Another Priest Bites the Dust

I do not care about the intentions of the author, I care about what is written. Just as in art, I care not about the artists intentions, I care about the artwork. Now, I can get different perspectives from how others see the text and the artwork. I care little about the author, though. Thus, I can gain very good interpretation and insight into the text and the argument from talking with others about it; I do not need to speak with the author about it (and, quite frankly, speaking to the author can sometimes actually make the text murkier...there is an anecdote regarding Richard Rorty and Derrida; they were on Derrida's sailboat in the middle of the Mediterranean, and Rorty asked Derrida if Derrida even knew what he was saying in his books; Derrida laughed, said, "Look, we're on a sailboat, does it matter?"; sure, that kind of sums up Derrida, but it does not clear up the situation).

You are making my point for me. An interpretation is just a non author's idea of the author's meaning in his work. Interpretations are fun and can be informative, but they do not provide any inherent true/better knowledge about the meaning of the work at hand.

1. I would rather speak with individuals face to face about most matters; and, I am someone who is quite comfortable on internet forums. I can only imagine how much others would rather speak with others face to face as opposed to on the internet.

Personal preference; does not necessitate a Church.

2. It does not follow that those seeking different perspectives would go to different churches every week. There are plenty of perspectives within single Church communities; and, being that they are a community, it is easier to approach others in that community and have a discussion.

I disagree. If one is truly looking to understand God or their own spirituality, then learning as many different scriptures and interpretations would be essential.

"Moves beyond contingently...explicitly dangerous"?

The dialectic is between contingent and necessary. If you say that it moves beyond contingently, then it moves to necessarily. Organized religion is not necessarily dangerous. It is contingently so.

Like I stated before, I think there is a middle ground. As with the gun example, I believe organized religion is more dangerous than a gun but falls short of logical definition of necessity.
The Church is the "body of believers." It is comprised of those who have been saved and redeemed by the True and Living God, based upon the sacrifice of the Lord Jesus upon the cross.

Inclusion in the Body of Christ is not by membership in a denomination, nor by baptism, nor or by dedication. It is not received by ritual, or by ceremony, or by natural birth. It is received by faith (Rom. 5:1; Eph. 2:8). The invisible church is the church made up of true believers.

The visible church consists of those who say they are Christian but may or may not be truly saved. Being a member of a church on earth, guarantees nothing. Being a member of the Body of Christ, guarantees salvation.

I tend to agree. Makes my point for me. :)
The Boys Build A Church

"Corey, Trevor, I got some news boys. We're starting our own church in the park"

"Wow Ricky, that's freakin' stupid. Why ya gonna do that?"

"You guys are real idiots, you know that? Smokes, let's go. We're gonna take care of the jesus house and the prophezation astronimation. Now you boys need to go and find us a congregation to export and take advantage of, and we'll be swimming in cash in no time. Just like those popes."

"That's a lot of ations, Ricky."

"Yeah boys, that's religion. Didn't you two dummies ever go to bible school? Now go find us some followers."

"But Ricky.. where are we gonna find a bunch of idiots to go to church?"

"Look around, this park is full of stupid people who believe anything, go door to door, put up fliers, preach in the streets, perform a miracle or something for ***'s sake. Do I gotta hold your hands? Get outta here."
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The Boys Build A Church

"Corey, Trevor, I got some news boys. We're starting our own church in the park"

"Wow Ricky, that's freakin' stupid. Why ya gonna do that?"

"You guys are real idiots, you know that? Smokes, let's go. We're gonna take care of the jesus house and the prophezation astronimation. Now you boys need to go and find us a congregation to export and take advantage of, and we'll be swimming in cash in no time. Just like those popes."

"That's a lot of ations, Ricky."

"Yeah boys, that's religion. Didn't you two dummies ever go to bible school? Now go find us some followers."

"But Ricky.. where are we gonna find a bunch of idiots to go to church?"

"Look around, this park is full of supid people who believe anything, go door to door, put up fliers, preach in the streets, perform a miracle or something for ***'s sake. Do I gotta hold your hands? Get outta here."

Wow, I must be the world's worst TPB fan... what season was that from????
None, I'm pretty sure the only time they were ever in church, Ricky was trying to sell everyone hash on christmas eve. :)

You wrote that? I'm impressed... seriously. You nailed the Ricky-isms.

That was right before Lahey bursts in with a grocery bag santa beard.

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