Another Priest Bites the Dust

I was actually implying that you were a fool for the things you were posting. I don't know what you "do" and I don't care.

What hair-brained excuse can you conjure for calling me a clown just before pissing and moaning about being mocked?


And what are you talking about in the second sentence about what I "do?" Like, where did that even come from and how is it relevant at all?
What if your definition of megachurch and his are different?

Anything more than four walls and roof. So most every Church.

Ideally, there shouldn't be any places of worship for Christianity. There should be Bible study in the homes of those who believe and they should give money and help those in need. If they do have a structure, it should be for the explicit purpose of helping others (food bank).
Anything more than four walls and roof. So most every Church.

Ideally, there shouldn't be any places of worship for Christianity. There should be Bible study in the homes of those who believe and they should give money and help those in need. If they do have a structure, it should be for the explicit purpose of helping others (food bank).

I understand what you were getting at. It's a no win argument no matter what.
Man you are making this hard.

You said everybody would get an opportunity.

My question is how?

I don't see how you say everybody gets a chance in this life. If you do, please explain.

So, since I don't believe everyone gets a chance in this world, I asked if you were talking about an opportunity in the next world similar to purgatory.

According to certain non-heretical readings of Catholic Theology (plenty of this which was expounded on by Augustine), one can make the claim that every person is given the opportunity to go to heaven.

Only God can truly create and destroy. God, being all-good, can only create goodness. The individual cannot fully destroy his own goodness. Thus, there are no diabolically evil beings. God, being all-good, cannot destroy goodness. Thus, even a being with only the most infinitesimal amount of goodness cannot be destroyed by God. Thus, any being that God creates will not be thrown into the abyss of hell (in which souls are destroyed).

However, heaven, being a place of perfection, cannot admit of imperfection. Any being who is imperfect upon death cannot immediately enter into heaven. Thus, there must at least exist a cleansing moment; this existence is purgatory. Every soul is cleansed in purgatory.

The Catholic Church makes no assertions or suggestions on the duration of that moment in purgatory.
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And what are you talking about in the second sentence about what I "do?" Like, where did that even come from and how is it relevant at all?

Just being honest. Would you rather me patronize you?

you were coming all at me and implying that I'm a fool for believing in what I do.

I was saying, in an overly concise manner it seems, that I wouldn't imply that you were a fool for your convictions, because I don't care what your convictions direct you to do.

As they all are about religion on a message board. People are set in their beliefs so discussing them on here is worthless.

Then you should leave instead of whining about people mocking you after calling them clowns.
I know the rest of the story. Did you not read the verse I posted? Jesus was very clear.

The rich who hoard their money aren't worthy of heaven.

Yes he is very clear, he isn't asking everyone to be poor, he is asking people to follow him. "With God, everything is Possible" even a rich man getting into heaven
Yes he is very clear, he isn't asking everyone to be poor, he is asking people to follow him. "With God, everything is Possible" even a rich man getting into heaven

"If you want to be perfect, go, sell your possessions and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me."

You're bad at this.
PKT, if this is stressing you, I have some Tamiflu left over that'll take the edge off.

This whole debate is so strange.

I just hope to have an adult, rational conversation with Christians on this board.

They are selling certainty while I am filled with doubt. They know God's will. They say I am in sin. They say they know the afterlife exists and the path to get there; also, that I am on a path to eternal damnation. Such a message is unbelievably powerful.

What they don't understand is that I really do have an open mind. I really do like understanding the different perspectives of Christians and other religious people. Their chances of conversion/successfully spreading the gospel with me is greatly decreased when they get defensive or evade questions that I have about their faith.

They are the salesmen. I am the potential customer. I am just trying to gather information about their product.
Not really. He is saying "if you want to be perfect". When he knows humans are not perfect

"Greed is a sin against God, just as all mortal sins, in as much as man condemns things eternal for the sake of temporal things."

You get a cookie if you can tell me who said that.
I just hope to have an adult, rational conversation with Christians on this board.

They are selling certainty while I am filled with doubt. They know God's will. They say I am in sin. They say they know the afterlife exists and the path to get there; also, that I am on a path to eternal damnation. Such a message is unbelievably powerful.

What they don't understand is that I really do have an open mind. I really do like understanding the different perspectives of Christians and other religious people. Their chances of conversion/successfully spreading the gospel with me is greatly decreased when they get defensive or evade questions that I have about their faith.

They are the salesmen. I am the potential customer. I am just trying to gather information about their product.

If I said or implied anything like that towards you then I sincerely apologize. Not my intent.
They are the salesmen. I am the potential customer. I am just trying to gather information about their product.

There are way too many Christians who are only interested in their own salvation. It's blatant selfishness and hypocrisy.
'twas Aquinas. Thomas effin' Aquinas.

That's great. Being wealthy doesn't mean you are greedy. It's harder for a rich man to enter heaven because they have more stuff to give up, thus making the decision to chose Christ harder for some such as the guy in that story who doesn't want to follow Jesus. Hence the ending line by Jesus "with God, anything is possible"
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This is a topic than many christians find extremely challenging when confronted with.

They have the dilemna of choosing the right(but awful) stance according to doctrine, or the good(but wrong) stance according to the principles of Jesus himself.

Do I really believe good people who just happened to not be christian will burn forever in hell? Or do I directly go against the doctrine of faith that I put my trust in?

It is a question many will choose to answer in a vague, indirect manner- because the possibilty of picking either side has consequences they are afraid to address.
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It may shock you but I agree 100%.

Biggest reason for the rise in atheism is due to hypocritical Christians.

Nothing shocking about agreeing with facts :hi:

That same hypocrisy is what caused me to lose faith, wake up, and read. Then, after a few years of militant atheism and being a self-proclaimed Dawkinite, I gave in to the notion that a higher power must exist.

I am now jaded agnostic. Nice to meet you.
According to certain non-heretical readings of Catholic Theology (plenty of this which was expounded on by Augustine), one can make the claim that every person is given the opportunity to go to heaven.

Only God can truly create and destroy. God, being all-good, can only create goodness. The individual cannot fully destroy his own goodness. Thus, there are no diabolically evil beings. God, being all-good, cannot destroy goodness. Thus, even a being with only the most infinitesimal amount of goodness cannot be destroyed by God. Thus, any being that God creates will not be thrown into the abyss of hell (in which souls are destroyed).

However, heaven, being a place of perfection, cannot admit of imperfection. Any being who is imperfect upon death cannot immediately enter into heaven. Thus, there must at least exist a cleansing moment; this existence is purgatory. Every soul is cleansed in purgatory.

The Catholic Church makes no assertions or suggestions on the duration of that moment in purgatory.

See, this would make sense to me minus the existence of Hell. If we assume the above post is true, then when there is no need for Hell. It would be useless and abandoned.

You can really see the influence (some would say plagiarism) of Plato with Augustine.
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That's great. Being wealthy doesn't mean you are greedy. It's harder for a rich man to enter heaven because they have more stuff to give up, thus making the decision to chose Christ harder for some such as the guy in that story who doesn't want to follow Jesus. Hence the ending line by Jesus "with God, anything is possible"

Wow, I've met some Catholics who don't understand dick about scripture... but dude, you're practically rewriting the Bible.

Do other Catholics a huge favor and cease posting in this thread.
This is a topic than many christians find extremely challenging when confronted with.

They have the dilemna of choosing the right(but awful) stance according to doctrine, or the good(but wrong) stance according to the principles of Jesus himself.

Do I really believe good people who just happened to not be christian will burn forever in hell? Or do I directly go against the doctrine of faith that I put my trust in?

It is a question many will choose to answer in a vague, indirect manner- because the possibilty of picking either side has consequences they are afraid to address.

You've got us all pegged huh? I wish I was as smart as you.

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