Recruiting Forum Football Talk V

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So, Hooker tried to hold Banks accountable and something popped off?

Sounds like it, doesn't sound like punches were thrown though. Also sounds like there was multiple incidents just last week with JB.

I don't know how much it really affected the game play last night... I usually rewatch the game sober, but pretty sure I'm not going to rewatch this one to find out what the defense was doing or not.
Worst loss since the KY WR at QB… possibly Wyoming… oh… but GA State, never mind… since GA State
1996 Memphis
2001 SECCG
2005 Wyoming
2011 Kentucky
2016 Vanderbilt
20whatever Ga State


2022 S Carolina immediately jumps the Kentucky, Wyoming, and Ga State losses. It's up there in the rafters of the miserable for me.
We have enough dissension-- I'm not looking to cause more. Things just aren't as unilateral as some might like. Situations are a sum of many variables that led to where we are. A team that was playing well but has played uncharacteristically poorly in two of the last three games, plus friction within a team are symptoms of a bigger problem. A simmering pot just boiled over, and now coaches have a mess to clean up. Another week or two and it could have played itself out. Instead, it cost UT a playoff spot.

I'm going to enjoy the holidays and be thankful for the many blessings I have. Happy Thanksgiving to all of VolNation.
Hmm, this is interesting to say the least. Not sure what to think about it or how to interpret it. Guessing might be talking about guys going into transfer portal.
AP says Banks had multiple incidents this week and whatever happened on Thursday caused them to leave him at home.

Also says that Banks does not have an injured jaw (meaning Milton didn't punch him).

Also says the other defensive players supported the decision to leave Banks at home.
They sure didn’t play like they supported the decision!
Do you really believe that? Please tell me no.
If he was left for stepping on the T, yes that is stupid. Make him run stairs, make him publicly apologize, do other things than make your starting MLB and heart of the defense sit at home. If other things happened and it was a lot more than that, then I understand. But him still being on the team means it wasn’t that big of a deal and seems a stupid fight happened. If so, that’s on the coaches for not handling the players quickly and getting them in line. My college coaches would never let any player get real out of line or correct the team if some conflict happened. Literally had a teammate deck me in the face after practice and our coaches went crazy. Later on we are drinking at my apartment and laughing about it. You have to squash things quick. And I didn’t play something near as big as college football.
Kick him off then. That is a cancer and will destroy the culture that looked to be forming nicely.

I agree. It's a shame that he has all that talent and plays hard on the field and has no maturity and so self centered.

But we've known that since he arrived on campus.

I will be so glad when Heup gets all his guys on the roster. We will not know the full impact it can have for a few more years.
After last night's pathetic performance, I don't give a damn about excuses. We were on the cusp of the playoffs and all we needed to do was to beat two bad teams.

The coaches did not have the players ready to play and some of the players looked like they didn't care to be playing.

If any of the Banks rumors are true, I hope he never puts on a uniform for this team ever again.

Hadden needs his scholarship pulled after the season. He acted like a punk high school kid all night. Embarrassing!

Some of you can sugarcoat if all you want, but that was an embarrassing effort from the players and coaches. They took what has been a magical season full of joy and hope and took a big dump on themselves and their fans with their pathetic effort on the field last night.

Absolutely disgusting!!!!!

Reposting --- at the end of the day, all of this is true. Too much on the line for that performance last night... even if we lost a close one, it would be different, but that was a truly pathetic performance at this point in the season with it all in front of us... Just play like we have all season and a playoff berth is ours... but NO... UT did it's UT THING last night and 'ish the bed at the most inopportune time... shame on the staff for letting this happen. SMFH... Some things never change.
They sure didn’t play like they supported the decision!

I kind of agree…but it also could have been so much of a distraction that they wouldn’t have been ready to play, regardless of what they supported.

It’s an incredibly disappointing turn of events from a team that was on the cusp of supplanting the Sugar Vols as my favorite team ever. Oh, and the playoffs.
As messed up as it is, all of this makes me feel slightly better. The rest of the defense supporting the decision means there’s not some mutiny at hand. The biggest issue is we don’t have the depth or talent to be able to handle losing our starting MLB and emotional defensive leader. It’s just the facts. Banks was still ass with the gameplan, but the biggest issue is how big of a loss that is. Screw JB forever, I hope he never plays another down at UT. Causing division at this point of the season is inexcusable. Doubt he lasts long in the NFL, if he even gets a chance there.
Exactly. Not a culture issue. A 1-man issue.

The fact that the defense stunk was multi-pronged. It's been meh all season and was now without its leader and head guy. Then throw on the absurd field conditions which were probably not well known before, SR suddenly learning how to throw perfect darts all over, a bad start, and it all adds up to a perfect storm.

It is what it is. We got whooped. But it's not some big conspiracy either of the defense throwing the game (lol). Sometimes you just get straight whipped. And every levee we had holding on by a thread all season broke open at once. Really not all that surprising when you consider our pass D all season.
If he was left for stepping on the T, yes that is stupid. Make him run stairs, make him publicly apologize, do other things than make your starting MLB and heart of the defense sit at home. If other things happened and it was a lot more than that, then I understand. But him still being on the team means it wasn’t that big of a deal and seems a stupid fight happened. If so, that’s on the coaches for not handling the players quickly and getting them in line. My college coaches would never let any player get real out of line or correct the team if some conflict happened. Literally had a teammate deck me in the face after practice and our coaches went crazy. Later on we are drinking at my apartment and laughing about it. You have to squash things quick. And I didn’t play something near as big as college football.

You just seem to know what happened and have an answer for it. You can’t keep someone on the team who is a serious problem. Your overall culture will decline when others see what he can get away with. In life, you get rewarded for doing the right thing and succeeding.

If you believe this is just about a T, then there is no hope. There are deeper issues, and he’s done it before.

I am leaving it at this. This place just gets insufferable when the narratives come out. Hope you have a happy Thanksgiving.
Reposting --- at the end of the day, all of this is true. Too much on the line for that performance last night... even if we lost a close one, it would be different, but that was a truly pathetic performance at this point in the season with it all in front of us... Just play like we have all season and a playoff berth is ours... but NO... UT did it's UT THING last night and 'ish the bed at the most inopportune time... shame on the staff for letting this happen. SMFH... Some things never change.
So they ished the bed vs Mizzou? Nope.

Vs UK? Nope.

Bama? Nope.

LSU? Nope.

Or are those just not THE opportunistic games you're thinking of? Half of this season has been CRITICAL games and they passed, with flying colors, nearly every time.
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