Recruiting Forum Football Talk II

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We can't shut down the country for too much has already devastated a lot of small business owners here...odd you won't hear Bash-ear talking about that...this is destroying peoples lives and livelihoods.

The smarter, more logical thing to do would be for high risk folks to quarantine, help that group financially and logistically, and make nursing homes more secure by equipping them with the quick result tests for anybody going in or out till this passes.

The VAST majority of serious infection is among that group. That would be far less damaging, and they should already be staying away from everybody else.

If we can get over this first hump and put in aggressive testing and tracing methods, country-wide mitigation efforts may be avoidable. Regional shut downs may still be necessary. And distancing practices will likely persist until a vaccine is widely distributed.

There are lots of scenarios that make things better faster. I hope we can manage to get to one of those scenarios.
I know this whole unseen war with this virus is very serious and very difficult on everyone, but I just want to personally give a hearty, sincere THANK YOU to all medical personnel on the front lines, all first responders and to all truck drivers and delivery drivers who daily keep products moving to the grocery stores so we can have food and supplies available and to the store workers who get the products on the shelves. You are all war heroes in my book. God Bless all of you and please stay safe!
Does hauling poor sick people with no vehicle to their Doc appointments count?
China is too big geographically, and especially in population to police. They could shut cities down to a high degree (maybe) but there is no way they could police or doctor the heavily populated, and basically third world at best rural is just too freakin big.
A population is a lot easier to police if they are properly indoctrinated
It says the healthcare lobby in TN got their way at the expense of individual liberty.

It says that despite TN not having the exponential curve everyone is panicked about, that our Governor has given into political pressure.

It says that sooner or later some over-zealous law officer and some nearly-anarchist citizen have probably been set on a collision course.

It says that rather than punish the people truly being irresponsible by traveling to virus hotspots or exposing the sick/elderly; the entire populous is subject to be harrassed for trying to go pick up a prescription.

It says we are one step closer to not having football regardless of whether it is a risk or not. I am all for addressing risks, but this decision was not fact based. It happened because of the Sumner Co nursing home situation and the press it is going to get.

Who is on the collision course with @JacketVol
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