Latest Coronavirus - Yikes

And? People were projecting India headed towards 5 to 10k deaths a day. 650 a day isnt a number that is going to concern them.
My response was to the deworming med solving India’s problem. It didn’t. They are right back to where they were. What “some people were projecting “ is irrelevant.

edit. It’s interesting that you think a pace of 33800 deaths per year would not be a concern for them
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My response was to the deworming med solving India’s problem. It didn’t. They are right back to where they were. What “some people were projecting “ is irrelevant.

If a country of a billion is hanging around those numbers as their peaks, it isnt a problem.

So I've yet to see it "didnt".
Funny, they aren’t rescuing Americans are they.
The sooner they rescued Americans, the sooner they could leave. But if we have more Americans trapped there, that gives them a reason to keep the military there...

You have to come to the realization that there are entities that want us to stay over there.

You act like there’s no reason to believe that it works.
Studies are showing some reason to believe it’s very effective in treating the symptoms of Covid 19.
Isn’t the point to save lives? People who have taken the vaccine and have breakthrough cases can benefit too. The vaccine is part of the answer but clearly isn’t a cure.
Similar numbers had people dying on the sidewalk just months ago. you’re not worried but they are.

India's Ivermectin Blackout - Part III: The Lesson of Kerala

Kerala had 619 times as many new cases as Uttar Pradesh and over 100 times as many deaths.

So what could Kerala be doing wrong?

Hint: Over-reliance on vaccines and under-reliance on Ivermectin.

Uttar Pradesh led India in its use and has done even better than Delhi because they use Ivermectin early and preventatively.
India's Ivermectin Blackout - Part III: The Lesson of Kerala

Kerala had 619 times as many new cases as Uttar Pradesh and over 100 times as many deaths.

So what could Kerala be doing wrong?

Hint: Over-reliance on vaccines and under-reliance on Ivermectin.

Uttar Pradesh led India in its use and has done even better than Delhi because they use Ivermectin early and preventatively.
Once again……and it’s sad that I have to keep saying……it’s not one or the other. The answer is likely both along with other meds we have not figured out yet.
Now do the people who caught Covid in that category.
He didnt mention case fatality. He said if you were middle aged, over weight, and not vaxxed.

Total number of COVID-19 cases by age U.S. 2021 | Statista

But because I actually care about the data instead of bs talking points.

Total number of COVID-19 cases by age U.S. 2021 | Statista

4.4 million. Equals 1 in 220 dying. It would take a death rate 6 or 7 times worse to get anywhere close to his 3 in 100 crap.
Then there’s this from the article which suggests those who were once infected with Covid should still get the vaccine.

“researchers also found that people who had SARS-CoV-2 previously and then received one dose of the Pfizer-BioNTech messenger RNA (mRNA) vaccine were more highly protected against reinfection than those who once had the virus and were still unvaccinated. The new work could inform discussion of whether previously infected people need to receive both doses of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine or the similar mRNA vaccine from Moderna”
Was that the article that said just the vaccine was the worst of the three? Vax only, natural only, both. Not sure anyone has argued against the point.

By this logic those with just the vax need to get sick more than those with natural immunity. Dont see that argument being made.

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