Well Coca-Cola has a problem

I’m actually shocked that you caught that.
So we agree the “he mad” defensive posture is stupid.
There may be hope that you will recover from your recent slump.

I simply asked you to calm down, you inferred that I was calling you "mad." It would appear as if there was some truth to it - given your need to keep shining a light on it.

If I had a nickel for everyone telling me I was "off my game" over the last 15 years on here. Well, I'd have a bunch of nickels. When I see people trotting that out, it kind of let's me know I'm right where I need to be.
The people that scoff and push aside things such as this and belittle the idea of where this could head, are truly ignorant.

If only 1930s and 40s Germany had Twitter, I'm sure there would have been many a "this is no big deal".

Fo sho.

Now is the time that you guys should consider moving to Europe, before the libtard brown shirts round you up and make you wear MAGA hats for easy identification.
Too many have zero knowledge of the nazi party except the holocaust. They have no idea how it came to be and the strategies used. There's alot of familiarity today with democrats, the media, villifying a group of people, promoting violence, etc.
It was your side storming the Capitol building wanting to murder people on Jan 6th. Wake up.
Political indoctrination is now being taught in early elementary grades. Watch out for BLM week and communist indoctrination. Check out Tucker Carlson on Fox on the Feb 19 show. He goes into some detail at about the 3 minute mark
It was your side storming the Capitol building wanting to murder people on Jan 6th. Wake up.
My side? I'm an independent, chief.

"Your side" took over blocks of a city for weeks, fire bombed a federal court house for weeks, did billions in damage to private citizens property.

But yeah. Go off. Lmao
No worries. I’m in no position to judge anyone. Just thought it was funny. Younger days I was a Jack and Coke drinker if I wasn’t just shooting it. As I got older if I decided to do a mixed drink I tended to opt for Vodka-Sprite. I don’t drink as much now though and would definitely prefer a good warm whiskey to sip than a mixed drink.
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It was your side storming the Capitol building wanting to murder people on Jan 6th. Wake up.
And the other side tried to burn down a federal building in Portland (one of those NW cities if not Portland) with people inside. Both “sides” have extremists so pretending one is any better or worse than the other is funny.
No worries. I’m in no position to judge anyone. Just thought it was funny. Younger days I was a Jack and Coke drinker if I wasn’t just shooting it. As I got older if I decided to do a mixed drink I tended to opt for Vodka-Sprite. I don’t drink as much now though and would definitely prefer a good warm whiskey to sip than a mixed drink.

I used to drink a lot of whiskey and ginger...usually Maker’s. My fave thing to sip on is a high end tequila. Though these days I don’t drink too much...generally stick with good ole cold beer.
No worries. I’m in no position to judge anyone. Just thought it was funny. Younger days I was a Jack and Coke drinker if I wasn’t just shooting it. As I got older if I decided to do a mixed drink I tended to opt for Vodka-Sprite. I don’t drink as much now though and would definitely prefer a good warm whiskey to sip than a mixed drink.

I hardly ever drink soft drinks, when I do it’s usually a mixed drink. Summer out on the lake a good white rum with sprite or Mt Dew is pretty good.
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I used to drink a lot of whiskey and ginger...usually Maker’s. My fave thing to sip on is a high end tequila. Though these days I don’t drink too much...generally stick with good ole cold beer.
A five and a two year old at home. I don't have time to drink outside of a handful of times a year and even then it's not alot. Apparently kids don't care that you're hungover so that stopped after one time.
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It was your side storming the Capitol building wanting to murder people on Jan 6th. Wake up.
Did you actually vote for a marxist revolution? Check out the video above. Watch the whole thing. Do you realize that the democratic party is the historical party of slavery? They were the party of southern slave owners and actually the reason we had slavery for the first 100 years, and tore the country apart to try and keep. until the 1960s they were still for segrigation. Interesting too comparing most slave states making teaching slaves to read and write illegal and the state of inner city schools today. No wonder they are trying to erase history.
Did you actually vote for a marxist revolution? Check out the video above. Watch the whole thing. Do you realize that the democratic party is the historical party of slavery? They were the party of southern slave owners and actually the reason we had slavery for the first 100 years, and tore the country apart to try and keep. until the 1960s they were still for segrigation. Interesting too comparing most slave states making teaching slaves to read and write illegal and the state of inner city schools today. No wonder they are trying to erase history.

They simply changed tactics and their focus

Its nothing more than Marxists trying to undermine America
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The people that scoff and push aside things such as this and belittle the idea of where this could head, are truly ignorant.

If only 1930s and 40s Germany had Twitter, I'm sure there would have been many a "this is no big deal".

Jesus...whites are the majority. Good luck rounding us up. Sleep well, tonight bro. It's not going there. Jews weren't even 1% of the German population.
So if they act black the they're appropriating culture but they need to act less white.

So how does one define being white?
Jesus...whites are the majority. Good luck rounding us up. Sleep well, tonight bro. It's not going there. Jews weren't even 1% of the German population.
The thing is that are lots of indoctrinated woke whites that would gladly round up other whites because they aren’t woke. When you have generations of people being brainwashed with this garbage, it becomes a real danger.
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The thing is that are lots of indoctrinated woke whites that would gladly round up other whites because they aren’t woke. When you have generations of people being brainwashed with this garbage, it becomes a real danger.

It becomes less about race and more about ideological differences

Most dystopian novels viewed the future as a place that would oppress people based on thoughts rather than on race or religion

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