Amateur Hour Continues

Growing up I never thought I would see the day that the French and Canadians would be making fun of our president and he getting butthurt over it. How the mighty have fallen.

I'm sure he'd knock em to the Moon like Ralph Kramden if those damn bone spurs just weren't so debilitating.
I’m going to have to try that approach for a while , I feel like our word swap ratio is a bit lopsided .

You didn't post anything to reply to. It was just a post full of weasley worded garbage. "You people need acceptance", "you're like freshmen in h.s. trying to impress seniors", "knowing they'll spit on you", "make fun of you", "needing verification from them", "stop crying"

I guess I could have just not.
You didn't post anything to reply to. It was just a post full of weasley worded garbage. "You people need acceptance", "you're like freshmen in h.s. trying to impress seniors", "knowing they'll spit on you", "make fun of you", "needing verification from them", "stop crying"

I guess I could have just not.

Weasley worded garbage?


...Am I doing it right ?
Growing up I never thought I would see the day that the French and Canadians would be making fun of our president and he getting butthurt over it. How the mighty have fallen.

Trump is now a punch line domestically and globally. Because of Trump, the respect the US had as a global leader is long gone. We desperately need a non-corrupt adult running our great nation.
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