To Protect and to Serve II

Intent to distribute? 27g of coke and not even a quarter ounce of reefer? Really? Well first off, is this really what we need cops doing? Putting trumped up charges on someone (felony) over trivial nonsense like this?

Barry Erskine Stamps, 56, and Mary Stamps, 34, of Pelham, were arrested and charged with possession with intent to distribute; second-degree unlawful possession of marijuana; and unlawful possession of drug paraphernalia, according to Birmingham police.
During the traffic stop officers made contact with the driver, Mary Stamps. A passenger, Barry Stamps, identified himself as a Hoover Police Officer. Officers confiscated 27 grams of cocaine, five grams of marijuana, and two handguns.
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So it happened in June, was reported in August and they were terminated in October. Gotta love that police justice...

Addison Cox, 27, and Michael Rolerson, 30, were fired after allegedly beating porcupines to death with their batons while on duty, according to The Courier Gazette.

The incidents took place in early June but were not reported until late August by another Rockland police officer, The Courier Gazette reported.

Lets wait for the facts and evidence.
Hmmm… the last sentence tells the story. A month after the Breonna Taylor shooting, you've got guys trying to clean up loose ends it appears.

Breonna Taylor case: There were conflicting accounts about packages sent to Taylor's address before fatal raid, documents say - CNN

Jaynes told investigators in May that the postal inspector's information merely served to confirm what he felt he already knew -- he said he had witnessed Glover at Taylor's address in January, receiving a package.

"I didn't need that line in there to get my (probable cause)," Jaynes said.
Just heard there was another shooting in Knoxville last night. What is going on down there? There’s been more than a few shootings/murders in the last couple of months.

On Tuesday, Sgt. Michael Sturek was charged with felony recklessly endangering safety and misdemeanor offenses of operating a firearm while intoxicated and endangering safety by use of a dangerous weapon, according to a news release.

In late August, Sturek was drinking with another man and consumed about 12 beers when they started looking at his guns, police say. Sturek, who said he’s a firearms instructor, removed a pistol from a safe and was “shocked” when it went off, police say.

So a month later?
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You don't see an issue with police getting involved in something as petty as a guest being nude or not? Or wearing a mask or not?

I understand what you are saying about being able to have rules on your property. I'm just saying that having the police come in and insert themselves in these petty house rules is nonsense. I'm surprised that you can't see the simplicity in my argument. You don't need to be the mask police or the nude guess police or the "this guy won't leave the house after I invited him for drinks and reefer" police. Unless someone is being physically threatened or injured or property is being damaged, the police should practice a bit of discreation inserting themselves in petty azz rules.

Police should be going after killers and thieves.

Cities being burned to the ground, businesses being looted and destroyed, innocent people being beaten and murdered. Police told to stand down and they obey.

People not wearing masks or defying Unconstitutional lockdown orders. Police arrest them. They shouldn’t have broken the law.

Even the good cops blindly follow corrupt government officials.

If you actually believe that law enforcement officers will not go door to door and forcibly take your guns if ordered by the government then you’re a fool.

Over the past 6 months we have seen that the government and the police don’t give a damn about constitutional rights. I’m only following orders is the only defense law enforcement officers offer.
People have a right to protect their property. If someone comes up and refuses to leave it for any reason after being asked, it is acceptable to remove them via arrest. You or anyone else have no right to go onto others property when asked to leave. Period.

She was removed from public property, not private property.

Do schools, law enforcement officers, or government officials understand what public property is?

Do people actually believe that the government paid for that school? Do cops actually believe that the government pays their salary?

Can she opt out of paying property taxes? Since she can’t have access to public property?
Lol if you believe you “own” that property go plop yourself in an elementary school without a shirt on and light up a smoke and refuse to leave. Or go take a police car or fire truck out for a spin. You have no clue

Why shouldn’t law abiding tax payers have access to take a police car for a spin? Cops take them home all the time and drive them off duty.

Plop down in an elementary school without a shirt and smoke is equivalent to going to an open air football stadium without a mask?
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It comes down to if you believe that people have the right to ask people to leave their property for any reason?

Yes or no

If said person refuses to leave the only two ways to make that happen are for the owners to threaten them at gun point or try to physically remove themselves or call the police.

There are literally thousands of trespassing arrests around the country daily because people refuse to leave or stay away from properties they’ve been banned from

Absolutely if you are a private property owner that pays taxes you are entitled to enforce your rules.

But we are talking about public property, that was built with public funding.
Cities being burned to the ground, businesses being looted and destroyed, innocent people being beaten and murdered. Police told to stand down and they obey.

People not wearing masks or defying Unconstitutional lockdown orders. Police arrest them. They shouldn’t have broken the law.

Even the good cops blindly follow corrupt government officials.

If you actually believe that law enforcement officers will not go door to door and forcibly take your guns if ordered by the government then you’re a fool.

Over the past 6 months we have seen that the government and the police don’t give a damn about constitutional rights. I’m only following orders is the only defense law enforcement officers offer.
If you believe that police officers or the military is ever going to go door to door to take your guns, you are misguided
She was removed from public property, not private property.

Do schools, law enforcement officers, or government officials understand what public property is?

Do people actually believe that the government paid for that school? Do cops actually believe that the government pays their salary?

Can she opt out of paying property taxes? Since she can’t have access to public property?
Someone else doesn't understand the concept of property...just because it's "public" property, doesn't mean you can do whatever you want there. You can't stay there, live there, smoke there, do your laundry there, walk in without a shirt on, etc. They can ask you to leave anytime and if you refuse you can be arrested for trespassing....pretty simple concept
Why shouldn’t law abiding tax payers have access to take a police car for a spin? Cops take them home all the time and drive them off duty.

Plop down in an elementary school without a shirt and smoke is equivalent to going to an open air football stadium without a mask?
The school can require anything they want of you because its THEIR property. If you refuse to leave, you would be arrested

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