Donald Trump Is Putin's Man

How can you include "nobody has a problem with republicans" with your other assertions? I have a problem with Republicans. They continually spout work product of Russian military counterintelligence while behaving like Donald Trump's criminal cult. They support overthrowing lawful elections and our U.S. Constitution. Those are big problems, and I cannot abide them.

What parts of the USC do you want to discuss that are being compromised?
There you go again -- denying, denying, denying, and accusing, accusing, accusing. BS is all you got.
There’s plenty of BS being slung by both sides. The fact that you don’t believe the democrats and their leader, Joe Biden, engage in it means that you aren’t to be taken seriously.
Well, I said I wouldn't do this, but someone pointed me to it. Apparently I cannot escape the information trap. This is what makes it so dangerous. it's inescapable. We were discussing the same thing this morning.
Putin ally admits Russia interfered in US elections, says it's working 'surgically' to disrupt the midterms

"Part of Russia’s efforts includes promoting narratives aimed at undermining democracy and sowing division and discord. It’s not surprising that Russia would be highlighting their attempted efforts and fabricating a story about their successes on the eve of an election.”
Putin-linked businessman admits to US election meddling
LOL. I can't believe that you're not embarassed to admit that you still believe this fantasy land crap. No. I guess I can believe it. I just need to consider the source.
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Do Fetterman now please?

I usually don't entertain these, but anyone but the cult. You telling me that Walker is the better candidate? Because, I don't even know who he is running against. Maybe that's the problem down there. Maybe the cult is all you have left?
Well, I said I wouldn't do this, but someone pointed me to it. Apparently I cannot escape the information trap. This is what makes it so dangerous. it's inescapable. We were discussing the same thing this morning.

Nobody that voted for Biden and Harris , or in Howard’s case those two plus Gavin Newsome , has any room to complain about Herschel walker . It make you look like a hypocrite.
I usually don't entertain these, but anyone but the cult. You telling me that Walker is the better candidate? Because, I don't even know who he is running against. Maybe that's the problem down there. Maybe the cult is all you have left?

Wait you don’t know who he’s running against but you are parroting Howard Stern and other national brand liberals ? That’s the very thing Russians bots do to sheeple .
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You keep preaching anti establishment, anti bourgeoisie, yet you follow all the establishment and big money with cult like abandon.
Putin ally admits Russia interfered in US elections, says it's working 'surgically' to disrupt the midterms

"Part of Russia’s efforts includes promoting narratives aimed at undermining democracy and sowing division and discord. It’s not surprising that Russia would be highlighting their attempted efforts and fabricating a story about their successes on the eve of an election.”
Putin-linked businessman admits to US election meddling
Would it be to Russia's benefit to say this? Is there anything important about to happen?
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You keep preaching anti establishment, anti bourgeoisie, yet you follow all the establishment and big money with cult like abandon.

Really ? What I preach is for sheep like yourself to stop following parrots and start finding out information for yourself so you can make logical decisions. You have been on Herschel this whole time based on what others think . You admitted you didn’t know who he was running against . You are one of the mindless sheep that Russian bots seek out .
LOL. I can't believe that you're not embarassed to admit that you still believe this fantasy land crap. No. I guess I can believe it. I just need to consider the source.
Of course they tried to interfere. I am sure they have done so in every election. Effectiveness is the entire question. And they ran the same interference on Hilary in the primary. I would guess it changed about zero votes.

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