs at fortune 500 companies. There have been a total of 15 all time. Yeah, sounds like they are writing their own ticket.

Black women - 1/500
Women - 22/500
Kind of like white guys in the NBA.

oh, but that's different.:crazy:
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Well it kind of is...making the big leagues in sports is almost totally merit based. Being CEO can be so political, or a product of nepotism, or they picked a puppet, etc.

No, not really. It's more about willingness to sell your soul. I could do the job but no way in hell would I.
CEO gigs are super easy to get.

Especially straight out of college.

People really believe they will get a job straight out of college making nine hundred thousand a year?

WTH do they think they are a Clinton?
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Well it kind of is...making the big leagues in sports is almost totally merit based. Being CEO can be so political, or a product of nepotism, or they picked a puppet, etc.
Well then I guess white guys are better politicians than black guys. And black guys are better athletes. So it all evens out. What's the problem?
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