Recruiting Forum Football Talk IV

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Will give a shot. I love First Law series. Ii just can't visualize audio and that takes enjoyment out of it for me. Will give it a shot after Malazan. I'm halway through Midnight Tides right now....least favorite entry so far but damn I love the series. Memories of Ice was amazing. Quick Ben and Dancer/Cotillion are favorite characters so far.
What?! Dude, forget the other series, you're on the best! How far along MT are you? It's by far the worst start because everyone and everything is brand new (again), but it gets really good by the end. I'm almost done with the series, my favorite I've ever read.

Memories of Ice is probably my favorite book ever though, or at least close to it. Just so epic and and far reaching but then it all comes together in the end.
All these people in here talking about guns. It's like they're bragging. "Ooooh, I haven't been adjudicated by the state to be unfit to own firearrrrrrms, look at meeeeee."

This is a joke. Kind of.
Welp, got Tickets to the UT - UT Martin football game. Figured that is a good game to take my stepson and daughter to their first game.

Also the tickets were only $20 lol 😂. Plus I did ROTC at UT Martin so I get to watch us crush my ROTC school. Either way, I think it will be a good game for the kiddos.
That’s also the homecoming game this year so there will be lots going on for them to experience.
It's a compromise. OH thinks .45 1911 and I think that's too much for me but that a .9mm may not be enough.
Either would be fine IMO. Opinions on calibers are as varied as the people at Walmart on Friday night. I have several but carry an FX45. I taught my wife to use/shoot a .380 (9mm short). I purchased her a Bersa thunder +. Primary reason was capacity. Another reason was double-action/single action. She handles it well and is very accurate.

Go to Bud's in Sevierville and try a few out.
It's a compromise. OH thinks .45 1911 and I think that's too much for me but that a .9mm may not be enough.

Kimber America | Revolver

My Kimber has been absolutely flawless (I have a .45ACP Custom II and LOVE IT), and I've heard nothing but good things about the K6S. Plus, .357/.38SPL is a very nice compromise between .45ACP and 9mm, and with a revolver you never have to worry about racking a slide.

My wife has the Smith M&P Shield in 9mm. I tried really hard to dislike that little thing, but it's really, really good. Food for thought.
Either would be fine IMO. Opinions on calibers are as varied as the people at Walmart on Friday night. I have several but carry an FX45. I taught my wife to use/shoot a .380 (9mm short). I purchased her a Bersa thunder +. Primary reason was capacity. Another reason was double-action/single action. She handles it well and is very accurate.

Go to Bud's in Sevierville and try a few out.
It’s about time you get back on here you work-aholic lol. Your getting to old to be working that many hours 😉
Yeah, the Plaza is my favorite place in the city and Pie Junkie is fantastic. My wife and I have a couple of little ones though so we don’t get out much lately. I always say you can find good people wherever you go, and I’ve managed to do that here too. What kills me about it here though is the lack of nature. The pandemic really made that hit home. Arkansas is underrated, but it takes 3-4 hours to get there from here.

I also hate being surrounded by OU fans, but I can save that rant for another time.
There's a little bit in the Ouchitas but if you're heading that direction and distance anyway you might as well go to Arkansas lol. Interestingly, the far southeastern corner of OK is an ecosystem you don't think of when you think of OK. Alligators and such.
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