Another bad apple (George Floyd case)

A few more bad apples, yet I’ve never seen a thread on these. Very weird

Guess who posted about it when it happened?

Tony Timpa called 911 and told dispatchers he was off his medication and had used cocaine. The cops showed up and killed him. They had him cuffed with his hands behind his back, pinned face down for 14 minutes, and he died. He was already handcuffed (by private security) when they showed up and one of the first things he said to the police was "You're going to kill me!" They're mocking and jeering him as he's dying.

"I hope I didn't kill him" is met with ruckus laughter.

exactly, just like Arbery, some can't admit that the suspect themselves played some part of what happened during the incident with their choices.

Doesn't make it right, doesn't mean you are "pro murder for trespassing or resisting" or whatever BS the emotional type normally spews.

It just is what it is
Neither VICTIM was in the wrong,

if you disagree you are covering for murderers and most likely racist murderers.

No way to spin it any other way.
I could probably find it if I were so inclined, but if you've been around Knoxville for the last 30 years or so you'd know about it. Gameday and an alumnus pulls up to park in the circle drive/park and a UT billy bob denies access and the alumnus tells him to F' off and proceeds to park in his usual spot. As the guy pulls in Billy Bob unloads his weapon in the back of the guys car. Tell me what happened and why the cop should have been exonerated.
I’ve been around awhile and have never heard that one. Not saying it didn’t happen but usually you hear about something like that
Not surprised, your hatred of cops is well documented
None of these kinds of stories get threads started, get news coverage on a large scale, cause protests or get idiot celebs/athletes all worked up

2 weeks ago you were trying to make the argument that I don't care when cops kill white people. Changed your tune pretty quick on that one.
Who knows if he would be dead or not, doesn’t matter because we’ll never know. Cop needs to face the music For putting himself in that situation.

Lol what else would have killed him?

The cop killed this man. All the BS about the facts and health conditions and everything else is smoke and mirrors. Had the cop not put his knee on the neck of a handcuffed man he would still be alive. Period. End of story. WTF is so hard about just saying this?

I know we are in agreement the cop needs to face the music here, I got it....but we need to be brutally honest about who is 100% and completely and totally to blame here.
Massachusetts Pastor And Rapper Ice Cube Tweet Photo Misidentifying ‘Cop’ Wearing ‘Make Whites Great Again’ Hat

On Wednesday, Bishop Talbert Swan, senior pastor of the Spring of Hope Church of God in Christ in Springfield, Massachusetts, sent out a tweet about the Minneapolis police officer who is alleged to have choked an unarmed African American man, George Floyd, on Monday after pinning him to the ground with his knee.


The tweet contained a side-by-side featuring two photos – a still image from the bystander video of the incident in question, and another of a man allegedly wearing a “Make Whites Great Again” hat.

The tweet reads: “Here is Derek Chauvin, the racist cop who kept his knee on #GeorgeFloyd’s neck, cut off his air passage and murdered him, wearing a ‘Make Whites Great Again’ hat, a clear sign that this piece of excrement should’ve been taken off the streets a long time ago. #JusticeFor Floyd.”

Here’s the issue – as many have now pointed out on social media, the man in the second photo isn’t Derek Chauvin.​

Journalist Andy Ngo tweeted: “How many people have you wrongly identified to your audience of tens of thousands? @Twitter needs to fact check verified users who spread disinformation.”​

Ngo’s Tweet elicited a response from Swan, who wrote in two tweets:

Pollster and political consultant Frank Luntz also replied to Swan’s tweet, identifying the man in the other photo as Jonathan Lee Riches: “That’s not the same guy. Don’t complain about Trump spreading lies if you’re going to do the same thing.”

HuffPost’s Luke O’Brien further detailed Riches’ identity and his alleged history of trolling in a series of tweets:

The misidentification has continued, with rapper and actor Ice Cube also tweeting out the side-by-side image:

Fact-checking website Snopes has even jumped into the fray, labeling the photo as “miscaptioned.”​

Despite the calls to delete the tweets, neither Swan nor Ice Cube have pulled them down as of publication.​

Massachusetts Pastor And Rapper Ice Cube Tweet Photo Misidentifying ‘Cop’ Wearing ‘Make Whites Great Again’ Hat

On Wednesday, Bishop Talbert Swan, senior pastor of the Spring of Hope Church of God in Christ in Springfield, Massachusetts, sent out a tweet about the Minneapolis police officer who is alleged to have choked an unarmed African American man, George Floyd, on Monday after pinning him to the ground with his knee.


The tweet contained a side-by-side featuring two photos – a still image from the bystander video of the incident in question, and another of a man allegedly wearing a “Make Whites Great Again” hat.

The tweet reads: “Here is Derek Chauvin, the racist cop who kept his knee on #GeorgeFloyd’s neck, cut off his air passage and murdered him, wearing a ‘Make Whites Great Again’ hat, a clear sign that this piece of excrement should’ve been taken off the streets a long time ago. #JusticeFor Floyd.”​

Here’s the issue – as many have now pointed out on social media, the man in the second photo isn’t Derek Chauvin.​
Journalist Andy Ngo tweeted: “How many people have you wrongly identified to your audience of tens of thousands? @Twitter needs to fact check verified users who spread disinformation.”​

Ngo’s Tweet elicited a response from Swan, who wrote in two tweets:​

Pollster and political consultant Frank Luntz also replied to Swan’s tweet, identifying the man in the other photo as Jonathan Lee Riches: “That’s not the same guy. Don’t complain about Trump spreading lies if you’re going to do the same thing.”​
HuffPost’s Luke O’Brien further detailed Riches’ identity and his alleged history of trolling in a series of tweets:​

The misidentification has continued, with rapper and actor Ice Cube also tweeting out the side-by-side image:

Fact-checking website Snopes has even jumped into the fray, labeling the photo as “miscaptioned.”​
Despite the calls to delete the tweets, neither Swan nor Ice Cube have pulled them down as of publication.​

Lol they are so gullible
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Jesus. What is it with some in this thread with these huge straw man comments and reading comprehension?

I have stated the officers were completely in the wrong with the knee thing and should be held accountable. That doesn’t mean it’s “over policing” of why they were called there. Their presence and arrests were 100% justified. The officer placing his knee to the neck and causing positional asphyxiation is not
The newer footage show a compliant man in cuffs.
BTW, the crime he was accused of is usually handled with either a warrant (forgery) or a summons for lesser check cashing crimes.
Lol what else would have killed him?

The cop killed this man. All the BS about the facts and health conditions and everything else is smoke and mirrors. Had the cop not put his knee on the neck of a handcuffed man he would still be alive. Period. End of story. WTF is so hard about just saying this?

I know we are in agreement the cop needs to face the music here, I got it....but we need to be brutally honest about who is 100% and completely and totally to blame here.

The guy didn’t break the law or resist arrest?
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