An AMAZING Nick Reveiz pic....

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Well, all the half-assed comedians killed a perfectly good thread. I've come to expect no less from VN. Getting real disappointing.

Amen. I'm sick of all these clowns crackin' wise every time we get a good thread going.

Pic is totally inspiring and amazing. One look at Reveiz on that hillside makes me want to crank out some Max Cardio Conditioning and Max Interval Circuit hardcore insane back-to-back style.

Anyone who disagrees is a total doucher.
Amen. I'm sick of all these clowns crackin' wise every time we get a good thread going.

Pic is totally inspiring and amazing. One look at Reveiz on that hillside makes me want to crank out some Max Cardio Conditioning and Max Interval Circuit hardcore insane back-to-back style.

Anyone who disagrees is a total doucher.

I hear brother....I'm gonna get out of this chair (soon) and do 2 deep knee bends!
Amen. I'm sick of all these clowns crackin' wise every time we get a good thread going.

Pic is totally inspiring and amazing. One look at Reveiz on that hillside makes me want to crank out some Max Cardio Conditioning and Max Interval Circuit hardcore insane back-to-back style.

Anyone who disagrees is a total doucher.

OK, I haven't laughed out loud all day.... till now
Well, all the half-assed comedians killed a perfectly good thread. I've come to expect no less from VN. Getting real disappointing.

What are you talking about? This thread is great. We've got random bodies of water, feminine hygiene, drunk jokes (which combined with random bodies of water ALWAYS lead to something interesting), and sophomoric admiration.

That's a slam dunk anywhere else on the internet.

PS. British goalies are uncoordinated.
lulz eric, you post something borderline obsessive and you're bound to get picked on. It's a picture of Nick looking at a lake. If you saw me do that, would you think I just 'wanted it'?
This guy just wants it, doesn't matter what it is, he just wants it!!

Man, a picture is worth a thousand words, but goodness... the guy is probably just tired after a long day, or he's just exhausted from hiking up that hill or whatever.
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Amen. I'm sick of all these clowns crackin' wise every time we get a good thread going.

Pic is totally inspiring and amazing. One look at Reveiz on that hillside makes me want to crank out some Max Cardio Conditioning and Max Interval Circuit hardcore insane back-to-back style.

Anyone who disagrees is a total doucher.

:eek:lol: Things took a turn for the awesome.
After this thread, the new mega-forum has cooled on the idea of bringing in the the football forum.
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