Recruiting Forum Football Talk II

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Reminds me of this sort of oddball, but funny guy, at work that had all sort of off the wall thoughts he would shoot off the hip (such as selling a brand of pizza that has been frozen, cooked, then refrozen for sale...he said double frozen pizza was absolutely the best kind...)

Our boss always kept lotion at her desk and would use it probably 3 times a day. Nobody really took notice, until one day the oddball goes off on a 10 minute rant on "Big Lotion". I forget what he said now, but he had us rolling. After that we'd always make sure to bring up the evils of Big Lotion to the boss

Sounds like what I say to my wife when she always asks me if I want some chapstick, I tell her no way I'm getting addicted to that stuff. Once you start, it's over.
Any of you watch Dark on Netflix? Looking for another series. Is it worth the time?
Yes, just finished it and if you like sci-fi you should love it. Should also mention that it is a German show that is dubbed in English (some have issues watching things like that). If you can get past that it is a really good show.
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Man Prom. The times, they are a changin'.

I agree the socialization aspect of school is very beneficial for children. That can be achieved other places like church and sports/activities though.

And I'll add that the socialization that happens in the typical school often times isn't what parents should be wishing for.
Underrated post. This is an excellent point.

I'm not sure if people realize it or think about it, but that's precisely what schools and teachers do in many ways. It's not always sinister or in ways that parents would disagree with, but that's what happens. Schools should be teaching only the subjects at hand i.e., math, science, history, economics. Even in the government classes the instruction should be almost exclusively about facts. But those days are long gone.

As a society, parents have largely turned over to schools the responsibility of raising their kids and teaching them about life and worldview. We see the result.
Secular education is taught from a secular worldview. On top of this, they are taught what to think and not how to think. I will not allow that worldview to be forced upon my children. My children are being classically trained.
Gates can hardly contain his excitement when talking about the virus's effect on the economy:

Seriously, what is that reaction?

He and his wife are also very happy about a second wave/second pandemic:

I constantly see BG quoted and interviewed about this mess. Why do we give a hoot what he thinks about it any more than anyone else? Since when did he become the expert on school openings, disease, and such? Just because he has tons invested in vaccines doesn't mean he's the one we should turn to for advice. In fact, to me that means he's one we shouldn't listen to.
I constantly see BG quoted and interviewed about this mess. Why do we give a hoot what he thinks about it any more than anyone else? Since when did he become the expert on school openings, disease, and such? Just because he has tons invested in vaccines doesn't mean he's the one we should turn to for advice. In fact, to me that means he's one we shouldn't listen to.

He's more qualified than the President to speak on the topic, the only difference is he hasn't the same level of authority on implementing things.

That's not a knock on President Trump either. But there are also better experts as well on the topic I'm guessing Gates is popular because unlike others he really doesn't have to worry about political backlash with his stance on the topic....same reason I think celebrities get brought onto other news outlets to discuss current affairs.
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