Official Jon Gruden Thread IV

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Was just told that Gruden is going to the NFL and Patrino to the Vols.

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Why would Dooley try to recruit if he knows he is fired? There is nothing at that point motivating him to recruit kids to UT.

I dont htink he will thats why you will not see much on the recruiting front till after the season. As you may have noticed if you've been over there to the recruiting forum the water is like glass as for over here it is hurrican jon!
Haven't heard anymore about Dooley to the Browns....don't care aside from the fact that he seems more compliant that he did last week.

Apparently it was important to JG to finish out the MNF season and he will do so. Not sure where the rules fall on him recruiting, but I believe he will do so if its allowable once Dooley steps down.

Thanks. Dooley knows this isn't working and he probably wants to get the he!! out of Knoxville as anybody.

To the other poster, I didn't mean to insinuate that Gruden would start on-field coaching this season, and I meant that he would take control after the Ky game. Like others, I don't see Gruden coaching the bowl game either.
Not doubting, simply picking your brain: what would the point be, if everything is lined up and Dooley is on board, of not having Dooley coach the bowl game? If Gruden isn't coming on board before it, what would it hurt?

It seems that for Gruden to be able to hit the recruiting trail prior to officially taking over, we must be without a head coach. This is exactly how Urban Meyer was able to recruit for tOSU before starting.
The only decent logic I have seen in regard to Dooley already knowing he is fired but not announcing it publicly is they are trying to keep the coaching search out of the view of the media. If Dooley is publicly fired then all media starts trying to hunt down who we are talking to
I have nothing to support this but 99% sure they wouldn't coach the bowl game.

Would be bring in a whole new staff and teaching the team limited plays.

Dooley or his staff will coach the rest of the season, including the bowl game.

You're probably right. I was thinking of recruiting.
I'm confused by your matter. I don't have a reason for not announcing now since I'm not part of this process.

I posted your post above where you said you heard we didn't want an interim. If DD is on board he would coach out the year so announcing he is done has no bearing on needing an interim coach
Explain how announcing now means an interim must be named??

It's not the interim part I think. If you think about it everyone knows who UT wants as their next HC and if people ask Gruden questions now he can say there's no opening I don't know what you are talking about. If it becomes open everyone will swarm him with questions about us. That can take away from his MNF job. And if it's important for him to finish that, this would,make sense
You're probably right. I was thinking of recruiting.

I meant to say would be weird bringing them in*

But yeah, fire Dooley and let Gruden recruit for sure prior to the bowl game. If Gruden is on board, you get rid of Dooley and let someone else be interim so Gruden can recruit.
These Gruden threads are clearly the best in the history of VN. We've had bold predictions, name-calling, stalking, orange boners, red ducks, photoshops, gifs, religious evangelism, title searches, upside down boobies, electioneering, jeering, sneering...and wall to wall Gruden! This has been the most fun I've had lurking on any forum, ever. Thanks to everyone who is making it all happen! Keep up the entertainment, GBO, and GET GRUDEN!

Hey man. Don't forget about my breakfast toast:

It seems that for Gruden to be able to hit the recruiting trail prior to officially taking over, we must be without a head coach. This is exactly how Urban Meyer was able to recruit for tOSU before starting.

Meyer got a waiver while a full staff coached the bowl game.
I'd say 10% of Vols fans would accept Petrino as coach. There is no way less than a year is enough for people to forget that fiasco. That is not a home run hire more like a sac fly when you are down 12-0. PETRINO IS NOT COMING HERE.

But it would be better than the pop up bunt we have right now...
I'd like to see Gruden pull a recruit or two from Kiffen. He's got one 5* out of Nashville committed and a 4* from Ky. Really don't know anything about the recruits but I'd like to see it.
I had completely forgotten about the 4 picks they gave up - that is an excellent point as to why they started to trend down - honestly that was worrying me (not enough to not be excited, just tempering my excitement) so really good that someone either remembered or did the research to pull that little nugget out - 2 1st's and 2 2nd's is a huge deal and definitely helps explain the dropoff

2002 Tampa Depth Chart...yes he won a Superbowl w/ Brad Johnson at QB.

2002 Tampa Bay Buccaneers "Depth Chart"


apologies for the hard to read graphics.
Because its his job.

That is true...but who is going to be all in with recruiting when they know they won't even coach the players? Maybe I'm clueless but most lame ducks tend to have a decreased work ethic once notified of their departure.
It's not the interim part I think. If you think about it everyone knows who UT wants as their next HC and if people ask Gruden questions now he can say there's no opening I don't know what you are talking about. If it becomes open everyone will swarm him with questions about us. That can take away from his MNF job. And if it's important for him to finish that, this would,make sense

I can buy that
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