2024 Presidential Race

In fairness, when considering the results of the latest polls, it does appear that Biden has begun to unify the country. That just doesn't mean  quite what our "liberal" friends might think.
4 of your 7 "Trumpisms" apply equally to the Democrats so congrats, you're over 50% towards being a follower.
What? That doesn't really make any sense. I don't understand your first and last highlights at all.
But, I disagree with any democrat who demonizes republicans and views compromise as weakness.
I disagree with any democrat who views republicans as the enemy looking to destroy the country as we know it.

I do not view trumpism = republicans........even though he has been allowed to temporarily (I hope) take over the party.
You seem to take denial past its expiration date. Trump is in the lead by every metric. There is now comparison data between a Trump or Biden presidency. There is no summer of love moment where far left democrat loons were stirring the crowd into a frenzy. That is why they are silent now that the same folks they created are now causing Biden to get even more unpopular. They helped create the monster in order to get an invalid elected.
LOL. As I have said, virtually every poll is in within it's margin of error, and there are many undecided voters. Once again, however, I am glad to see that polls are finally so meaningful to Trump supporters. I posted poll after poll here 4 years ago .... and they were dismissed by you guys. I called you delusional, but you stuck to your guns. I'm pretty sure that you were one of them ....
LOL. As I have said, virtually every poll is in within it's margin of error, and there are many undecided voters. Once again, however, I am glad to see that polls are finally so meaningful to Trump supporters. I posted poll after poll here 4 years ago .... and they were dismissed by you guys. I called you delusional, but you stuck to your guns. I'm pretty sure that you were one of them ....
So, is it safe to say that you are a pole expert?
Everyone is of course entitled to express their opinions--but when specific opinions have no connection to reality, they should be challenged.
--starting with your assumption that trump would be more of a unifying president than Biden. That's the complete opposite of the truth to anyone who is alive and sentient.
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It's never been a policies thing. Pick someone who isn't a horrendously despicable human with basically those same policies and I'm good.

This is where I can somewhat agree. Professionalism is part of the job.

Do you think Biden is an angel? To me, Biden seems a lot like Trump in many ways when it comes to personality, including having all of the negative traits described by you.
This is where I can somewhat agree. Professionalism is part of the job.

Do you think Biden is an angel? To me, Biden seems a lot like Trump in many ways when it comes to personality, including having all of the negative traits described by you.
I am not a Biden fan. I did not support him in 2020 and hoped that he would not run again in 2024 (still holding out hope).
I am not a Biden fan. I did not support him in 2020 and hoped that he would not run again in 2024 (still holding out hope).

Therein is the dilemma. Both candidates are lackluster. I guess you just need to do the homework and pick the candidate that will best meet our value system.
In fairness, when considering the results of the latest polls, it does appear that Biden has begun to unify the country. That just doesn't mean  quite what our "liberal" friends might think.

All Americans should be unified around the idea that Trump should never hold public office again and probably should be in prison. We're talking about a man who tried to subvert an election and our democracy and incited an attack on the U.S. Capitol that resulted in several deaths. To say it was unprecedented would be a gross understatement. He is, additionally, a man who very strongly wants to appease America's strategic enemy and does not like our longtime democratic allies. Both make him a traitorous individual---not to mention his /deep-rooted/ corruption. He's an off-the-charts lowlife and anathema to America's political and constitutional foundations. And against that right-wingers want to point out that Biden shouldn't be president because he's a Democrat and he's old.

Oh, my!
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Therein is the dilemma. Both candidates are lackluster. I guess you just need to do the homework and pick the candidate that will best meet our value system.

Meet our value system? Many of you are comical. What "values" does Trump represent? He doesn't like America's values--that's why he tried to subvert an election and lied to the American people for months. He doesn't value personal integrity, honesty, empathy. He doesn't value America's democratic foundation. He doesn't value our longtime allies. He values D. Trump. But he will try to sell MAGA bibles and gold tennis shoes to his nitwit base to help pay his huge legal values. He does value conning people who are not very astute.

Calling Trump "lackluster" makes me laugh. It's like someone describing Vlad Putin has "lackluster." I'm not suggesting that anyone love Biden, but he's run a very professional administration that in fact has accomplished a lot. Call him "lackluster," if you like. Conservatives don't like Democrats, and since Biden is a Dem many will simply not support him. Fine. But when you and many others try to lump Biden with Trump--pretend there's no difference between the two---you simply aren't thinking very well.

What's truly astounding is that many conservatives--and I think this is more true of southern and rural conservatives than anyone else--don't seem to have any grasp of how truly dangerous and corrupt and traitorous Trump is. Either they don't get it--or they don't want to get it; don't want to acknowledge it, because they don't like Dems. It's rather scary. Liz Cheney and Romney and many Republicans/conservatives who value America's democracy and its traditions and its allies, and who dislike abject corruption--get it. They put country before party politics. But a lot of conservatives are frighteningly misguided and clouded when it comes to the gangster.
It's laughable that you still claim to not have supported Biden in 2020 or don't support him now.
How so? It's 100% true.

Is Biden going to be the candidate? Or are you sticking with your oft stated position?
I guess......and that is why I am voting for Biden (against trump is more accurate)

Yeah, I tend to focus more on actions than words and less on the media (if you recognize the bias, you can usually come closer to the truth). Newsmax is definitely bias towards Trump along with most radio media while ABC, CBS, CNN, and MSNBC are very bias against Trump.

I am actually more curious/hopeful regarding the 2028 elections as both Biden and Trump will be gone.
Yeah, I tend to focus more on actions than words and less on the media (if you recognize the bias, you can usually come closer to the truth). Newsmax is definitely bias towards Trump along with most radio media while ABC, CBS, CNN, and MSNBC are very bias against Trump.

I am actually more curious/hopeful regarding the 2028 elections as both Biden and Trump will be gone.
It will be great to be rid of both of them.
My focus is entirely on who will best move the country in the direction I feel is best for my kids and their kids.
How so? It's 100% true.

Is Biden going to be the candidate? Or are you sticking with your oft stated position?

Personally, I don't vote for someone I don't support regardless of who they are running against. If you cast a vote for someone you support their candidacy. It's just that simple.

No, I do not believe Biden will be on the ticket in November.
Personally, I don't vote for someone I don't support regardless of who they are running against. If you cast a vote for someone you support their candidacy. It's just that simple.

No, I do not believe Biden will be on the ticket in November.
That vote means nothing more than I support their candidacy more than the only other viable alternative.
Not voting that way is absurd..............but here's hoping many more from the right are like you and just sit it out.

And I hope you are right about Biden.....I'm still holding out hope.
That vote means nothing more than I support their candidacy more than the only other viable alternative.
Not voting that way is absurd..............but here's hoping many more from the right are like you and just sit it out.

And I hope you are right about Biden.....I'm still holding out hope.

Voting for people you do not support is why we have had awful candidates the last several elections. Both parties know that there are enough people out there like you who will vote for who they are told to vote for.

Be a part of the solution for once and not the problem.
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Personally, I don't vote for someone I don't support regardless of who they are running against. If you cast a vote for someone you support their candidacy. It's just that simple.

No, I do not believe Biden will be on the ticket in November.
"I hear yall are looking for a candidate to replace Joe. I ain't in no ways tired.

Put me in coach, I am as vibrant, charming, and as beautiful as ever".

Well, pre-Covid, we seemed to be doing pretty damn well. The economy was in much better shape, steps were being taken to curb the difficult immigration problem, and there were no major wars. We also weren't wasting political time and money on BS issues like gender equality, gun "control," and global warming.

Printing more money and cosmetic steps about immigration aren't that much better than now.

Putting up a wall doesn't mean squat if you don't enforce existing verification laws. Of course, Trump wasn't going to piss off his agriculture and construction base to do that...

It's like Ds with gun control. They had their chance to do something and they chose not to do more than windowdressing...
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Therein is the dilemma. Both candidates are lackluster. I guess you just need to do the homework and pick the candidate that will best meet our value system.
This is the issue with voters like Luther...he admits it's not a policy issue with Trump but he doesn't like his personality, but yet will vote for a guy on video making racist remarks ( People have only said DJT said things), Biden imprisoned more minorities with his crime bills but people said DJT doesn't like minorities...Biden disrespect dallen soldiers by checking his watch on film while their bodies are carried by, but people said DJT said they were losers....DJT had an affair outside marriage, Biden showed inappropriately with his daughter...btw Stormy sign an affidavit saying it not true while Ashley has yet to refute her diary...but Trump is worse because he hurt people feelings... it's pathetic

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