Recruiting Forum Football Talk II

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Watching Blackman makes me want to roll with Bailey already. I mean seriously, why not? Here’s a few reasons:

-2020 is a free year for everyone, including coaches. Pruitt isn’t getting fired in 2020. 2020 is basically a redshirt for all players.
-Bailey is the future, JG is gone after this year.
-The best way for Bailey to develop into an SEC starting QB is actually playing SEC games.
-I’ve seen Bailey complete passes in the flat.

It's a free year for the players, not for the HC or the program as a whole. Pruitt will still be graded and held accountable by the fanbase and the media. Pruitt still has to hold a recruiting class together, and as we all know recruiting is the life blood of any program. Fortunately, I don't think Pruitt is going to approach this season as a 'free year'.

JG will start the season off. If he can't handle it, next man up, which is likely Shrout at this point.

Not really sure why anyone is in fear of JG starting against SC anyway. He had a good game against the cocks last season in limited minutes.
Hey y'all if you could throw some prayers up for my sister. She and her husband live out in Colorado and love the outdoors and yesterday was their wedding anniversary so they went out for a bike ride on the trails. My sister took a nasty spill and ended up breaking her jaw and her ankle. Thankfully there was no serious injury to her head and no internal bleeding. Her surgery is scheduled for noon...Colorado time. My Brother in law said that she was riding ahead of him on the trails where he really couldnt see her and then all of a sudden heard her screaming. Scary situation.

Will do !
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I'd like to thank every one of you on this dot Com. In my life I've dealt with death both unexpected and expected, from close to home to distant. I've had the regrets that I think we all suffer from immediately following a passing. I've learned alot from yall. I've had the opportunity to apply it to life and the relationships I am surrounded with.

My wife's grandmother has been her only cheerleader, supporter both mentally and emotionally, she's been her rock. Her constant. Friday we learned she is in stage 4 of pancreatic cancer with an estimated 4 weeks left. We left Jacksonville to come up to Atlanta in 30 mins, got the kids from school and have been here since. It's not looking good but she's a strong woman and wants to fight. We are pulling as many strings as we can to get her to Mayo but it may not be in time. She's adament on starting chemo and will go in on Tuesday but I'm not sure she will have that opportunity. We have cherished our time with her and we are still blessed to have some more time. I've learned about loving and living in the TODAY from the people on here. There are no regrets, no missed opportunities but my wife and our family need prayers for strength, courage and warmth in a time the world may be losing an angel to her call home.
Bailey hasn't hardly practiced at all. I doubt he knows the playbook well enough to start. He will only play if Shrout and JG go down imo

Here's how I do it. Start JG on a SHORT leash (99% likely he shyts the bed). Immediately take him out after a few poor plays and replace him with Shrout. Never look back.
You only "never look back" if Shrout performs like a star. That is far from guaranteed.
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Bailey hasn't hardly practiced at all. I doubt he knows the playbook well enough to start. He will only play if Shrout and JG go down imo

Here's how I do it. Start JG on a SHORT leash (99% likely he shyts the bed). Immediately take him out after a few poor plays and replace him with Shrout. Never look back.

FYI Bailey got to campus in January. He has had plenty of time to learn the playbook. He just needs reps.
Just gonna guess. Wild shot in dark here, Canadiens. I think they use a Sugar Maple leaf on their flag? Could be wrong but, have a feeling it ties into their National Pride of all things syrup.

As I type this, I have a Canadien accent playing in my head, ya know?

Honestly, the best are the CFL teams. Eskimos, Argonauts, Alouettes, & of course the Roughriders.
😂 Just seems like someone would have said, "I don't think a leaf is a good idea since nobody is afraid of one, and it won't get our fans hyped up." 🤷‍♀️
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I'd like to thank every one of you on this dot Com. In my life I've dealt with death both unexpected and expected, from close to home to distant. I've had the regrets that I think we all suffer from immediately following a passing. I've learned alot from yall. I've had the opportunity to apply it to life and the relationships I am surrounded with.

My wife's grandmother has been her only cheerleader, supporter both mentally and emotionally, she's been her rock. Her constant. Friday we learned she is in stage 4 of pancreatic cancer with an estimated 4 weeks left. We left Jacksonville to come up to Atlanta in 30 mins, got the kids from school and have been here since. It's not looking good but she's a strong woman and wants to fight. We are pulling as many strings as we can to get her to Mayo but it may not be in time. She's adament on starting chemo and will go in on Tuesday but I'm not sure she will have that opportunity. We have cherished our time with her and we are still blessed to have some more time. I've learned about loving and living in the TODAY from the people on here. There are no regrets, no missed opportunities but my wife and our family need prayers for strength, courage and warmth in a time the world may be losing an angel to her call home.
The Clemson/Wake game bored me so much, I watched the whole 3rd period of the Dallas/Vegas hockey game and I never watch hockey. Never, couldn't name 10 current hockey players. Enjoyed it though, I was a fan in the 90s, thanks to the EA Sega game. In fact, I will watch more hockey, this year
Blades of Steel was the real deal hockey game back in the day. They put a lot of time into the fighting portion of the game, which was awesome. Right up there with the Mutant League sports games.
I'd like to thank every one of you on this dot Com. In my life I've dealt with death both unexpected and expected, from close to home to distant. I've had the regrets that I think we all suffer from immediately following a passing. I've learned alot from yall. I've had the opportunity to apply it to life and the relationships I am surrounded with.

My wife's grandmother has been her only cheerleader, supporter both mentally and emotionally, she's been her rock. Her constant. Friday we learned she is in stage 4 of pancreatic cancer with an estimated 4 weeks left. We left Jacksonville to come up to Atlanta in 30 mins, got the kids from school and have been here since. It's not looking good but she's a strong woman and wants to fight. We are pulling as many strings as we can to get her to Mayo but it may not be in time. She's adament on starting chemo and will go in on Tuesday but I'm not sure she will have that opportunity. We have cherished our time with her and we are still blessed to have some more time. I've learned about loving and living in the TODAY from the people on here. There are no regrets, no missed opportunities but my wife and our family need prayers for strength, courage and warmth in a time the world may be losing an angel to her call home.
Great post. You know we got you.
Les is a bad fit in Kansas. I think he would have done ok here, but Kansas has to have a young innovator to be successful. Tough place to win. Need to roll the dice find an up an coming OC or DC.
This. Les needs a bunch of raw talent to win with his old school offense. You can't be undertalented and try to win with bully ball.

But I am surprised their defense couldn't help beat Coastal in 2 straight years. That has to be a low point, even for Kansas.
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