Multiple Players Test Positive

Dang your ignorant. That does not mean that someone can contract the virus through participation in football. I mean, clearly they already did that was the purpose of this thread. So they are not safer by playing football, there are obvious risks. That is why the Ivy League canceled there season, that is why there are limitations on games and practices, that is why the SEC Commissioner has said he is concerned about not having a season. I mean what part of this are you not getting. A college athletic department cannot bubble like the NBA and MLS. It can't be done. So it by the very nature cannot be safer than social distancing and taking online classes, to suggest otherwise is just monumentally ignorant. But hey don't let stupidity get in your way, you've been doing it your whole life, so keep it up the good work.
You obviously didn’t read the thread. They contracted the virus while they were on break. Good job.


Also, I’ve been working during this whole thing. I’ve been around people with it, guess what I haven’t contracted it.
So testing for the virus makes sure that you don't get it .... Didn't realize it was that easy. I'm good to go.

Well it is pretty obvious that unsupervised young people are going to party and ignore precautions; So, therefore yes. They will be safer playing ball and under scrutiny. This is what is known as Insight.
Also California never really opened up, so that tells me that doesnt really help. People have spread the thing everywhere. Young people especially have. Quarantine the elderly and be careful. Best we can do. We lock every thing down again it will just spread like wildfire again. Things also change like crazy on a weekly basis. Between now and the beginning of football season is like 15 coronavirus lifetimes.
Nobody wants to blame the BLM protests but this latest explosion comes just weeks after tens of thousands are in the streets and not distancing.
One thing is certain: there will not be games played in front of 70,000+ crowds in two months. No way. This will have a long lasting impact on college athletics. Everyone is going to take a hit.
You obviously didn’t read the thread. They contracted the virus while they were on break. Good job.

OMG your lack of ability to comprehend astounds me. That is my point! Football player #1 practices with his team who tests. He only plays against teams within his conference that also have strong testing measures, just like his school. But Player #2 on his team does not social distance, he goes to see his girlfriend a few nights during the week and she lives at an apartment, he contracts it and in between weekly tests and before him or his team is aware of it he practices, uses the locker room, uses the weight room. So tell me how player #1 is safer than any other person that wears a mask, takes online classes, socially distances and does not come into contact with hundreds of people from his team and then thousands based on teams that he plays. I mean just admit that a statement that he is safer is just simply devoid of any commons sense.
Agreed. As terrible as it is for people to fall ill, the silver lining might be that they catch it now while they can recover in plenty of time for the season and without having to be compromised to the flu at the same time.

That's been " Lou" Saban's plan all along
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Well it is pretty obvious that unsupervised young people are going to party and ignore precautions; So, therefore yes. They will be safer playing ball and under scrutiny. This is what is known as Insight.

Football players certainly don't party or chase girls. I mean I was at UT during the early 1990s and that never happened. Not one bit, never saw them out, never saw them with pretty girls. Never saw them drinking or hanging with people other than the football team. If you think college age football players are going to be in a bubble while attending classes, that is just not realistic.
IMO the kids are safer playing football then they are if they aren’t regarding the virus. The University is spending 10s of thousands of dollars on testing every month to make sure their players are good. I say let them play it’s the safest they will be.
Again, it’s not primarily about the players , it’s the risk to support staff and anyone else directly or indirectly linked to the football program that may be at the highest risk.
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Ladies!! Let's blame Fauci on our players getting CV while on break and be done with it. Florida, Georgia and Alabama are our foes!! Let Peace & Love always prevail on VN4Ever!!
OMG your lack of ability to comprehend astounds me. That is my point! Football player #1 practices with his team who tests. He only plays against teams within his conference that also have strong testing measures, just like his school. But Player #2 on his team does not social distance, he goes to see his girlfriend a few nights during the week and she lives at an apartment, he contracts it and in between weekly tests and before him or his team is aware of it he practices, uses the locker room, uses the weight room. So tell me how player #1 is safer than any other person that wears a mask, takes online classes, socially distances and does not come into contact with hundreds of people from his team and then thousands based on teams that he plays. I mean just admit that a statement that he is safer is just simply devoid of any commons sense.

Guess you haven’t read that they have to be tested before every game..... but that would make sense, since you didn’t read the article before posting.

I also, did not state that a football player would not contract the virus however, a football player is more likely to catch it early, be around individuals who are regularly tested meaning they probably don’t have it or if they do are quarantined until they test negative, practice and play in a place that is constantly sanitizing everything, attend a place that enforces wearing masks, which in turn also makes it easier to contact trace.

But please, keep telling me how I am the individual who can’t see that the common sense thing is that individuals who are monitored 24/7 are probably safer then individuals who aren’t..... lol

Also, say these players “socially distance” and “take online classes” what 18 to 22 year olds do you know that are going to not get out and about? 😂 Atleast in the football environment if they do those things they will be constantly monitored and be provided the best care possible.

But, you know it’s probably to hard for you to connect all those dots.
Again, it’s not primarily about the players , it’s the risk to support staff and anyone else directly or indirectly linked to the football program that may be at the highest risk.
Those individuals are also tested and monitored so..... yeah.... also, those that aren’t can be temperature screened every day, required to wear a mask etc. it’s not that complicated.
Football players certainly don't party or chase girls. I mean I was at UT during the early 1990s and that never happened. Not one bit, never saw them out, never saw them with pretty girls. Never saw them drinking or hanging with people other than the football team. If you think college age football players are going to be in a bubble while attending classes, that is just not realistic.

I am betting they will be quarantined. Too much at stake. Their "Classwork" online. And Covid tested girls only. Everything delivered.
What point are you trying to make about those individuals.

The individuals that you said outside of the football team specific, are all tested and monitored the same as the football players. You trying to make this something it isn’t? Because you aren’t doing a good job at it.
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TESTS POSITIVE!!! Means what? Sick? No. It means Maybe Positive; but the tests themselves aren't 100%. Death rates among 20 year olds? That's what I want to see. .00012?
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OMG your lack of ability to comprehend astounds me. That is my point! Football player #1 practices with his team who tests. He only plays against teams within his conference that also have strong testing measures, just like his school. But Player #2 on his team does not social distance, he goes to see his girlfriend a few nights during the week and she lives at an apartment, he contracts it and in between weekly tests and before him or his team is aware of it he practices, uses the locker room, uses the weight room. So tell me how player #1 is safer than any other person that wears a mask, takes online classes, socially distances and does not come into contact with hundreds of people from his team and then thousands based on teams that he plays. I mean just admit that a statement that he is safer is just simply devoid of any commons sense.

Players will be quarantined to avoid your scenario. No visiting the girlfriend who visited 5 others last week.
You must not have attended UT or not familiar with this:


The administration only cares about statistics and money . . . students, not so much. Thus the Big Orange Screw!! LOL


Oh, I’m familiar. I recall complaining about it most in relation to parking tickets. Still, I shouldn’t have parked where I did and I paid the fine so I could get my diploma.
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