According to Da'Rick

im sayin your 12 yrs old. now post a hilarious gif , dont disappoint. we all enjoy childish humor attempt spam

Good one, especially considering that I have never posted a gif :good!:. Just pointing out the fact that you referred to people as morons yet were to stupid yourself to realize that in that very same point that because of your double negative you were saying the exact opposite of what you were trying to say. So, I guess if I am 12 years old, then that makes you less intelligent than a 12 year old :clapping:
thanks for the emoticons lil buddy. not a lag inviting gif , but lame enough to show you are insecure enough in your communication skills that you need a buffer and some glitter to convey your message . on the other hand i dont even care enough to worry about grammar. you knew what i meant. dont poke the bear bro.
thanks for the emoticons lil buddy. not a lag inviting gif , but lame enough to show you are insecure enough in your communication skills that you need a buffer and some glitter to convey your message . on the other hand i dont even care enough to worry about grammar. you knew what i meant. dont poke the bear bro.

Way to keep up with the irony talking about me conveying a message, yet a couple of posts earlier you conveyed the exact opposite of what you were trying to convey. Anybody with half a brain and only a third grade education still avoids double negatives without having to care about grammar. Keep trying, maybe one of these days you will make a post that does not make you sound like a complete dumbass.
Way to keep up with the irony talking about me conveying a message, yet a couple of posts earlier you conveyed the exact opposite of what you were trying to convey. Anybody with half a brain and only a third grade education still avoids double negatives without having to care about grammar. Keep trying, maybe one of these days you will make a post that does not make you sound like a complete dumbass.

ok, thanks Urkel. im sorry i insulted your life partners video of enlightenment. now tell the gown ups, what else did you learn in school today?
I would have jumped out a window at Hess if my dorm room looked like that. We had that room HOOKED up.
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ok, thanks Urkel. im sorry i insulted your life partners video of enlightenment. now tell the gown ups, what else did you learn in school today?

Wow, your real cool. You start out by calling people morons, then when you are called out for the stupidity that your own post contains you start attacking me.
Anyways.. I looked at his twitter and he did say the day before this broke out, that "This place is ass backwards" and someone replied "Knox?" and Darick replied back just "Knox"... He also told some girl "Nah, some people can't know wassup"... This was before he tweeted out "Georgia State, wassup?" and the quote about talking to the media.

Took some creeping, but I doubt the guy would go this far to mess with the fanbase of a team he plays for if something wasnt up.

Fine by me, let him walk his ass to Georgia State
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Anyways.. I looked at his twitter and he did say the day before this broke out, that "This place is ass backwards" and someone replied "Knox?" and Darick replied back just "Knox"... He also told some girl "Nah, some people can't know wassup"... This was before he tweeted out "Georgia State, wassup?" and the quote about talking to the media.

Took some creeping, but I doubt the guy would go this far to mess with the fanbase of a team he plays for if something wasnt up.

Fine by me, let him walk his ass to Georgia State

serious question .. if its "fine by you" then why are you camped out on his twitter, studying his every word searching for some deeper meaning , in March? obviously you do care a little bit, maybe even too much, i dunno
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Wow, your real cool. You start out by calling people morons, then when you are called out for the stupidity that your own post contains you start attacking me.

if i were a teacher id point out the 5 grammatical errrors in this 4 line post but i aint got no need to prove my learnins. its a message board man, get over yourself.
He's gone. And talking to the media tomorrow to "speak the truth" about Dooley. Will turn out to be a huge news story I'm sure. And put another blemmish on the program.

To be sure it'll be a pickle for our resident trolls (kingwebsticles, beef, indianavol4eva, etc)

So far, in order to tear down our program, they've been going after Dooley (IN OVER HIZ HEADZ OMG!!!!) and Da'rick (LAZEEE, BAD ATTITOOODZ!!!!! OMG!!!!) with equal fervor.

So if Darick leaves and slams Dooley on his way out, who will the trolls back?

The answer is obvious...they will back Darick, because well, he would be gone. And as their whole aim is to tear down the program, suddenly Darick will be a fine upstanding young man, and Dooley will still be IN OVER HIZ HEADZ!!!!

So if this goes south, prepare for our trolls to change their tune about Darick. He'll be immediately transformed into a fine example of American youth, taken advantage of by that horrible Derek Dooley.

Don't fall for it.
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Did any of you people ever consider that all the constant negativism exuded by UT fans "contributed" to the mental state of DR? His life experience is limited and he's still at a malleable age. What some older person from a certain background could treat as water off a duck's back, has a completely different effect on an 18-22 year old. You get thicker skin via experience over time. During that process a young person is like a weather vane, pointed by the wind in one direction and then another. Some things I've seen posted in this board I marvel that half the players on our team haven't said "To h3ll with it and just up and left."

---[FONT=verdana,arial,helvetica][FONT=verdana,arial,helvetica]There is so much good in the worst of us, and so much bad in the best of us, that it ill behooves any of us to find fault with the rest of us.--- James Truslow Adams[/FONT][/FONT][FONT=verdana,arial,helvetica][FONT=verdana,arial,helvetica][/FONT][/FONT]
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Twitter is the most useless excuse for info ever. If that is your thing fine. I see it as garbage. To each his own.

You're not following the right people.

Its as powerful a communication tool as has been invented in the past twenty years.

With it, the average person has the ability to pass a message before tens or hundreds of thousands of eyes who ACTUALLY READ the message. You don't need a website with a pageview track record, you don't need a publication with an existing subscriber base. All you need is a message people want to read and share. Its changing the game in advertising, political campaigns, and governments worldwide.

Of course, it has its fair share of trash and flotsam, but so does the Internet. So does print media.

I think your issue is more content-based than platform-based.

Personally, with the right follows, I think it is the most interesting thing to happen to sports media since Bill Simmons... maybe since George Plimpton and Frank DeFord
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Gonna talk about 1 of 2 things.

1...the whole situation with Baggett and the way he was perceived.


2.... He is Snooki's baby daddy
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