An AMAZING Nick Reveiz pic....

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That's what I took from it, so take from it what you will. This guy is someone I would want to go to war with me.

You can have the college football player praying on a hillside. I will take the SEAL. You lose.

Amen. I'm sick of all these clowns crackin' wise every time we get a good thread going.

Pic is totally inspiring and amazing. One look at Reveiz on that hillside makes me want to crank out some Max Cardio Conditioning and Max Interval Circuit hardcore insane back-to-back style.

Anyone who disagrees is a total doucher.

And, they couldn't possibly be a real Vols fan!

Glad to see sanity coming back to VN. Let's run these fair weather fans out once and for all.

Anyone who isn't inspired by the pic, should be banned. Can we do a poll to see who stays and who goes?
I love this pic......but what I don't understand is the mocking of someone in prayer. Do non -believers channel at the opportunity to attack someone who believes in Christ? As a believer we are taught to be humble, but I too am a believer and I revel in the opportunity to defend my faith. Do I have any challengers? I am sick of the un believers attacking my brothers in Christ, though they don't understand nor ever will they until they accept Christ. Trust me guys, I 've been down the road more traveled. It is easier not to believe in Christ, but to have absolute faith in something you can't see, only real men need to apply. If you need to discuss this please email be back. All I am asking for here is some respect. If you don't have an honorable post, well then don't post. Of course, looking over most of the post here.... honor doesn't apply anymore. Its too challenging for people to do whats right. ....(see Lane Kiffin for the definition of dishonorable) It is honorable to leave for another job, but it was dishonorable to sell a program to kids then ask them to abandon the same program you were selling. Remember...would you rather win dishonorably or lose with honor. Once your dead, wins don't matter but your honor will always remain intact. Sorry for the long email....I know the Reviez's and the mocking was a little much for me. I had to defend Nick.....God Bless!
Well, all the half-assed comedians killed a perfectly good thread. I've come to expect no less from VN. Getting real disappointing.

I don't get it either, Eric. I'm glad I read the whole thread before positing.

Basically, you start a thread with solid facts backed up with photogrpahic evidence... and still people don't buy it.

I'm not sure what it will take to convince this crowd, but could have gone a lot further than you did with that picture.

For example, it clearly confirms the view that the team is solidly behind Dooley and Bama and UF are in deep, deep trouble. It's also further evidence that CDD has done far more for UT than did CLK, already.

Basically, in one picture, you've proven that so many of us who've questioned CDD were patently wrong.

Anyone who can't see that is blind. It's right there before our eyes.
I love this pic......but what I don't understand is the mocking of someone in prayer. Do non -believers channel at the opportunity to attack someone who believes in Christ? As a believer we are taught to be humble, but I too am a believer and I revel in the opportunity to defend my faith. Do I have any challengers? I am sick of the un believers attacking my brothers in Christ, though they don't understand nor ever will they until they accept Christ. Trust me guys, I 've been down the road more traveled. It is easier not to believe in Christ, but to have absolute faith in something you can't see, only real men need to apply. If you need to discuss this please email be back. All I am asking for here is some respect. If you don't have an honorable post, well then don't post. Of course, looking over most of the post here.... honor doesn't apply anymore. Its too challenging for people to do whats right. ....(see Lane Kiffin for the definition of dishonorable) It is honorable to leave for another job, but it was dishonorable to sell a program to kids then ask them to abandon the same program you were selling. Remember...would you rather win dishonorably or lose with honor. Once your dead, wins don't matter but your honor will always remain intact. Sorry for the long email....I know the Reviez's and the mocking was a little much for me. I had to defend Nick.....God Bless!

How did you know he was praying? Is it the reflection of the clouds on the river?
I love this pic......but what I don't understand is the mocking of someone in prayer. Do non -believers channel at the opportunity to attack someone who believes in Christ? As a believer we are taught to be humble, but I too am a believer and I revel in the opportunity to defend my faith. Do I have any challengers? I am sick of the un believers attacking my brothers in Christ, though they don't understand nor ever will they until they accept Christ. Trust me guys, I 've been down the road more traveled. It is easier not to believe in Christ, but to have absolute faith in something you can't see, only real men need to apply. If you need to discuss this please email be back. All I am asking for here is some respect. If you don't have an honorable post, well then don't post. Of course, looking over most of the post here.... honor doesn't apply anymore. Its too challenging for people to do whats right. ....(see Lane Kiffin for the definition of dishonorable) It is honorable to leave for another job, but it was dishonorable to sell a program to kids then ask them to abandon the same program you were selling. Remember...would you rather win dishonorably or lose with honor. Once your dead, wins don't matter but your honor will always remain intact. Sorry for the long email....I know the Reviez's and the mocking was a little much for me. I had to defend Nick.....God Bless!

I don't think anyone was challenging your faith. I just think you take things too seriously, perhaps.

Maybe you should be pissed at the guy that was actually ruining his prayer by taking a picture of him instead of people that are just joking around.
I love this pic......but what I don't understand is the mocking of someone in prayer. Do non -believers channel at the opportunity to attack someone who believes in Christ? As a believer we are taught to be humble, but I too am a believer and I revel in the opportunity to defend my faith. Do I have any challengers? I am sick of the un believers attacking my brothers in Christ, though they don't understand nor ever will they until they accept Christ. Trust me guys, I 've been down the road more traveled. It is easier not to believe in Christ, but to have absolute faith in something you can't see, only real men need to apply. If you need to discuss this please email be back. All I am asking for here is some respect. If you don't have an honorable post, well then don't post. Of course, looking over most of the post here.... honor doesn't apply anymore. Its too challenging for people to do whats right. ....(see Lane Kiffin for the definition of dishonorable) It is honorable to leave for another job, but it was dishonorable to sell a program to kids then ask them to abandon the same program you were selling. Remember...would you rather win dishonorably or lose with honor. Once your dead, wins don't matter but your honor will always remain intact. Sorry for the long email....I know the Reviez's and the mocking was a little much for me. I had to defend Nick.....God Bless!

Preach to these heathens brother!

Picking at the OP is clearly a sign these people do not believe in God. DonÂ’t worry. They will pay for this when they are standing before the Lord on judgment day.

May God have mercy on their souls.
Pic gets me all fired up. Ready for war and shiz.

well, if you think about it, we are all constantly in "warfare." Warfare is not always physical. Believe it or not, there is a spiritual war being fought in this world and we can tell what side everyone is on by their responses to this thread.

Thanks Eric for the thread.
Thanks to to hear the good news of salvation!!!

Go Big Orange
well, if you think about it, we are all constantly in "warfare." Warfare is not always physical. Believe it or not, there is a spiritual war being fought in this world and we can tell what side everyone is on by their responses to this thread. ...

Hypocritical much?!?
Believe it or not, there is a spiritual war being fought in this world and we can tell what side everyone is on by their responses to this thread.
If you don't think it's funny, fine. But you really don't want to go down the road you just went down.
If you don't think it's funny, fine. But you really don't want to go down the road you just went down.

your right, my bad. I dont think its funny so I'll just sit back and watch while everyone pokes fun at something I am proud of.
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I love this pic......but what I don't understand is the mocking of someone in prayer. Do non -believers channel at the opportunity to attack someone who believes in Christ? As a believer we are taught to be humble, but I too am a believer and I revel in the opportunity to defend my faith. Do I have any challengers? I am sick of the un believers attacking my brothers in Christ, though they don't understand nor ever will they until they accept Christ. Trust me guys, I 've been down the road more traveled. It is easier not to believe in Christ, but to have absolute faith in something you can't see, only real men need to apply. If you need to discuss this please email be back. All I am asking for here is some respect. If you don't have an honorable post, well then don't post. Of course, looking over most of the post here.... honor doesn't apply anymore. Its too challenging for people to do whats right. ....(see Lane Kiffin for the definition of dishonorable) It is honorable to leave for another job, but it was dishonorable to sell a program to kids then ask them to abandon the same program you were selling. Remember...would you rather win dishonorably or lose with honor. Once your dead, wins don't matter but your honor will always remain intact. Sorry for the long email....I know the Reviez's and the mocking was a little much for me. I had to defend Nick.....God Bless!

Oh dear, second thread I have read today that this has happened.
So there is another thread full of the unrighteous who need to be preached to. Where are all these heathens coming from?

I just came from the baseball field. It was hotter than hell out there.
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