Recruiting Forum Football Talk II

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I hesitated to provide an update on Drew. I don’t know why. I think because I was utterly rattled yesterday. I fasted all day and have never spent so much time in prayer. But seeing folks with the hashtag touched me. Here goes...

Drew had a 4-hr surgery on his spine and brain yesterday evening and afternoon. They sampled the tumor and installed a shunt to redirect the fluid buildup. We will wait for the pathology report, but early indications are not good. It appears to be in an extensive malignant process and a lot of spinal tumors are hard to operate on, and this type may not respond to chemo.

He was a shook little boy yesterday, but after he knocked the anaesthesia hangover, he told his dad that he believed God was bringing him closer to Him. How amazing is THAT! He has made a profession of faith, for that I rejoice.
This is the little boy you guys are praying for (taken two years ago in Neyland)...
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The Gospel never ceases to amaze me. In an upside down situation a young man finds hope in Christ. Only a supernatural work by God could enable him to say such things. And for that, we rejoice. Praying for Drew and for God to be glorified.
@Bassmaster_Vol Tweeted a response to Brad Shepard that slumps happen but it’s what happens to the team after that counts. A manager loses a team and there’s little recovering from it. Braves went on a winning streak. Same applies here. It was a gut call. Drove me nuts with Bobby Cox but I knew the alternate. I’ll live with these if he doesn’t lose the team. Sorry not sorry @Bassmaster_Vol
How are you doing? Just letting you know that I'm still sending good vibes and prayers your way.

Thanks. Doing much better. Just got results today from my colonoscopy and endoscopy and they were clean other than a bacteria. I was concerned about it because I’ve have had minor stomach issues for a few years and with my prostate cancer I was paranoid I guess.

Already had the other test results that the cancer hadn’t spread. I have surgery to remove my prostate on Monday. Now I’m paranoid I’m gonna get Covid, in which case they wouldn’t do the surgery.

I really appreciate your thoughts, prayers, and asking about it.
I hesitated to provide an update on Drew. I don’t know why. I think because I was utterly rattled yesterday. I fasted all day and have never spent so much time in prayer. But seeing folks with the hashtag touched me. Here goes...

Drew had a 4-hr surgery on his spine and brain yesterday evening and afternoon. They sampled the tumor and installed a shunt to redirect the fluid buildup. We will wait for the pathology report, but early indications are not good. It appears to be in an extensive malignant process and a lot of spinal tumors are hard to operate on, and this type may not respond to chemo.

He was a shook little boy yesterday, but after he knocked the anaesthesia hangover, he told his dad that he believed God was bringing him closer to Him. How amazing is THAT! He has made a profession of faith, for that I rejoice.
This is the little boy you guys are praying for (taken two years ago in Neyland)...
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Still praying for Drew and family. Thanks for the update. It just seems so unfair when these things happen to kids.

I don’t want to throw out cliches, but especially in times like these we just have to give it to God and trust him. That’s all we can do. But then, that’s the best thing we can do anyway.
I hesitated to provide an update on Drew. I don’t know why. I think because I was utterly rattled yesterday. I fasted all day and have never spent so much time in prayer. But seeing folks with the hashtag touched me. Here goes...

Drew had a 4-hr surgery on his spine and brain yesterday evening and afternoon. They sampled the tumor and installed a shunt to redirect the fluid buildup. We will wait for the pathology report, but early indications are not good. It appears to be in an extensive malignant process and a lot of spinal tumors are hard to operate on, and this type may not respond to chemo.

He was a shook little boy yesterday, but after he knocked the anaesthesia hangover, he told his dad that he believed God was bringing him closer to Him. How amazing is THAT! He has made a profession of faith, for that I rejoice.
This is the little boy you guys are praying for (taken two years ago in Neyland)...
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My heart is broken for this young man but yet I so rejoice for his profession of faith! Greatest decision of his life! Still praying, still believing!
Thanks. Doing much better. Just got results today from my colonoscopy and endoscopy and they were clean other than a bacteria. I was concerned about it because I’ve have had minor stomach issues for a few years and with my prostate cancer I was paranoid I guess.

Already had the other test results that the cancer hadn’t spread. I have surgery to remove my prostate on Monday. Now I’m paranoid I’m gonna get Covid, in which case they wouldn’t do the surgery.

I really appreciate your thoughts, prayers, and asking about it.
Prayers for peace and healing!... Psalm 4:8 I will both lay me down in peace, and sleep; for, thou, Lord, only makest me dwell in safety.
I hesitated to provide an update on Drew. I don’t know why. I think because I was utterly rattled yesterday. I fasted all day and have never spent so much time in prayer. But seeing folks with the hashtag touched me. Here goes...

Drew had a 4-hr surgery on his spine and brain yesterday evening and afternoon. They sampled the tumor and installed a shunt to redirect the fluid buildup. We will wait for the pathology report, but early indications are not good. It appears to be in an extensive malignant process and a lot of spinal tumors are hard to operate on, and this type may not respond to chemo.

He was a shook little boy yesterday, but after he knocked the anaesthesia hangover, he told his dad that he believed God was bringing him closer to Him. How amazing is THAT! He has made a profession of faith, for that I rejoice.
This is the little boy you guys are praying for (taken two years ago in Neyland)...
View attachment 300902

May God bless and strengthen you, Drew, his family, and all those in yours and his immediate orbit. May he infuse you all with ever increasing courage as you find your way through this incredible trial. You should never feel hesitant to communicate with your friends here. We remain and will continue to remain in vigil with you, Drew, and his family. May God’s Peace be with you all. This we all pray.

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My personal prediction.

South Carolina - Tennessee -8

Missouri - Tennessee -13

Tennessee - Georgia -8

Kentucky - Tennessee -6

Tennessee - Alabama -13

Arkansas - Tennessee -15

Tennessee - Texas A&M -3

Auburn - Tennessee pick em

Vandy - Tennessee -17

Florida - Tennessee -1

So your prediction as I am able to decifer it is 10-0 with 3 upset teams that actually thought that thry could beat Tennessee and one confused Auburn team that still has no clue how to handle the Pruitt Defense...
Good question. Probably no artificial crowd noise since it’s difficult to police that. Except for when Bama and UGA’s opponents have the ball when it can sound like a dump truck driving through a nitroglycerin plant.

Are the full bands allowed to be there?
Pride of the Southland playing Rocky Top will still sound impressive to us and also ominous to the Opponent because no real crowd noise to block it.
Time for ALL of our opponents to hate and fear hearing Rocky Top. Means that we are effing kicking their asses!
Prayers sent.

How long was pulse ox down to 88?
Was she in distress? What position was she in when it dropped?
She’d been cleaning the house snd felt like she needed to sit down, within a couple of minutes was up to 96.

They did a chest X-ray. Kept her for 2 hours on pulse-ox monitor then released her. She has Covid pneumonia (viral but said not contagious) in both lungs - one not much. Gave her a spacer to go with her inhaler, new meds, prescription robitussen (sp), and told her if her resting pulse ox went below 90 for 5 minutes, she needs to come back to ER. Also put her on azithromycin because a bacterial infection can occur. She's tired but feeling better today.
She’d been cleaning the house snd felt like she needed to sit down, within a couple of minutes was up to 96.

They did a chest X-ray. Kept her for 2 hours on pulse-ox monitor then released her. She has Covid pneumonia (viral but said not contagious) in both lungs - one not much. Gave her a spacer to go with her inhaler, new meds, prescription robitussen (sp), and told her if her resting pulse ox went below 90 for 5 minutes, she needs to come back to ER. Also put her on azithromycin because a bacterial infection can occur. She's tired but feeling better today.
Hope she continues to improve!
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