Marxist Black Lives Matter

There is a reason why Scott's bill was not supported by Democrats and it wasn't partisan politics:

"The GOP bill requires additional disclosures about the use of force, codifies reporting requirements on the use of “no knock warrants,” provides incentives for chokehold bans and makes lynching a federal crime.

The Democratic proposal, led in the Senate by Booker and Harris, would ban chokeholds and no knock warrants in federal drug cases. It would also limit qualified immunity for police officers to make it easier to sue police — something Democrats argue is key to holding police officers accountable for misconduct, but which most Republicans won’t consider. The House is set to pass a sweeping Democratic police reform proposal Thursday."

Dems sink GOP police bill, leaving Senate deadlocked as country reckons with racism

Republicans say they offered up around 20 Amendments to their Bill and the Dems wouldn’t even talk to them. That sounds rather partisan to most people.
WATCH: Alabama Coach Nick Saban Joins Players for Black Lives Matter Message


University of Alabama coach Nick Saban joined his players for a video pushing the Black Lives Matter message on Thursday.

The players claim that they were inspired to push the BLM message after meeting with sports commentators Charles Barkley and Stephen A. Smith, and former Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice.

WATCH: Alabama Coach Nick Saban Joins Players for Black Lives Matter Message
Black Lives Matter activist 'lost a testicle after being shot in the groin with a rubber bullet fired by LAPD officers during protests in Los Angeles'

A Black Lives Matter activist has claimed he was shot in the groin with a rubber bullet during a protest in Los Angeles, causing him to lose a testicle.

South African native Bradley Steyn, who was involved in anti-apartheid protests in South Africa when he was younger, claims the LAPD are responsible for his injuries, and he now plans to sue.

Steyn claims he was attacked by law enforcement during a May 30 George Floyd protest in Los Angeles' Fairfax district.

He has since started a GoFundMe page to cover his medical bills and legal funds, and is looking to raise $17,000.


Black Lives Matter activist 'lost a testicle after being shot with a rubber bullet fired by LAPD' | Daily Mail Online

Thus further proving the Right’s stance that they’re all a bunch of ball-less idiots to stupid to get out of their own way..🤷‍♀️
Things are about to get much more interesting and also violent as people start to fight back against George Soros supported domestic terrorist groups Antifa and BLM.

BLM Protesters Chant Quote from Convicted Cop Killer Assata Shakur Outside White House

Black Lives Matter protesters gathered outside of the White House on Friday where they shouted and recited chants, including a quote from convicted murderer Assata Shakur.

“I need this to be loud, real loud,” said an unidentified individual with a megaphone before launching into the chant.

“It is our duty to fight for our freedom,” shouted the woman as the crowd repeated her. “It is our duty to win. We must love each other and support each other. We have nothing to lose but our chains. We have nothing to lose but our chains.”

The chant is a quote from Assata Shakur, a former member of the Black Liberation Army who was convicted of murder in the events of the 1973 shooting of State Trooper Werner Foerster on the New Jersey Turnpike.

BLM Protesters Chant Quote from Convicted Cop Killer Assata Shakur

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