2024 Presidential Race

Right now, the IRS is estimating its workforce to be about 8,000 over its 2013 baseline by the end of FY24. Not all of these are enforcement.

You have significantly more filings as result of ACA and Trump's Reform.
Seems like (as expected) the majority of new audits are hitting middle class earners.

The most recent data suggests the IRS is still focused on the middle class. As of last summer, 63% of new audits targeted taxpayers with income of less than $200,000.

The IRS even told us they were going to target the Middle Class with these new IRS Agents -

audit rates will not rise relative to recent years for households making under $400,000

And Yellen -

Contrary to the misinformation from opponents of this legislation, small business or households earning $400,000 per year or less will not see an increase in the chances that they are audited

Joe Biden's handlers keep from telling this idiot the reason nobody wants him around anymore. He's there to serve all americans & not just to his radical unhinged lunatic base.

Biden may be a bigger fraud the Jean Kerry. The guy who has sent his justice department after political enemies claiming that's not who we are. They stage these rallies but can barely get enough people to fill 6 grade school classrooms. Where are the harden supporters who vote for this guy? Even they know taking a crap is better than listening to Biden.
This is your guy

Gas station was a terrible choice considering that everyone there just paid a whole lot more for gas than they did under Trump. I am most disgusted with Biden at two times during the week; filling up my gas tank and buying groceries. It is like rubbing salt into a wound
This will never be covered by legacy regime media.

Madcow. Holt. Todd.

All of them would invite a slew of guest on their show just to cover a 20 second clip of this crowd if it were anti-Trump. But since it’s a democrat in office, they will just ignore it.

The MSM is the enemy of the people. Never forget it.
This will never be covered by legacy regime media.
Meanwhile as protesters show up at every Biden event and shout Joe has got to go, Trump visited a heavily African American community in New York yesterday and people were cheering, hugging him and saying 4 more years. The contrast couldn't be more evident at this point. Could change between now and the election but as of now Trump would win BIGLY.

Jill Biden's ex-husband paid hitman Frank 'The Irishman' Sheeran $3K to set up a strike and stop the delivery of Delaware newspapers with anti-Biden ads before Joe's shock 1972 Senate win, book claims​

Jill Biden's former husband says he raised $3000 to fund a union picket line organized by notorious mob hitman Frank 'The Irishman' Sheeran designed to help Joe Biden win election to the Senate in 1972.

The extraordinary claim is made in a new book that revisits the story of how a newspaper blockade prevented anti-Biden adverts reaching voters in the final days of campaigning in Delaware.

The details - contained in 'The Bidens: Inside the First Family's Fifty-year Rise to Power' by Ben Shreckinger which is published by Twelve Books on Sept. 21 - will reignite debate over how much Biden knew about union efforts to tip the scales in his favor.

The tale centers on how Biden's long-shot campaign could come from 30 points behind to snatch an unlikely victory.

Sheeran, whose life would later be turned into a Martin Scorsese movie, was a local Teamsters official in Wilmington, where Biden lived, in 1972.

He made no secret of his support for the Democrat, describing how he had prevented the Republican incumbent J. Caleb Boggs addressing union members.

Gas station was a terrible choice considering that everyone there just paid a whole lot more for gas than they did under Trump. I am most disgusted with Biden at two times during the week; filling up my gas tank and buying groceries. It is like rubbing salt into a wound
One side campaigns on insurrection, threat to democracy, abortion and orange man bad.
The other side campaigns on lower prices, closed border, and lower crime.
As you point out, most voters care more about lower gas, food and rent/housing than anything else. The current polls back this up.
One side campaigns on insurrection, threat to democracy, abortion and orange man bad.
The other side campaigns on lower prices, closed border, and lower crime.
As you point out, most voters care more about lower gas, food and rent/housing than anything else. The current polls back this up.
But there will always be a percentage of the populace, mostly over „educated“ (ie indoctrinated) urban elites who will vote against their true self interest no matter how bad things get.
The one wild card now relates to minority voters. The Democrat power base is a three legged stool. It has historically been able to count on the unwavering support of three identity groups; 1) white urban women 2) African Americans and 3) Hispanics. (There used to be a fourth leg, blue collar working class; but the Democrats have irreversibly burned that bridge over the past decade).
The second and third groups are making visible movement toward Republicans (or at least Trump). Even a slight shift in those two demographic blocks spells generational losses for Democrats. That is why I think the whole embrace of the LGBTQ whatever other letters has derailed the Democrat train. Hispanics especially are socially conservative and largely Catholic. You can only poke your fingers in their eyes for so long before they get tired of it. 40 years ago, Regan said that Hispanics were actually conservative, they just didn’t realize it yet. I think they are waking up now. And African Americans are finally beginning to see that Democrat promises will always be made; but never actually fulfilled. The next six months will determine the next 40 years of elections. If Democrats were wise, they would listen to the well worn advice of James Carville; „It’s the economy stupid“. Democrats have bought into identity politics and woke nonsense that they are unable to focus on what most Americans really care about. Affordable food in the table, the ability to own a decent home, and to be able to afford basic transportation. It is not too late to change direction. I think it helps America if they do; but the current people running the party seem totally clueless.
Another juror was dismissed today for ripping down Republican Campaign signs. However, the judge donated to Biden directly and his daughter worked for the DNC and that's perfectly okay and he has no issue with being impartial? This case gets shadier by the day.........

Trump Judge connection to DNC and Biden
I think the clear conflicts of interest and juror bias eventually get any conviction thrown out on appeal; but that will take years and in the meantime, his opponent will be able to legitimately make the claim that Trump is a convicted felon. The slow pace of appeals is one of the biggest shortcomings of our current system. The Constitution guarantees a speedy trial (not really met anymore) but it says nothing about a speedy resolution.
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Folks, it is shocking how fast Biden’s mental and physical health is declining. It can almost be seen daily now. I honestly don’t think he is able to make it till the convention. I guarantee that Plan B is already in motion. The past week has shocked even me.

I've heard his two rallies in Pennsylvania was like watching bizarre world and he embarrassed himself. I have not seen any footage because I refuse to watch a 30 clip of him mumbling and yelling. I'm waiting on some cliffs. If I find any I will post here.
I've heard his two rallies in Pennsylvania was like watching bizarre world and he embarrassed himself. I have not seen any footage because I refuse to watch a 30 clip of him mumbling and yelling. I'm waiting on some cliffs. If I find any I will post here.
The most telling thing is how carefully they Screen who attends those „rallies“. And it’s not even just to keep out conservatives or Trump fans. Most of the hecklers lately are from his own virulently antisemetic left wing
Biden may be a bigger fraud the Jean Kerry. The guy who has sent his justice department after political enemies claiming that's not who we are. They stage these rallies but can barely get enough people to fill 6 grade school classrooms. Where are the harden supporters who vote for this guy? Even they know taking a crap is better than listening to Biden.
I would posit that less than 5% of voters are actually voting FOR Biden. Almost all of Biden’s votes will actually be votes AGAINST Trump. I don’t think I have ever seen any candidate inspire so little enthusiasm even from his own „supporters“.
Like I have said many times before, it amazes me that our old and tried political system in this country has now (for the second time in a row) managed to find for us perhaps the two most unlikeable persons possible from which to choose? How is that even possible. We couldn’t do worse if we actually tried
I would posit that less than 5% of voters are actually voting FOR Biden. Almost all of Biden’s votes will actually be votes AGAINST Trump. I don’t think I have ever seen any candidate inspire so little enthusiasm even from his own „supporters“.
Like I have said many times before, it amazes me that our old and tried political system in this country has now (for the second time in a row) managed to find for us perhaps the two most unlikeable persons possible from which to choose? How is that even possible. We couldn’t do worse if we actually tried

I agree. I don't the Trump would be nearly as unlikable if state media wasn't going after him the way they are. As much as we don't like it, he is not the type of guy that let's people dump on him while he strivels up.

Listen to the editor that just resigned from NPR. He spoke up. It sounds like they attempted to blackball him and suspend him. Then he resigned. It's my understanding that's how it went down. He outted NPR for biased news reporting. He is a democrat.
I agree. I don't the Trump would be nearly as unlikable if state media wasn't going after him the way they are. As much as we don't like it, he is not the type of guy that let's people dump on him while he strivels up.

Listen to the editor that just resigned from NPR. He spoke up. It sounds like they attempted to blackball him and suspend him. Then he resigned. It's my understanding that's how it went down. He outted NPR for biased news reporting. He is a democrat.
I think Trump would have high negatives even without the media malfeasance. I think Trump really loves this country and was a surprisingly effective President. But his choice of people for key posts was horrendous and he is far too arrogant and proud to actually find and listen to the right people on the conservative side. He chooses sycophants and then expresses dismay when they don’t work out.
Trump with just an ounce of humility would be an incredible President.
Maybe the best way I can describe it is that I feel Trump makes everything personal and all about himself. Reagan by contrast made it all about conservative principles.
Not everything is about one‘s person but it is about what they stand for.
Snippets of the article. Real people, real stories from the ground.

Trump’s Bodega Visit Should Scare the Heck Out of Democrats​

A cheery young Hispanic working single mom who should terrify the Democrats had just picked up her 1-year-old son from his babysitter on Tuesday evening when she encountered a crowd at Broadway and W. 139th St. in Harlem.

None other than Donald Trump was just beyond a line of police barricades outside the Sanaa Convenient store.

“I was amazed to see him,” 31-year-old Sabrina Vargas later told The Daily Beast. “Just to see what everyone jokes about—his hair, the color. It was kind of breezy.”

Vargas arrived in the midst of it, having just collected her son, Makhai, after a shift as a table server at the Hard Rock in Times Square.

“You had a lot of mixed emotions,” she recalled. “I saw some women upset. I saw a lot of people happy. And a lot of people who seem confused.”

But, by her estimate, only 15 percent of the onlookers were manifestly negative. She herself had only positive things to say.

“I liked his suit,” she said. “It looks like he lost some weight.”

She added, “He looked happy. He always looks happy.” She noted one exception: “Not when he’s in court.”

Vargas said that when the crowd cheered, little Makhai joined in. She was asked if she also cheered. “I did,” she allowed.

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