MLB cancels ASG in Atlanta

That's an odd take. I've never seen anyone argue that simply requesting a ballot is the forethought necessary.
It actually requires the smallest bit of effort. Bulk mailing outside of a manufactured crisis is the dumbest idea ever

but if I can trade it for ordering guns by mail then we have a deal
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Let's say someone has dementia and their spouse decides that they would have voted for X , so they "help" them vote. Should that be allowed ?

I dont see why not. Old folks get help from their spouses/children all the time at the regular voting booth.
For people who throw around “freedom” in every other sentence, republicans sure do get triggered when they don’t like how you exercise it lol.

When has MLB ever moved an All Star game due to politics? This is new territory and it's not good
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The absentee ballot system used by the majority of states prior to covid is not the same as the "vote by mail" some used this time. Several states simply mailed ballots to every registered voter.

Yeah, so what. That's cool. I'm glad they did
And that's dumb. Voting should not simply be a participation activity
> be leftist
> complain about politicians and the 'elite'
> do zero research and continue to elect the same people because voting is a 'participation award' event
> be shocked at getting treated like garbage by the political-corporate system
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If there are dumb people in a society, why is their checking a box that influences how a society is run, a good idea?

Idk, you shoulda taken that question up with our forefathers I guess.

I think a representative democracy is not perfect, but certainly better than the dictatorship alternatives I've seen around the world
Then you don't care about secure elections.
Remember, this is a poster that thinks voter ID is racist but only here in the US. Everywhere else- like most of Europe, South America, Asia, etc.- identification is no big deal.

So of course they're OK with fraud and manipulation. There can be no other explanation.
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Idk, you shoulda taken that question up with our forefathers I guess.

I think a representative democracy is not perfect, but certainly better than the dictatorship alternatives I've seen around the world

Pure democracy is just as tyrannical as a dictatorship.
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