How can you defend JG after this?

The thing is JG hasn't improved in any facet of his game. His release is slow. He runs slow and flat footed. He throws to his first read alot and stares them down until he is sacked. He doesn't read defenses well. Just no improvement. Time to move on.
That o line has not given him more than 1 run game and 12 stupid penslties.... and you blame the qb!
No one said others didn’t mess up, but what one position do you need to perform the most? What one position can win, or cost you a game? Who fumbled the ball 3 times, and threw for an interception in the second half. All while we started up 4 points, but didn’t score in the second half, and they scored 27... mostly due to the turnovers?
Get real man. That’s like saying the defense cost us the game, despite the 7 points they contributed, those 4th down stops(and the 3 and outs), and the fact they were on the field for 13 minutes longer than our offense. That’s like saying it’s a females fault for being out alone at night and getting raped. Sure she should have been smarter and not been out there, but at the end of the day no one had the right to rape here.
the only person I can live with blaming other than JG is a coach, don’t care which one, but at least one of them.
He has no vision or internal time clock. It shows up in big games everytime. Chaney has called a bad game as well. Pass early while o line is fresh.

How do you defend Pruitt after this? Any head football coach hired at UTK that goes three straight years without beating one of these three: Florida, Georgia or Alabama should be shown the door. Don't start with how close he has come. Jones came very close several times. over any of the three over a three year period. That is a very low barr but we have to keep firing and hiring until we get the guy who can do that. The idiot that extended Pruitt's contract should be removed the entire state. What a waste of money from the hard working tax payers of the State of Tennessee.
Punting is a good thing. Turnovers on your end of the field, not so much. Can someone please explain this to him?
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I’m sorry, but this one is on our star OL. The penalties alone by them is outrageous. They got manhandled all day. No rushing yards and no protection. It was pitiful!! Our defense however was solid through 3 quarters but got winded in the end.
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He has no vision or internal time clock. It shows up in big games everytime. Chaney has called a bad game as well. Pass early while o line is fresh.
Big Time Agree! And why are we still zone blocking and it looks like we are running a sad version of the read option. Line up, hat on hat and push forward! Georgia has too good of athletes to run side ways, got to go right at them. Doesn’t matter now!
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When your offense plays like it does and defense plays whole game great teams will pull away everytime.same as last year. He kills our offense and strong defenses

Even when they were fresh that gave up a lot big plays. It’s probably a combination of talent and coaching. Getting off the field on 3rd down was terrible. Penalties were terrible. The offense was pretty much manhandled aside from 2 deep balls. Our supposed great O line was just as bad as any we’ve had.

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