'16 AZ DE Jonathan Kongbo UT Signee 2/3/16

Hugh postures as an African speaking Swahili and pounding on a djembe while citing prayers he's got no business saying. And Butch has his guys tell him to follow his heart,

Who's the looney one in this scenario?
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What's funny is that Oxford to Surrey is a 4,000 mile round trip. Sorry you wasted your time, Hugh!
You do you BC, I just get bothered by character being attacked based on internet rumors. Maybe he's a selfish prick, maybe not, but I am sure few of us would have a problem with a parent pushing a kid to UT. People get giddy all the time around here when they read "mom wants TN".

Difference between mom wanting a certain school and mom refusing to sign the paperwork even though the son has made their decision. I don't care if it were a kid going anywhere but here and a parent doing this......it's the son's decision and the parent should only advise, not dictate Imo
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I can only imagine the scene and laugh. I see OL Hugh breaking this bag of stuff out and spreading it out on the kitchen table. Then he's got this arm band on like the qbs use that has the prayer on it. Then he does his thing.
This is just like the Jefferson recruitment from last year. Freeze was recruiting his parents and his parents were on the hook to Ole Miss. Jefferson loved Florida and always did. Even after committing you'll remember the very public spat between his sons decision to sign with Florida including the bad mouthing of Florida coaches.

Freeze has the Dad in his pocket and is hoping for a different result than Jefferson's result last year.

Bumping my own post because well........suck it Freeze!
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I can only imagine the scene and laugh. I see OL Hugh breaking this bag of stuff out and spreading it out on the kitchen table. Then he's got this arm band on like the qbs use that has the prayer on it. Then he does his thing.

He was probably wearing a wire and had one of his assistants out in the car Googling African prayer traditions and feeding him info.
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It's funny that ole miss of all teams is complaining about wasting time and resources on a top guy just for a team to take them in a "questionable" way. Like you cheat to get at least Tunsil and probably most of that class, and then complain when you don't even know exactly what happens but poor CHF had to pray for someone for an hour? Boo hoo, if the ncaa wasn't ridiculously bad you're program would have 50 scholarships and be on bowl ban
If anyone can put Hugh Freeze's face on this GIF, you are da real MVP.

Hugh show's up,

"Hey fellas, I brought my prayer candles that I bring with me everywhere. Do you have a Djembe so we can open up with a word of prayer?"

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I like beating ole miss. That's an old rivalry that was killed by realignment. My mom always talks about hating Ole Miss when she was little and listening to Tennessee games with my grandfather.
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So what happens with Phillips?

They will all play imo. No more making a linemen play 80 snaps. Idk why CJJ did that. We have elite talent top to bottom. No drop off between starters and second team. I think the difference may be inexperience but not talent wise. I believe Shoop will rotate more guys than our previous DC.
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3rd and Long

Kongbo, Barnett, Phillips, Vereen

Seriously, this is a nightmare for defenses with those 4 in there.

Also, you have to use some rotation with the d ends.

Obvious passing downs are going to be a nightmare.
Taylor will play some, imo.

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