Recruiting Forum Football Talk IV

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Perfect gif. Writing was clearly on the wall when Braves traded for Olson. Truthfully, I think Freeman wanted to stay in Atlanta, but Atlanta didn't want to give him that 6th year. I also think Freeman still had hope of getting a deal done with the Braves until they made the Olson trade. Once that happened, he knew he had to sign elsewhere. Still, I feel a bit heartbroken. Really wanted to see FF spend his entire career with the Braves.

And the Olson deal makes sense, but I'm still a little pissed at the Braves front office. I feel like they should have had FF locked up before the shutdown happened. The guy was the personification of being an Atlanta Brave. I feel more like they decided to move on from him than he decided to move on from them.

Makes me sad.
Update on our little man. He’s going into heart surgery soon. We are really anxious to get this all taken care of and get him home healthy. Hearing all the risks involved, though low chances, has us a little more worried and freaked out after these past two weeks. If you all could again just pray for a safe and successful surgery we would be so grateful
Prayers sent
Nobody hits .350 anymore. It's sad, really
That's my point..🤷‍♂️ they could if they tried. At some point, some kid with no power, but great hands and speed will come along and show that you can still slap line drives all over the field and hit for a high average, and score a ton of runs.

That guy will make a lot of money.
Perfect gif. Writing was clearly on the wall when Braves traded for Olson. Truthfully, I think Freeman wanted to stay in Atlanta, but Atlanta didn't want to give him that 6th year. I also think Freeman still had hope of getting a deal done with the Braves until they made the Olson trade. Once that happened, he knew he had to sign elsewhere. Still, I feel a bit heartbroken. Really wanted to see FF spend his entire career with the Braves.

And the Olson deal makes sense, but I'm still a little pissed at the Braves front office. I feel like they should have had FF locked up before the shutdown happened. The guy was the personification of being an Atlanta Brave. I feel more like they decided to move on from him than he decided to move on from them.

Makes me sad.
MLB sucks..
Very little more than what the Braves offered. Considering the extra taxes in California. Needed that to go home I guess.
I only saw they offered him the 18.4mm extension. I don't follow them though, guessing they tried to match a lot closer than that. Dodgers going 50% above that was a real...Spyre move...
Have you seen these guys with stickers on the side of their car windows with their Instagram handle?

Are people pulling up besides these guys at the traffic light, looking over, and thinking, “I must know more.”?

I exclusively follow people with the Instagram window sticker.
It's game day, morans. Anybody taking the afternoon off?

So at work we've started a 2 days back a week thing for March, it'll go to 3 days a week in April and by May back full time at work.

AND OF COURSE the two days picked are Monday & Thursday! 😫 So will be listening to it
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