Recruiting Forum Football Talk IV

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Try to avoid this story on a TV with more than 3 channels. I assure you I did not see it live. Those that don't value character and morals for a living are what they are. Bob Hope was a pretty funny guy that hosted back in the day and did not have to make fun of people with real issues outside their control, other than maybe height and heredity based hair loss. Looking forward to his show roasting all the guys with metal arms and legs they got while defending his country and his free speech rights. Gotta be some laughs there.

To be honest I would have preferred if Smith had walked up on stage, grabbed him by the collar and drug him back to the table and required him to apologize to his wife while on his knees. Can't believe they did not find his version of slapstick comedy funny. Or is that slap a dip stick?
When are you popping out that love child?
I have already checked and Applebee's is booked solid for the weekend. Sorry @utvols88. If anyone else has any good places to eat in Tallahassee around FSU, I am taking my daughter down for a dance clinic this weekend.

If you can’t book a table, you read that wrong, they’re likely shut down for health violations or being a public nuisance.
I have already checked and Applebee's is booked solid for the weekend. Sorry @utvols88. If anyone else has any good places to eat in Tallahassee around FSU, I am taking my daughter down for a dance clinic this weekend.


Chili's got that 3 for $10.

- @nicksjuzunk (prolly)
Happy Masters and Opening Day week you #1 ranked loveable band of morans!

Also it’s my anniversary today so I have a 19% better chance of sexy time tonight!
I was going to like the Masters and Opening Day part. Cannot make myself like the part about you being more likely to have sex.
What's frustrating to me about the bat if I understand correctly. It's not even UT that places those someone outside the Vols didn't do their job right, cause I'd assume you need to remove previous stickers and then add the new ones so that...stacking stickers doesn't cause an issue with them staying on the bat.
Conspiracy theory. Vandy provided stickers with an adhesive that wasn't as sticky and knew they would come off after a few balls being contacted. Which is why they were prepared for it.
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