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Trump listened to Fauci.
Covered that in the post.

First section: failure to prepare.

There were other former government experts who left or were removed during the Trump administration who were taking it seriously before Fauci did. They proposed measures such as robust testing and contact tracing that Fauci and other government experts suggested at the Republican governor’s conference, according to Larry Hogan.

I don’t recall when the conference was held.
Edit: Hogan says the conference was in early February.

America’s governors took a different approach. In early February, we descended on Washington for the annual winter meeting of the National Governors Association. As chairman, I had worked closely with the staff for months assembling the agenda, including a private, governors-only briefing at our hotel, the Marriott Marquis, to address the growing viral threat. We brought in Anthony Fauci, the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, who was already widely admired but whose awesome knowledge and straight-talking style hadn’t yet made him a national rock star; CDC head Robert Redfield; Ken Cuccinelli, the acting deputy secretary of homeland security; Jay Butler, the CDC’s deputy director for infectious diseases; and Robert Kadlec, assistant secretary for preparedness and response at the Department of Health and Human Services.

They hit us with detailed presentations and the unfiltered truth, as well as it was known then. I remember hearing many dire claims: “This could be catastrophic. . . . The death toll could be significant. . . . Much more contagious than SARS. . . . Testing will be crucial. . . . You have to follow the science — that’s where the answers lie.”

It was jarring, the huge contrast between the experts’ warnings and the president’s public dismissals. Weren’t these the people the White House was consulting about the virus? What made the briefing even more chilling was its clear, factual tone. It was a harrowing warning of an imminent national threat, and we took it seriously — or at least most of us did. It was enough to convince almost all the governors that this epidemic was going to be worse than most people realized.
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So Knox County schools are backing up school one more week. One of the reasons given is so they can make sure they have enough misters. Basically, they’re spraying everything down with chemicals, including the lunchroom tables, and not wiping anything after. Who has done all of the proper research to make sure all these chemicals aren’t harmful? Has anyone noticed how things feel differently now when you go out to eat or grab fast food? There’s no telling what chemicals are being applied to everything and what kind of impact that is having and will have on people.
I have a question. I see that there are those on here that completely crap on HCQ as a treatment option. My question is why? What if HCQ prevented 5% of people from dying with COVID? Wouldn’t that be worth trying?

If someone gets COVID, why shouldnt they be able to go to their doctor and request HCQ?

I agree
So Knox County schools are backing up school one more week. One of the reasons given is so they can make sure they have enough misters. Basically, they’re spraying everything down with chemicals, including the lunchroom tables, and not wiping anything after. Who has done all of the proper research to make sure all these chemicals aren’t harmful? Has anyone noticed how things feel differently now when you go out to eat or grab fast food? There’s no telling what chemicals are being applied to everything and what kind of impact that is having and will have on people.
A major reason is that they are trying to hire teachers. They’re short handed right now.
So Knox County schools are backing up school one more week. One of the reasons given is so they can make sure they have enough misters. Basically, they’re spraying everything down with chemicals, including the lunchroom tables, and not wiping anything after. Who has done all of the proper research to make sure all these chemicals aren’t harmful? Has anyone noticed how things feel differently now when you go out to eat or grab fast food? There’s no telling what chemicals are being applied to everything and what kind of impact that is having and will have on people.

We have had 8 teachers resign in the last couple weeks due to Covid concerns
So Knox County schools are backing up school one more week. One of the reasons given is so they can make sure they have enough misters. Basically, they’re spraying everything down with chemicals, including the lunchroom tables, and not wiping anything after. Who has done all of the proper research to make sure all these chemicals aren’t harmful? Has anyone noticed how things feel differently now when you go out to eat or grab fast food? There’s no telling what chemicals are being applied to everything and what kind of impact that is having and will have on people.
I saw that and was curious, as well. Looks like we'll be the last in the area to get started. The ineptitude of KCS never ceases to amaze me.
So Knox County schools are backing up school one more week. One of the reasons given is so they can make sure they have enough misters. Basically, they’re spraying everything down with chemicals, including the lunchroom tables, and not wiping anything after. Who has done all of the proper research to make sure all these chemicals aren’t harmful? Has anyone noticed how things feel differently now when you go out to eat or grab fast food? There’s no telling what chemicals are being applied to everything and what kind of impact that is having and will have on people.
Bleach solution isn't a secret.
A major reason is that they are trying to hire teachers. They’re short handed right now.
That’s completely understandable. I’m just concerned about whatever chemicals they’re spraying and the impact that can have on everyone. While trying not to get sick from the virus we very well may do more damage from chemicals.
So Knox County schools are backing up school one more week. One of the reasons given is so they can make sure they have enough misters. Basically, they’re spraying everything down with chemicals, including the lunchroom tables, and not wiping anything after. Who has done all of the proper research to make sure all these chemicals aren’t harmful? Has anyone noticed how things feel differently now when you go out to eat or grab fast food? There’s no telling what chemicals are being applied to everything and what kind of impact that is having and will have on people.

They've only started getting those teachers who will be teaching the virtual segment trained on the software, according to one of those teachers, anyway.

I don't doubt they're using the extra week to sort out their disinfecting routine, though.
They've only started getting those teachers who will be teaching the virtual segment trained on the software, according to one of those teachers, anyway.

I don't doubt they're using the extra week to sort out their disinfecting routine, though.
They did lay all of the reasons out. I just mentioned the chemicals as it just makes me wonder if people are actually being as diligent with chemical safety as they are with social distancing. I have my doubts.
Covered that in the post.

First section: failure to prepare.

There were other former government experts who left or were removed during the Trump administration who were taking it seriously before Fauci did. They proposed measures such as robust testing and contact tracing that Fauci and other government experts suggested at the Republican governor’s conference, according to Larry Hogan.

I don’t recall when the conference was held.
Edit: Hogan says the conference was in early February.

So blame also goes on Fauci. But your continuance of this is ridiculous. No president has ever faced what Trump did. It’s easy to sit back and play hindsight. This shows nothing but pettiness and immaturity on your part.
but did they listen to a conman that touted HCQ. Then he said he took HCQ.....why did he take HCQ? Did he have covid? Malaria? Red hatters need something to hang their hat on....anything.

Just read an article where a person that was positive for Covid said he took Therflu on the advice of his uncle....said that it cleared up in 3 days. I guess Theraflu is the new miracle cure.
Wait, you’re saying Fauci is taking his direction from Trump? I believe you have that backwards. Trump listened to Fauci and Fauci has been wrong a lot.
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