2024 Presidential Race

Did you ever watch that movie Head of State with Chris Rock? Specifically towards the end of the movie when Rock is diving a bus and the President throws a tantrum about "someone should have thought of that! Go get me a minivan or something!"

I feel Biden's handlers have had the same thoughts since Trump went into that CFA in Atlanta and the Bodega stop in NYC.

"We need to get him out among the people!"

Of course, it'd be funny if they had the "I did that" stickers on the pumps.
Did you ever watch that movie Head of State with Chris Rock? Specifically towards the end of the movie when Rock is diving a bus and the President throws a tantrum about "someone should have thought of that! Go get me a minivan or something!"

I feel Biden's handlers have had the same thoughts since Trump went into that CFA in Atlanta and the Bodega stop in NYC.

"We need to get him out among the people!"

Of course, it'd be funny if they had the "I did that" stickers on the pumps.

But there is no people when he goes into these businesses. 😂
How can any Democrat support his man, he's gone, he's disconnected, he can't even walk normal...... I know Trump is what he is but for ****'s sakes he's much better than this walking disaster.

Everything you say is true. Biden should quit NOW. He's way too old to be President.

That he could be in office another 4 years is a crime against humanity.


The alternative is worse.

If we had a reasonable alternative in the middle, he/she/it would have my vote.
LMAO. Grandpa Joe looks lost each day when staffers go to unlock his door at the WH.
Once at the counter to order he doesn't seem to know how to interact w/cashier.
Holding his head down he doesn't know how to speak to the lady taking his card.
Trump on the other hand walks around shaking hands & being friendly w/others.

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You mean like RFK Jr?

Kennedy Family Endorses Biden Over Their Own Relative, RFK Jr.​

Also, per RFK Jr.:

Covid-19 targets certain races and gives others immunity: Kennedy Jr. was caught on camera telling fellow diners that “Covid-19 is targeted to attack Caucasians and Black people” and “the people who are most immune are Ashkenazi Jews and Chinese,” according to a video made public in the New York Post, which also shows him saying the U.S. “put hundreds of millions of dollars into ethnically targeted microbes” and labs in Ukraine collected Russian and Chinese DNA “so we can target people by race.”

Mass shootings are linked to prescription drugs: Kennedy Jr. blamed school shootings on drugs like the antidepressant Prozac in a recent Twitter Spaces discussion, telling owner Elon Musk, “Prior to the introduction of Prozac, we had almost none of these events" (there's no scientifically established correlation between psychiatric drugs and mass violence, according to experts cited by PolitiFact).

The 2004 presidential election was stolen: Kennedy Jr. said in a 2006 Rolling Stone article he was “convinced” that voter fraud in the 2004 presidential election allowed former Republican President George W. Bush to steal the victory from Democrat John Kerry, but while a 2005 postmortem by the Democratic Party found a breakdown of the election system in Ohio, it found no evidence of fraud.

The CIA was involved in the assassination of former President John F. Kennedy: Reprising the unfounded claim he has made for years, Kennedy Jr. recently made the suggestion to Fox News’ Sean Hannity (though the federal government’s Warren Commission convened to study the killing found that Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone when he shot JFK in 1963).
The wrong person may have been convicted of killing his father: Kennedy Jr. cast doubt on the conviction of Sirhan Sirhan in the 1968 assassination of his father, former U.S. Attorney General and Democratic presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy, to which gunman Sirhan Sirhan confessed days later, though his lawyers have claimed in recent years that he was hypnotized and coerced to kill Kennedy.
The pharmaceutical industry is throwing money at Democrats: After the Affordable Care Act of 2010, “Democrats were getting more money from pharma than Republicans,” Kennedy Jr. claimed on Twitter Spaces, though an analysis by STAT News found 23 of the country’s biggest drug companies and 2 pharmaceutical trade organizations have favored Republicans in 14 of the past 16 elections from 1990-2020, the most recent year STAT studied.
Gun ownership in Switzerland is similar to the United States: While vowing not to “take away anyone’s guns,” if elected president, Kennedy Jr. made the debunked claim, despite data that shows U.S. civilians possess an average of 120.5 firearms per 100 people, the highest per-capita rate in the world, compared to 27.6 in Switzerland, according to the Small Arms Survey by the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies in Geneva, Switzerland.
The Covid-19 virus was genetically engineered: “Covid was clearly a bioweapons problem,” he said on Twitter Spaces, repeating a claim promoted by some hard-right lawmakers—U.S. intelligence agencies have said it’s possible the virus originated from a lab accident, but have found no evidence to support the claim that it was deliberately leaked.
Former White House medical advisor Dr. Anthony Fauci and Microsoft cofounder Bill Gates sought to exaggerate the pandemic, in part, to promote vaccines: Kennedy Jr. accused the pair in his 2021 book, The Real Anthony Fauci of launching "a historic coup d'état against Western democracy" by exercising outsize influence over the media and public health realm, while Kennedy also promoted use of unapproved treatments for Covid-19, such as ivermectin.
Vaccines can cause autism: For years, Kennedy Jr. has promoted the theory that the preservative, thimerosal, which has largely been phased out of modern vaccine formulas, appears to be responsible for a rise in autism diagnoses and that the government knew but “knowingly allowed the pharmaceutical industry to poison an entire generation of American children,” he wrote in Rolling Stone and Salon in 2006, despite consensus among a number of certified health organizations, including the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the World Health Organization and more that have found no credible link between vaccines and autism.

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Everything you say is true. Biden should quit NOW. He's way too old to be President.

That he could be in office another 4 years is a crime against humanity.


The alternative is worse.

If we had a reasonable alternative in the middle, he/she/it would have my vote.
How is Trump worse?
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Kennedy Family Endorses Biden Over Their Own Relative, RFK Jr.​

Also, per RFK Jr.:

Covid-19 targets certain races and gives others immunity: Kennedy Jr. was caught on camera telling fellow diners that “Covid-19 is targeted to attack Caucasians and Black people” and “the people who are most immune are Ashkenazi Jews and Chinese,” according to a video made public in the New York Post, which also shows him saying the U.S. “put hundreds of millions of dollars into ethnically targeted microbes” and labs in Ukraine collected Russian and Chinese DNA “so we can target people by race.”

Mass shootings are linked to prescription drugs: Kennedy Jr. blamed school shootings on drugs like the antidepressant Prozac in a recent Twitter Spaces discussion, telling owner Elon Musk, “Prior to the introduction of Prozac, we had almost none of these events" (there's no scientifically established correlation between psychiatric drugs and mass violence, according to experts cited by PolitiFact).

The 2004 presidential election was stolen: Kennedy Jr. said in a 2006 Rolling Stone article he was “convinced” that voter fraud in the 2004 presidential election allowed former Republican President George W. Bush to steal the victory from Democrat John Kerry, but while a 2005 postmortem by the Democratic Party found a breakdown of the election system in Ohio, it found no evidence of fraud.

The CIA was involved in the assassination of former President John F. Kennedy: Reprising the unfounded claim he has made for years, Kennedy Jr. recently made the suggestion to Fox News’ Sean Hannity (though the federal government’s Warren Commission convened to study the killing found that Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone when he shot JFK in 1963).
The wrong person may have been convicted of killing his father: Kennedy Jr. cast doubt on the conviction of Sirhan Sirhan in the 1968 assassination of his father, former U.S. Attorney General and Democratic presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy, to which gunman Sirhan Sirhan confessed days later, though his lawyers have claimed in recent years that he was hypnotized and coerced to kill Kennedy.
The pharmaceutical industry is throwing money at Democrats: After the Affordable Care Act of 2010, “Democrats were getting more money from pharma than Republicans,” Kennedy Jr. claimed on Twitter Spaces, though an analysis by STAT News found 23 of the country’s biggest drug companies and 2 pharmaceutical trade organizations have favored Republicans in 14 of the past 16 elections from 1990-2020, the most recent year STAT studied.
Gun ownership in Switzerland is similar to the United States: While vowing not to “take away anyone’s guns,” if elected president, Kennedy Jr. made the debunked claim, despite data that shows U.S. civilians possess an average of 120.5 firearms per 100 people, the highest per-capita rate in the world, compared to 27.6 in Switzerland, according to the Small Arms Survey by the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies in Geneva, Switzerland.
The Covid-19 virus was genetically engineered: “Covid was clearly a bioweapons problem,” he said on Twitter Spaces, repeating a claim promoted by some hard-right lawmakers—U.S. intelligence agencies have said it’s possible the virus originated from a lab accident, but have found no evidence to support the claim that it was deliberately leaked.
Former White House medical advisor Dr. Anthony Fauci and Microsoft cofounder Bill Gates sought to exaggerate the pandemic, in part, to promote vaccines: Kennedy Jr. accused the pair in his 2021 book, The Real Anthony Fauci of launching "a historic coup d'état against Western democracy" by exercising outsize influence over the media and public health realm, while Kennedy also promoted use of unapproved treatments for Covid-19, such as ivermectin.
Vaccines can cause autism: For years, Kennedy Jr. has promoted the theory that the preservative, thimerosal, which has largely been phased out of modern vaccine formulas, appears to be responsible for a rise in autism diagnoses and that the government knew but “knowingly allowed the pharmaceutical industry to poison an entire generation of American children,” he wrote in Rolling Stone and Salon in 2006, despite consensus among a number of certified health organizations, including the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the World Health Organization and more that have found no credible link between vaccines and autism.

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So... not a better choice than Trump?
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LMAO. Grandpa Joe looks lost each day when staffers go to unlock his door at the WH.
Once at the counter to order he doesn't seem to know how to interact w/cashier.
Holding his head down he doesn't know how to speak to the lady taking his card.
Trump on the other hand walks around shaking hands & being friendly w/others.

This is really pitiful. They have stolen Trump's pitch and it is obvious. They look like buffoons. Is he visiting all of these places the same day?

If someone can see the comments on X please post some of them.
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So... not a better choice than Trump?

Lol, once you discussed the other option @MontyPython pivoted. There was never a serious consideration for anyone but Biden. Biden will lose in November anyway though. It's now clear to young voters he's a moron. Once you lose the idealistic young, it's over.

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