Anyone need a good laugh?

Hmmm. Ever heard of the Union? Ever wonder why they're overwhelmingly liberal? Or maybe you've heard of GM recently known as Government Motors

I'd love to see actual numbers from UAW members - the blue collar shift workers who go home every night, sit on their barkolounger, open a PBR and talk about how great Obama is while digging the grease out from under their nails.
no, what bothers me about wind energy is that it is seen as some great savior (as VHB pointed out the distortion by the NREL) when it clearly isn't. It's like Amtrak, if it's such a good idea, why does it have to be so heavily subsidized to make it's price competitive?

So let's check this. Energy comes from many places why wouldn't we diversify our energy sources just off of common sense?
I'd love to see actual numbers from UAW members - the blue collar shift workers who go home every night, sit on their barkolounger, open a PBR and talk about how great Obama is while digging the grease out from under their nails.

before, or after, they pay homage to their union overlords?
I'd love to see actual numbers from UAW members - the blue collar shift workers who go home every night, sit on their barkolounger, open a PBR and talk about how great Obama is while digging the grease out from under their nails.

You and I both know unions mostly swing democratic. And attempt to influence their members that way as well. To argue against that is futile.
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So let's check this. Energy comes from many places why wouldn't we diversify our energy sources just off of common sense?

You just answered your own question. Common sense has gone out of the decisions made by our elected officials. Its no longer about what's best for the country, it's about what will best line their pockets and get them reelected.
So let's check this. Energy comes from many places why wouldn't we diversify our energy sources just off of common sense?

I'm all for energy diversity. I just don't want the taxpayers supporting supposed green energy solutions that can't stand on their own in the marketplace.

And, like others have said, I don't want to see corporate welfare used for traditional energy sources either.
You and I both know unions mostly swing democratic. And attempt to influence their members that way as well. To argue against that is futile.

And when you say mostly that number is in the very high 98th percentile......I grew up in a UAW home.
It's an inconvenient truth.

As with many most things on this board, the (in)convenient facts are always left out like Tom Steyer donating massive amounts of cash on his own green energy agenda.

Can't have one without the other.
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You and I both know unions mostly swing democratic. And attempt to influence their members that way as well. To argue against that is futile.

Of course they vote democratic, it's in their best interest to do so. If you worked a line for the big three, you could hate Obama - but you'd still vote for him.
As with many most things on this board, the (in)convenient facts are always left out like Tom Steyer donating massive amounts of cash on his own green energy agenda.

Can't have one without the other.

No disagreements here. I detest the fact that money equals political influence.

And yet there is a whole industry on K Street dedicated to it.
I'm all for energy diversity. I just don't want the taxpayers supporting supposed green energy solutions that can't stand on their own in the marketplace.

And, like others have said, I don't want to see corporate welfare used for traditional energy sources either.

So basically you're agreeing with me but don't want to admit that the Koch brothers are actually harming our country. Not ONLY them either. That's where you are confusing my thread. This isn't a Koch bro bash fest but a clear demonstration that money controls our leaders.
How do you suggest changing the trend?

Stop blaming liberal or conservative CITIZENS in our country and start blaming and removing the wolves in Sheep's clothing. We have the technology to track every move these crooks make. Start using that data to remove and replace.
So basically you're agreeing with me but don't want to admit that the Koch brothers are actually harming our country. Not ONLY them either. That's where you are confusing my thread. This isn't a Koch bro bash fest but a clear demonstration that money controls our leaders.

No, I don't agree with the notion that the Koch brothers are harming the country.

What's harming the country is a massive federal government.
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Thank you for being an intelligent citizen. We all need to think about what exactly is going on. We have been warned for a hundred years by past presidents that this day would come.

You know that wind and other renewables have their cronies and lobbyists too right?

Also, the day didn't just come. It's been around as long as the tax code and federal agencies have been.

You want to change it then fight to flatten the tax code and reduce the reach and scope of Federal government. Otherwise you are perpetuating a system that begs for cronyism.
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Of course they vote democratic, it's in their best interest to do so. If you worked a line for the big three, you could hate Obama - but you'd still vote for him.

Not sure how it's "in their best interest" to do so...

I'll put it into a job security aspect. Obama has made public several times he despises the fossil fuel industry. So why is it he is still supported by the same unions like the UAW that produce items that are dependent on that industry? Or the United Mine Workers that dig up coal? (which he is killing slowly) Or continuing to support his Administration that's letting the EPA run wild and destroy American industry?

There is a point where historical support for a particular party becomes idiocy because that same party will kill the industries you support. But as long as the Union bigwigs get their dues and money to retire comfortably, who cares about the little guy.
So basically you're agreeing with me but don't want to admit that the Koch brothers are actually harming our country. Not ONLY them either. That's where you are confusing my thread. This isn't a Koch bro bash fest but a clear demonstration that money controls our leaders.

brother I think he's saying he doesn't want the government spending tax dollars propping up an industry that is currently incapable of surviving on its own.
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You know that wind and other renewables have their cronies and lobbyists too right?

Also, the day didn't just come. It's been around as long as the tax code and federal agencies have been.

You want to change it then fight to flatten the tax code and reduce the reach and scope of Federal government. Otherwise you are perpetuating a system that begs for cronyism.

So which candidate wants that?
brother I think he's saying he doesn't want the government spending tax dollars propping up an industry that is currently incapable of surviving on its own.

And I whole heartedly agree. Do you think that's why the Koch brothers are so concerned?
This author of this article is qualified for congress. He thinks that 3.1 MILLION gigawatt hours possible production for Kansas is 3/4 of the 4.058 BILLION gigawatt hours produced in the U.S. last year.
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